Image-convert, crop and resize ( full source included )

Image-convert, crop and resize ( full source included )

Postby ukoenig » Fri Aug 26, 2011 9:30 pm


a Part of my Image-converter, to include in Your Application
Format-convert, Crop and Resize.
Full Souce is included :

Download ( 3.4 MB ) :

The Dialogs ( Convert, Resize and Crop ) don't need any Exit/close-buttons.
Open Dialogs are closed automatically, as soon a Button is selected !!!.

Select a Image from subdirectory /Images/???


Available format from FREEIMAGE

BMP Windows or OS/2 Bitmap File (*.BMP)
DDS DirectDraw Surface (*.DDS)
FAXG3 Raw Fax format CCITT G3 (*.G3)
GIF Graphics Interchange Format (*.GIF)
ICO Windows Icon (*.ICO)
IFF Amiga IFF (*.IFF, *.LBM)
JNG JPEG Network Graphics (*.JNG)
JPEG Independent JPEG Group (*.JPG, *.JIF, *.JPEG, *.JPE)
KOALA Commodore 64 Koala format (*.KOA)
PBM Portable Bitmap (ASCII) (*.PBM)
PBMRAW Portable Bitmap (BINARY) (*.PBM)
PCD Kodak PhotoCD (*.PCD)
PCX Zsoft Paintbrush PCX bitmap format (*.PCX)
PGM Portable Graymap (ASCII) (*.PGM)
PGMRAW Portable Graymap (BINARY) (*.PGM)
PNG Portable Network Graphics (*.PNG)
PPM Portable Pixelmap (ASCII) (*.PPM)
PPMRAW Portable Pixelmap (BINARY) (*.PPM)
PSD Adobe Photoshop (*.PSD)
RAS Sun Rasterfile (*.RAS)
SGI Silicon Graphics SGI image format (*.SGI)
TARGA Truevision Targa files (*.TGA, *.TARGA)
TIFF Tagged Image File Format (*.TIF, *.TIFF)
WBMP Wireless Bitmap (*.WBMP)
XBM X11 Bitmap Format (*.XBM)
XPM X11 Pixmap Format (*.XPM)


Resize horizontal, vertical or percent :


Click Top/Left and Bottom/Right to Crop a Image-area


From a Dialog, You can export to a defined Directory
View the created Script, restore to Original or View the Result


Best Regards
Uwe :lol:
Last edited by ukoenig on Sat Aug 27, 2011 8:03 am, edited 2 times in total.
Since 1995 ( the first release of FW 1.9 )
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Re: Image-convert, crop and resize ( full source included )

Postby FranciscoA » Fri Aug 26, 2011 10:40 pm

Uwe, thanks.
Francisco J. Alegría P.
Chinandega, Nicaragua.

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Re: Image-convert, crop and resize ( full source included )

Postby Bayron » Sat Aug 27, 2011 1:44 am

Thanks Uwe!!!

Bayron Landaverry
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Re: Image-convert, crop and resize ( full source included )

Postby ukoenig » Sat Aug 27, 2011 10:52 am

Thank You very much for the response.
I hope it will be useful.

Here is a multimedia-help for the Tool :

Download :


Maybe You still need some more Scripts ?
It is easy to include more Filters.


Flip and Rotate
cScript1 := '-quiet -o ' + cNewfile + ' -rotate_flag smooth -rotate 90 -overwrite ' + cOrgfile
cScript1 := '-quiet -o ' + cNewfile + ' -rotate_flag smooth -rotate 180 -overwrite ' + cOrgfile
cScript1 := '-quiet -o ' + cNewfile + ' -rotate_flag smooth -rotate 270 -overwrite ' + cOrgfile
cScript1 := '-quiet -o ' + cNewfile + ' -rotate_flag smooth -yflip -overwrite ' + cOrgfile
cScript1 := '-quiet -o ' + cNewfile + ' -rotate_flag smooth -xflip -overwrite ' + cOrgfile

// nSharpen = %
cScript2 := '-quiet -o ' + cNewFile + ' -sharpen ' + ALLTRIM(STR(nSharpen)) + ' -overwrite ' + cOrgfile

