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Re: New FTDN September/Septiembre 2015 (FWH 15.09)

PostPosted: Thu Oct 15, 2015 2:57 pm
by Antonio Linares
FWH 15.09 build 3 is already available! :-)

October 2015 (revised build)

* Enhancement: Menus and other controls full support unicode

* Enhancement: Menus full compatibility Backward

* Enhancement: Menus Items Multiline

* Enhancement: Unused VBX functions have been removed from dialog.prg

* Enhancement: function MemoEdit() for FWH 64 was shown in a different way
from 32 bits. Now it is ok.

September 2015 (revised build)

* Fix: Fixed bug in function ExtTextOut().

* Unicode support extended to messagebar, TOutlook (all versions), TTreeView, TExplorerbar, TVistamenu, Tooltips, c5tooltips, etc

* Enhancement: Tooltip of oBtn TGet

September 2015
* Enhancement: Command ButtonBar of

#xcommand DEFINE BUTTONBAR [ <oBar> ] ;
[ <size: SIZE, BUTTONSIZE, SIZEBUTTON > <nWidth>, <nHeight> ] ;
[ <_3d: _3D, 3D, 3DLOOK, _3DLOOK> ] ;
[ <wnd: OF, WINDOW, DIALOG> <oWnd> ] ;
[ CURSOR <oCursor> ] ;
[ <l2007: 2007, _2007> ] ;
[ <l2010: 2010, _2010> ] ;
[ <l2013: 2013, _2013> ] ;
[ <lNoBorder: NOBORDER> ] ;
[ BRUSH <oBrush> ];
[ COLOR <nColor> ];
[ <l2015: 2015, _2015> ] ;
[ HEIGHT <nAlto> ] ;
=> ;
[ <oBar> := ] TBar():New( <oWnd>, <nWidth>, <nHeight>, <._3d.>,;
[ Upper(<(mode)>) ], <oCursor>, <.l2007.>, <.l2010.>, <.l2013.>,;
[!<.lNoBorder.>], <oBrush>, , <nColor>,, <.l2015.>, <nAlto> )

* New: DATA of TBar: l2015, new look

* New: DATA of TBar: lBorder

* Enhancement: TMenu, Font to the window does not apply to menu

* New: DATA of TMenu: nFactor, visual adjustment percentage for the
menus to change the font size of the operating system

* New: DATA of TMenu: nRightSp, set number of spaces to the right
of the item to set the width of menus

* Unicode support extended to all controls. Existing applications
turn into multi-lingual unicode application by inserting one line
of code in the Main function

FW_SetUnicode( .t. )

This being a major revision, we request the users to provide
feedback to help improvements.

* It is the ulitmate aim that a single application can simultaneously
have different ANSI and Unicode windows at the sametime and also
one window/dialog to contain some Ansi and some Unicode controls.
But for now it is desirable to have the entire application either as
Ansi or as Unicode. However even in a Unicode application, every effort
has been makde to maintain full backward compatibility of Ansi text
opetaions including accented characters. Any feedback on this aspect
will be highly appreciated and promptly responded.

* Fix: Edit.prg: fixed excess release of font when font clause is used.

* Enhancement: Unicode support for common messageboxesm MsgInfo(),
MsgAlert(), MsgStop(), MsgYesNo(), MsgNoYes(), MsgRetryCancel(),
MsgAbout(), MsgRun, MsgWait(). MsgText and Title can be any
combination of UTF8/ANSI. Buttons are shown in the default
language installed.

* MsgGet() supports unicode display and edit if FW_SetUnicode()
is set to TRUE.

* MemoEdit() supports unicode display and multilingual edit
if FW_SetUnicode() is set to TRUE

* Enhancement: TEdit control supports multiline mode.
- Supports multi-lingual edit from keyboard / paste.
- Supports password clause

* Enhancement: GetTextWidth(). Optionally text height can be
retrieved in the 4th parameter if passed by reference.

* New: functions CompareString( nLocaleID, cUtfStr1, cUtfStr2 ) and
CompareStringEx( cLocaleName, cUtfStr1, cUtfStr2 ) adopting Win API
for comparing UTF8 stings,

* New: DATA ncLocalID of TXBrwColumn: If provided UTF8 data in
a column in an arry can be sorted like other columns

* Enhancement: XBrowse: Reasonable functionality for Unicode Incremental
Seeks, etc.

Re: New FTDN September/Septiembre 2015 (FWH 15.09)

PostPosted: Sat Oct 17, 2015 7:57 pm
by Marco Turco
there are still problems displaying menu with 15.09 build 3.

