FiveDBU translation using FWH strings API

FiveDBU translation using FWH strings API

Postby Antonio Linares » Thu Aug 22, 2013 10:10 am

We are implementing the FWH strings API to translate FiveDBU, I appreciate if you help us with these strings for French, German, Portugese and Italian, thanks

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regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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Re: FiveDBU translation using FWH strings API

Postby ADutheil » Thu Aug 22, 2013 11:12 am

Portuguese added. As usal native speakers should correct me. Antônio I noticed there are some repeated strings. Is it intended?

{{"Recent files", "Ficheros recientes", "Arquivos recentes" },;
{ "Open this file", "Abrir este fichero", "Abrir este arquivo" },;
{ "Recent ADO connections", "Conexiones ADO recientes", "Conexões ADO recentes" },;
{ "Recent ADO connections strings", "Cadenas de conexión ADO recientes", "Cadeias de conexão ADO recentes" },;
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André Dutheil
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Re: FiveDBU translation using FWH strings API

Postby Antonio Linares » Thu Aug 22, 2013 11:31 am


thanks! :-)

For other contributors, please use this order:


Duplicates are not intented but they will not break our app (this is good from FWH strings API), anyhow lets remove them :-)
regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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Re: FiveDBU translation using FWH strings API

Postby Richard Chidiak » Thu Aug 22, 2013 12:26 pm

French translations,



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{ "Recent files", "Ficheros recientes","Fichiers récents" },;
{ "Open this file", "Abrir este fichero","Ouvrir ce fichier" },;
{ "Recent ADO connections", "Conexiones ADO recientes","Connexions ADO récentes" },;
{ "Recent ADO connections strings", "Cadenas de conexión ADO recientes","chaînes de connexion ADO récentes" },;
{ "Connect to this ADO database", "Conectar a esta base de datos ADO","Se Connecter à Cette base de données ADO" },;
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{ "Imp/Exp", "Imp/Exp", "Imp/Exp" },;
{ "Report", "Reporte" ,"Rapport"},;
{ "FileName", "Nombre del fichero","Nom du fichier" },;
{ "nondeleted", "No borrado",Non Supprimé },;
{ "Ordered by", "Ordenado por","Ordonné par" },;
{ "Natural order", "Orden natural","ordre naturel" },;
{ "Edit", "Editar","Editer" },;
{ "Save", "Guardar","Sauvegarder" },;
{ "Prev", "Anterior","Précédent" },;
{ "Value", "Valor","Valeur" },;
{ "Please select a DBF", "Por favor seleccione una DBF","Veuillez sélectionner un fichier DBF" }

Fwh 13.05 Harbour 3.2 MSVC 2013
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Richard Chidiak
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Re: FiveDBU translation using FWH strings API

Postby Antonio Linares » Thu Aug 22, 2013 1:31 pm


Merci! :-)

We still need German and Italian, thanks!
regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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