New FTDN February/Febrero 2018 (FWH 18.02)

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Antonio Linares
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New FTDN February/Febrero 2018 (FWH 18.02)

Post by Antonio Linares »

February 2018

* Enhancement: #define FW_VersionNo 18020 has been added to

* New Methods class TMenu

- Create TTreeView object from menu
- Similar to METHOD LoadFromMenu( oMenu ) CLASS TTreeView

METHOD MnuToTreeV( oParent, nTop, nLeft, nHeight, nWidth, nClrF, nClrB )
METHOD AddItemsTreeV( aItems, oItem )

- Create Tree object ( for xbrowse ) from menu
METHOD MnuTree( oMenu )

* Class TRichEdit5

- Rename Method nPages() to Pages()
- Modified Method Paste()
Now allow select type of data paste with new DATA
DATA aFmtsClpPaste INIT {}
Sample: oRTF:aFmtsClpPaste := { 13, 1, 7, 15 }
Only allow paste text ( not images or other data types )

* Class TRichEdit
- Added method and data as TRichEdit5
DATA aFmtsClpPaste INIT {}
Modified Method Paste
New Method Pages()

* Function SourceEdit ( MemoEdit.prg )

- Bug fixed in "Save" action button

- Methods End() and Destroy() assume DATA lModal was already initialized.
Calling these methods without calling Activate() results in runtime error.

- Fix: Due to a bug introduced in FWH1705, assigning codeblock to nClrText was
resulting in run-time error. Fixed.

Users of versions 1705 to 1801 may please apply this fix to tget.prg
Pleae remove the following lines of code from methods New() and Redefine()
if ValType( nClrFore ) == 'B'
::bColor := nClrFore
nClrFore := GetSysColor( COLOR_WINDOWTEXT )
- If width and height are not specified, they are calculated automatically.
But these calculations work correctly only for dialogs that are not on
folders and when lTruePixel is .f.. Now the calculations are correct in
all cases.

* TBITMAP (bitmap.prg)
Till ver 17.12 alpha bitmaps were painted transparently, even if :lTransparent
= .F., whereas in 18.01, setting :lTransparent to .T. is required.
Earlier behavior is restored.

- New: METHOD SaveAsHtml( cFile )
Allow save as html document file rtf
- New: METHOD ImportHtml()
Allow import document html and save as document rtf

- Enhancement: method ShowMessage(...). By default the message will be on display
till next keyboard or mouse event. If 2nd param (nSecs) is specified, the
message is diaplayed for the specified duration and closed.
- Enhancement: Tree Browse: In case a oTreeItem has DATA bAction, double-click
evaluates bAction with oTreeItem and oCol as parameters
- Symbol bitmaps are shown in text color.
- Col:bPopup now overrides oBrw:bPopup.
- New DATA: lProfiler INIT .f.
If set to .t., times taken for refresh, sort, maketotals are recorded in logfile

* Enhancement: Class TMail Method Activate() now properly support network drives.
Thanks to Enrico:


* Enhancement: Class TUrlLink Method LButtonDown added nRow, nCol to Eval( bAction, Self )
Eval( ::bAction, Self, nRow, nCol, nFlags )

RowSet object now correctly recognizes initial sort order when sort clause includes
aliased fields also.
When sql is "select fld1 as col1,fld2 as col2 from table t order by col2", initial
order is recognized correctly as col2.
When sql is "select fld1 as col2,fld2 as cole from table t order by t.fld2", initial
order was not correctly recognized till previous version. Now it is ok.

* DIALOG.CH: New clause RESIZABLE/RESIZEABLE: For creation of Dialog that can be
maximized, mimimized and resized.

* Enhancement: We are using MinGW 7.2.0 from here:

Placed a copy here:

to build FWH for MinGW gcc.
regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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