// nContrast = %
cScript3 := '-quiet -o ' + cNewFile + ' -contrast ' + ALLTRIM(STR(nContrast)) + ' -overwrite ' + cOrgfile

// nLens = % of Image ( 100 % = Circle fills complete )
cScript4 := '-quiet -o ' + cNewFile + ' -lens ' + ALLTRIM(STR(nLens)) + ' -overwrite ' + cOrgfile

Adding Watermark
// cWBitmapL = Watermakfile
// nWLeft = Left
// nWTop = Top
// nWTransp = transparent-level

cScript5 := '-quiet -o ' + cNewFile + ' -wmfile ' + cWBitmapL + ' -wmpos ' + ALLTRIM(STR(nWLeft)) + ' ' + ALLTRIM(STR(nWTop)) + ' -wmopacity ' + ALLTRIM(STR(nWTransp)) + ' -overwrite ' + cOrgfile

// -% = darker, +% = lighter
cScript6 := '-quiet -o ' + cNewFile + ' -brightness ' + ALLTRIM(STR(nBright)) + ' -overwrite ' + cOrgfile

cScript7 := '-quiet -o ' + cNewFile + ' -emboss -overwrite ' + cOrgfile

Convert to Grey
cScript8 := '-quiet -o ' + cNewFile + ' -grey ' + ALLTRIM(STR(nGray)) + ' -overwrite ' + cOrgfile

// nMosaic = %
cScript9 := '-quiet -o ' + cNewFile + ' -mosaic ' + ALLTRIM(STR(nMosaic)) + ' -overwrite ' + cOrgfile

// nSwirl = %
cScript10 := '-quiet -o ' + cNewFile + ' -swirl ' + ALLTRIM(STR(nSwirl)) + ' -overwrite ' + cOrgfile

Best Regards
uwe :lol:
Since 1995 ( the first release of FW 1.9 )
i work with FW.
If you have any questions about special functions, maybe i can help.
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Re: Image-convert, crop and resize ( full source included )

Postby cuatecatl82 » Sat Aug 24, 2013 3:39 am

Greetings Uwe:

Excellent work i had been very useful, I liked about the entire help file, but i have a question: how can you that the images will take effect for passing from one to another?

I am working with images and i would like them to go aquick

Thanks.. :lol: :lol:
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Re: Image-convert, crop and resize ( full source included )

Postby cuatecatl82 » Wed Aug 28, 2013 12:34 am

Up +1 :oops: :oops: :cry:
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Re: Image-convert, crop and resize ( full source included )

Postby HunterEC » Wed Aug 28, 2013 5:01 am


Like always, superb job !
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Re: Image-convert, crop and resize ( full source included )

Postby cuatecatl82 » Wed Aug 28, 2013 1:05 pm

Good Day Forum:

I found that with the example in made, unfortunately is not built with Fivewin, is an independent image editor:
Multimedia Builder, is very interesant and interactive..

Greetings. :oops: :oops:
Soluciones y Diseño de Software
Damos Soluciones...

I.S.C. Victor Daniel Cuatecatl Leon
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Re: Image-convert, crop and resize ( full source included )

Postby karinha » Wed Aug 28, 2013 2:01 pm

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Re: Image-convert, crop and resize ( full source included )

Postby Silvio.Falconi » Wed Sep 18, 2013 9:27 am

Uwe ,
where is the source code of help1.exe ?
Since from 1991/1992 ( fw for clipper Rel. 14.4 - Momos)
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Re: Image-convert, crop and resize ( full source included )

Postby ukoenig » Wed Sep 18, 2013 10:42 am

Help-files, I'm creating with a external Multimedia Builder.
A compiler is included, to create a stand-alone EXE-file.
Many multimedia-effect are possible.

Víctor posted =>
I found that with the example in made, unfortunately is not built with Fivewin, is an independent image editor:
Multimedia Builder, is very interesant and interactive..

Best Regards
Uwe :lol:
Since 1995 ( the first release of FW 1.9 )
i work with FW.
If you have any questions about special functions, maybe i can help.
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