Re: New FTDN September/Septiembre 2015 (FWH 15.09)

PostPosted: Sat Oct 17, 2015 8:27 pm
by cnavarro
You can explain what has been noted?


Re: New FTDN September/Septiembre 2015 (FWH 15.09)

PostPosted: Sun Oct 18, 2015 1:33 pm
by Marco Turco
please have a look to the menus on this video

Re: New FTDN September/Septiembre 2015 (FWH 15.09)

PostPosted: Sun Oct 18, 2015 2:05 pm
by cnavarro
Marco Turco wrote:Hi,
please have a look to the menus on this video

As defined by the menu?
Please rebuild your application


Re: New FTDN September/Septiembre 2015 (FWH 15.09)

PostPosted: Sun Oct 18, 2015 3:19 pm
by Antonio Linares

Could you please show how you build the menu ?

Could you provide a small example to reproduce it ?

I am testing FWH\samples\fivedit.prg or fivedbu.prg and the menus are working fine.
Could you test them ? thanks

Re: New FTDN September/Septiembre 2015 (FWH 15.09)

PostPosted: Wed Oct 28, 2015 11:37 am
by Antonio Linares
FWH 15.09 build 4 already published

October 2015 ( 15.09 revised build - 4 )

* Fix: Menus in Windows XP

* New: Samples Multilin0.prg and MenuClr.prg

* New: TPrinter class new methods:
1) SayText( nRow, nCol, cText, [nWidth], [nHeight], [oFont], [cAlign], [nClrText], [nClrBack] )
Prints multi-line text with word-wrap in the rectangle formed by nRow,nCol,nWidth,nHeight.
By default width and height are limited to 90% of the page-size.
By default the text is aligned to Top-Left of the rectangle.

2) PrintImage( nRow, nCol, uImage, nWidth, nHeight, lStretch, nAlpha, lTransp, lGray )
Alternative method to SayImage.
Accepts any image file, resource, memory buffer, bitmap handle, TBitmap or TImage
or TXImage Object and does not require freeimage.dll.

3) SayBitmap method improved. Now SayBitmap also accepts any image file, resource,
memory buffer or bitmap handle and does not require freeimage.dll

* Fixes for Unicode support:
1) Combobox with bitmaps
2) Password Gets

* Fix: MsgBar: Vertical centering of messages, prompts and bitmaps rectified.

Re: New FTDN September/Septiembre 2015 (FWH 15.09)

PostPosted: Fri Nov 06, 2015 4:59 pm
by Antonio Linares
And finally here it is FWH 15.09 build 5:

* Enhancement: TMenuitem, allows use of bmps, pngs, jpgs
Thanks to Manuel Alvarez ( mastintin )

* Enhancement: function ABPaint() now accepts a sixth and seventh parameters to
directly resize the painted image. Thanks to Enrico!

* Enhancement: TXImage: Can now be created from resource.
New data lUseGDI default .t. If set to .f., uses FI

* New function FW_UTF8PADR( cText, nBytes )

October 2015 ( 15.09 revised build - 4 )

* Fix: Menus in Windows XP

* New: Samples Multilin0.prg and MenuClr.prg

* New: TPrinter class new methods:
1) SayText( nRow, nCol, cText, [nWidth], [nHeight], [oFont], [cAlign], [nClrText], [nClrBack] )
Prints multi-line text with word-wrap in the rectangle formed by nRow,nCol,nWidth,nHeight.
By default width and height are limited to 90% of the page-size.
By default the text is aligned to Top-Left of the rectangle.

2) PrintImage( nRow, nCol, uImage, nWidth, nHeight, lStretch, nAlpha, lTransp, lGray )
Alternative method to SayImage.
Accepts any image file, resource, memory buffer, bitmap handle, TBitmap or TImage
or TXImage Object and does not require freeimage.dll.

3) SayBitmap method improved. Now SayBitmap also accepts any image file, resource,
memory buffer or bitmap handle and does not require freeimage.dll

* Fixes for Unicode support:
1) Combobox with bitmaps
2) Password Gets

* Fix: MsgBar: Vertical centering of messages, prompts and bitmaps rectified.

October 2015 ( 15.09 revised build)

* Enhancement: Menus and other controls full support unicode

* Enhancement: Menus full compatibility Backward

* Enhancement: Menus Items Multiline

* Enhancement: Unused VBX functions have been removed from dialog.prg

* Enhancement: function MemoEdit() for FWH 64 was shown in a different way
from 32 bits. Now it is ok.