New FTDN May/Mayo 2011 (FWH 11.05)

New FTDN May/Mayo 2011 (FWH 11.05)

Postby Antonio Linares » Sat May 28, 2011 10:46 pm

May 2011

* Enhancement: Function SetCenterOnParent( LOnOff ) --> lOldStatus. Is a global function. When set to true, all dialogs using CENTER[ED] clause will be centered on the parent window, if specified, or the application's main window.

* Enhancement: In Command ACTIVATE DIALOG, when clause CENTERED has now an optional subclause "IN PARENT", when used the dialog is centered in the parent window / main window. This is not a global setting like SetCenterOnParent( LOnOff ), but applies to the current dialog only.

* Enhancements to BRUSHES for Gradients and resizalbe Image brushes.
- DEFINE BRUSH oBrush GRADIENT aGrad [VERTICAL] creates a gradient brush, which can be used with Windows and Dialogs. The brush is repainted properly when the window is resized.
These brushes can be used like any normal brushes with BRUSH clause of Window or Dialog of with SetBrush( oBrush ) method.
At present these brushes can be used with Dialogs and Windows only. There is no need to create gradients in ON INIT clause.

* Fix: Class TCheckBox method HandleEvent(), checkboxes were not properly painted.

* Fix: RPreview.Prg: Shadows were not being cleared when unzoomed. Fixed

* Enhancement: TRect class in rect.prg: (a) TRect():new() now accepts aRect also as a single paramter. Object can be instantiated either with TRect():New( nTop, nLeft, nBottom, nRight ) or TRect():New( aRect )
(b) New width or height can be assigned to oRect:nWidth or oRect:nHeight and nWidth and nBottom are changed correspondingly
(c) New Data: aRect: oRect:aRect returns an array of { oRect:nTop, oRect:nLeft, oRect:nBottom, oRect:nRight }

* Fix: IsAppThemed() function now correctly returns TRUE when the application is themed and also themes are enabled on the system.

* Enhancement: RPreview.prg: Aspect ratio of print paper size is retained properly on all screen resolutions, include wide monitors.

* Enhancement: Added clause 2007 support to DEFINE MSGBAR ... command

* New: a powerful example that shows you how to add scripting support into your own applications: samples\scripts.prg

* Fix: Window.Prg: Transparency was not working on some colors assigned to oWnd:nSeeThroClr. Now fixed.

* Enhancement: XBrowse.Prg: After sorting browse of RecordSet the row pointer remains on the same row.

* Fix: function FixSays() has been modified to support SS_ETCHEDHORZ style on labels.

* Fix: Class TRibbon: Stretching group now is working fine when resize window is launched

* Improvement: Class TRibbon with internal controls (TRGroup, TRBtn) added 2010 style

* Improvement: Class TMenu, added 2010 style, we can use a combination between 2010 and 2007

* Improvement: Class TMsgBar, added 2010 style

* Improvement: Class TMsgBar, the resize icon now is transparent in styles 2007 and 2010

* Enhancements: Class TRibbon, now we can use start button with the new clause STARTBTN <nOption>
new codeblock bOnBackStage, to be evaluated when oBackStage object is activated or deactivated

* New: RibbonBar designer, please review samples/rbdesign.prg. Still it is a work in progress though it
already provides a lot of great functionality.

* Enhancements: Some changes in Class TRibbonBar and TRBGroup required by the RibbonBar designer

* Enhancements RPreview.Prg:

RPrevUserBtns( bNewUserBtns, lnBarStyle, aSize )
If evaluation of bNewUserBtns returns .f., RPreview skips creation of "SaveAs" and "Export to Word" buttons, which are otherwise created by default.
Second parameter can be logical .t. to force 2007 style, compatible with previous versions, or can be a numeric value 2007 or 2010 to force 2007 or 2010 style to menus and msgbar. Buttonbar will be in 2007 style in both the cases. If nil is specified as second paramter, RPreview decides the style on the basis of the MainWindow if any,
Array of two numeric/nil values can be specified as third paramter to force width and/or height of buttonbar.
By deault, RPreview tries to ascertain appropriate style, ie., 2007, 2010 or 97look, by examining the styles of Menu, MsgBar, Ribbonbar or Buttonbar of MainWindow, if the application has one. If no such style can be ascertained and if the appilcation is themed, Rebar and statusbar are used instead of buttonbar and msgbar.

* New: samples/changrad.prg, shows how to use the new Class TChooseGradient

* New: Class TChooseGradient. Please review samples/changgrad.prg
regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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Antonio Linares
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