Ideas for the ribbon class

Ideas for the ribbon class

Postby Silvio » Tue Sep 29, 2009 2:14 pm

I tried to modify the ribbon class to insert a circular button and a small buttonbar on top ( with the possibilty to insert small buttons on it)

this is the result


First problem : the circular button is not transparent

Second problem :the small buttonbar is not as small bar of ribbonbar of the office bar 2007

It must be as this picture

but I not found a solution to create it with polypoligon function

What I made ?

I add these DATA

DATA oBtnCircular
DATA oBtnSmallBar

And on New Method I add these Lines :

// to create small bar

::oBtnSmallBar1 := TRBGroup():New(self, 1, 60,;
30, ::nRight , ;
2, , , , ,,;
::hBrushEx, , , , Self, )

// to create circular button

::oBtnCircular := TRBtn():New(2, 2, 50, 50, "c:\work\fwh\bitmaps\btnstr0.bmp", ;
, Self )

then I try to insert button on small buttonbar But I think this must be made with other commands

::oBtnSmallBar1: AddButton( 2, 2, 28, 20, , ;
,, , "C:\work\FWH\bitmaps\16x16\new2.bmp", , ;
.t., , , , , )

::oBtnSmallBar1: AddButton( 2, 32, 28, 20, , ;
,, , "C:\work\FWH\bitmaps\16x16\save.bmp", , ;
.t., , , , , )

::oBtnSmallBar1: AddButton( 2, 60, 28, 20, , ;
,, , "C:\work\FWH\bitmaps\16x16\inspect.bmp", , ;
.t., , , , , )

::oBtnSmallBar1: AddButton( 2, 60, 28, 20, , ;
,, , "C:\work\FWH\bitmaps\16x16\inspect.bmp", , ;
.t., , , , , )

but it is only my idea ..Antonio and Daniel could modify it ...
Best Regards, Saludos

Falconi Silvio
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Re: Ideas for the ribbon class

Postby ukoenig » Tue Sep 29, 2009 3:11 pm

There are no problems, to place Alpha-Blended-BMP's inside a Ribbonbar or Group
Also it is possible, to paint any small Gradient-Bars on a Ribbonbar.


The same Buttons, used for a Buttonbar Style 2007.
Position, height and length can be defined.


Best Regards
Uwe :lol:
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Re: Ideas for the ribbon class

Postby Silvio » Tue Sep 29, 2009 4:32 pm

Uwe ,
Sorry but I not insert a button on ribbon bar ...look my message please first to write this
Do U understand what I mean to create ?

I want create this :
Best Regards, Saludos

Falconi Silvio
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Re: Ideas for the ribbon class

Postby Otto » Wed Sep 30, 2009 2:34 pm

RibbonBar: Application button, Quickaccess toolbar

Hello Silvio,

The Application button and a Quickaccess toolbar are really missing.
But I think we should ask FIVETECH about their plans before.
Does FIVETECH plan to add an Application button and a Quickaccess toolbar?
If yes what will be the timeframe?

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Re: Ideas for the ribbon class

Postby Antonio Linares » Fri Oct 02, 2009 4:49 pm


Yes, we are going to add those missing functionalities as soon as possible :-)
regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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Re: Ideas for the ribbon class

Postby Silvio » Fri Oct 02, 2009 7:45 pm

I see on ribbonclass there is a method to show a popup window but I not Know How show it if I click on the black arrow
the method is PopupGroup() of trbgroup
Best Regards, Saludos

Falconi Silvio
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