Text file processing.

Text file processing.

Postby HunterEC » Mon Nov 02, 2009 4:47 pm

What class / command / function can I use to process (READ / WRITE ) Text files ? Are there any samples ? Thank you.
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Re: Text file processing.

Postby Otto » Mon Nov 02, 2009 5:29 pm

I use:
memowrit( "info.txt",cText)
Memoread(cAppPath + "\ini\update.txt")

Best regards,
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Re: Text file processing.

Postby ukoenig » Mon Nov 02, 2009 5:41 pm

The way to write a Textfile ( PRG ) with formatted Textlines , read with a Editor, compile and run the EXE-file :
A Example, to write the Source for a Window with included Buttons.
I use it in all of my Tools, to write the Source and create a EXE-File.

Code: Select all  Expand view


cNewFile := c_path + "\PROJECT.prg"
cNewFile1 := c_path + "\PROJECT.EXE"

DELETE FILE  "&cNewFile"
DELETE FILE   "&cNewFile1"

NEW_SOURCE() // Creates the Textfile ( PRG )

IF FILE ( c_path + "\PROJECT.PRG" )
    // File exists open with Editor
    WAITRUN( "Wordpad.exe " + c_path + "\PROJECT.prg" ) // copy from .PRG
    // Close Editor and create EXE-File
    IF MsgYesNo( "Do you want to Create / Run : PROJECT.exe ?","PROJECT")   
        WAITRUN( "GO.BAT"  ) // the Link-File, to create the EXE
        IF FILE ( c_path + "\PROJECT.EXE" )
            WINEXEC( "PROJECT.EXE" )
            MsgAlert( "The file : PROJECT.EXE " + CRLF + ;
                  "is not created !","Error" )
    MsgAlert( "The File : " + CRLF + ;
            "PROJECT.PRG" + CRLF + ;
            "is not created !", "Error" )


// ------- Create the Text-File ( PRG ) --------------------------------

// A Example, how to include Var's :
// oText:Add('Gradient( hDC, { 0, 0, oDlg:nHeight, oDlg:nWidth }, ' + ALLTRIM( STR(W_COLOR1)) + ", " + ALLTRIM( STR(W_COLOR2)) + ', .F. )')
// Including a Textstring You must use ' and " it looks like : oText:Add('Adding Text-String : ' + "Test" + ' LineEnd' )


cNewFile := c_path + "\PROJECT.PRG"
IF FILE ("&cNewFile")
    DELETE FILE  "&cNewFile"

oText := TTxtFile():New( "&cNewFile" )

IF oText:Open()
    oText:Add('#include "FiveWin.ch"')
    oText:Add('#include "TTitle.ch"')
    oText:Add('#include "Image.ch"')
    oText:Add("static oWnd, oButtFont" )
    oText:Add("FUNCTION Main()")
    oText:Add('LOCAL oBtn1, oBtn2, hDC, oBrush, oImage')
    oText:Add("LOCAL nWidth := GetSysMetrics(0)")
    oText:Add("LOCAL nHeight := GetSysMetrics(1)")
    oText:Add("SET _3DLOOK ON" )
    oText:Add("SetBalloon( .T. )" )
    oText:Add('c_path := CURDRIVE() + ":\" + GETCURDIR()')
    oText:Add('oProgFont := TFont():New("Arial", ,-14,.F.,.F. , , , ,.F. ) ')
    oText:Add('DEFINE WINDOW  oWnd  TITLE "VTitle Test" ')
    oText:Add('oButtFont := TFont():New("Arial",0,-16,.F.,.T.,0,0,0,.T. ) ')
    oText:Add('DEFINE IMAGE oImage FILENAME c_path + "\Images\BACKGRD.JPG" ')
    oText:Add("@ nHeight - 160, nWidth - 420 BTNBMP oBtn1 SIZE 200, 60 OF oWnd  2007 ;" )
    oText:Add('FILENAME c_path + "\Images\select.bmp" ;')
    oText:Add("LEFT ;" )
    oText:Add('PROMPT "  &Preview VTitle " ; ')
    oText:Add("FONT oButtFont ;" )
    oText:Add("ACTION Tools(oWnd)" )  
    oText:Add("oBtn1:lTransparent = .t. " )  
    oText:Add('oBtn1:cTooltip :=  { "Open" + CRLF + ;')
    oText:Add('       "the VTitlt-Painter","VTitle-Painter", 1, CLR_BLACK, 14089979 }' )
    oText:Add("@ nHeight - 160, nWidth - 200 BTNBMP oBtn2 SIZE 150, 60 OF oWnd  2007 ;" )
    oText:Add('FILENAME c_path + "\Images\exit.bmp" ;' )
    oText:Add("LEFT ;" )
    oText:Add('PROMPT "  &Exit  " ;' )
    oText:Add("FONT oButtFont ;" )
    oText:Add("ACTION oWnd:End()" )  
    oText:Add("oBtn2:lTransparent = .t." )  
    oText:Add('oBtn2:cTooltip :=  { "Close" + CRLF + ;' )
    oText:Add('        "the VTitle-Painter","Close Window", 1, CLR_BLACK, 14089979 }' )
    oText:Add('ON PAINT ( DRAWBITMAP( hdc, oImage:hbitmap, 0, 0, nWidth, nHeight ) ) ;')
    oText:Add('VALID MsgYesNo( "Do you want to end?" )')
    oText:Add('RETURN( NIL )')



Best Regards
Uwe :lol:
Since 1995 ( the first release of FW 1.9 )
i work with FW.
If you have any questions about special functions, maybe i can help.
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Re: Text file processing.

Postby HunterEC » Mon Nov 02, 2009 6:31 pm

Otto, Ukoenig:

Thank you for your responses. :D What I'm trying to do is process a huge (3.9GB) CSV file, read it line by line and split it in n lines pieces so I can import it to dbf files. I'm doing it because I have not found a single software that is able to import such a file. I think that the dBaseIII format has a 2GB limitation. So I'm importing it in various pieces. Basically I'm reading the line until I find CHR(13) + CHR(10) and then continue with the next. Thank you.
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Re: Text file processing.

Postby Otto » Mon Nov 02, 2009 8:12 pm

Best regards,

Please have a look at this threads:
Maybe you can use strtoken.


Antonio shows how to read large files:


Some years ago we helped a company to test several third party tools for such purpouse and finally implemented our own solution to make the fastest search on all fields of a DBF.

We found with great surprise that the solution was to open the DBF as a standard file with FOpen(), read a bunch of bytes in memory and perform a simple At() to locate a string. Once found, you substract the DBF header length, then divide the offset by the record size and you get the record number. At() is an extremelly fast function as it is directly performed by the processor.

These days that we use 32 bits flat memory, I guess there is no need to use a bunch of bytes, so the entire DBF may be loaded in memory doing a MemoRead() of the DBF file, or several bunchs if it is too large, so the code may get simpler.

We compared this way with other available third party tools, and we found that ours was the fastest one
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Re: Text file processing.

Postby Kleyber » Mon Nov 02, 2009 9:04 pm

Hi Hunter,

Why don't you use the TExcel class or TOleauto class to import this CSV file into various dbf files? Just a suggestion.

Kleyber Derick

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Re: Text file processing.

Postby Antonio Linares » Mon Nov 02, 2009 10:56 pm


If you need to read line by line, we have found that this is a very fast way to do it, much faster than using MemoLine():
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function ExtractLine( cText, nFrom )

  local cLine, nAt

  nAt := At( CRLF, SubStr( cText, nFrom ) )

  if nAt > 0
    cLine := Substr( cText, nFrom, nAt - 1 )
    nFrom += nAt + 1
    cLine := Substr( cText, nFrom )
    nFrom := Len( cText ) + 1

return cLine

nFrom must be supplied by reference and initialized with 1:
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   local nFrom := 1
   local nLen  := Len( cText )

    While nFrom <= nLen
       cLine  := ExtractLine( cText, @nFrom )
regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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