... C.ID < 101
oRs := oCn:RowSet( cSql )
if oRs != nil
// In this Rowset, fields ID and STATEMANE are readonly
// Please build your TDataRow Edit code here
// reproduing the error
return nil
and test it at your end
I will also test at my end.
Then ...
Search found 436 matches: tdatarow
Searched query: tdatarow
- Mon Oct 28, 2024 4:43 am
- Forum: FiveWin for Harbour/xHarbour
- Topic: TDATAROW ERROR : Error BASE/39 Write not allowed
- Replies: 12
- Views: 3405
- Sun Oct 27, 2024 3:23 pm
- Forum: FiveWin for Harbour/xHarbour
- Topic: TDATAROW ERROR : Error BASE/39 Write not allowed
- Replies: 12
- Views: 3405
Re: TDATAROW ERROR : Error BASE/39 Write not allowed
Dear Rao Sir ,
I apologize resuming to this topic very late. May I request you to help on this.
I apologize resuming to this topic very late. May I request you to help on this.
- Sun Aug 18, 2024 4:52 pm
- Forum: FiveWin for Harbour/xHarbour
- Topic: TDATAROW ERROR : Error BASE/39 Write not allowed
- Replies: 12
- Views: 3405
Re: TDATAROW ERROR : Error BASE/39 Write not allowed
Yes..! , Both Function are working fine
TDataRow method Edit() automatically creates Gets for all datas and that is working fine.
Are you able to see the Get for the data itemgrp_name also?
This method automatically recognizes if a data is readonly and then creates the Get suitably.
When these ...
TDataRow method Edit() automatically creates Gets for all datas and that is working fine.
Are you able to see the Get for the data itemgrp_name also?
This method automatically recognizes if a data is readonly and then creates the Get suitably.
When these ...
- Sun Aug 18, 2024 4:15 pm
- Forum: FiveWin for Harbour/xHarbour
- Topic: TDATAROW ERROR : Error BASE/39 Write not allowed
- Replies: 12
- Views: 3405
Re: TDATAROW ERROR : Error BASE/39 Write not allowed
... Function are working fine. I had overlooked. I tried to change GET with READONLY. But still the error is exists.
oItemRs:Edit() is same as TDataRow():New( oItemRs ):Edit()
TDataRow():New( oItemRs ):Edit()
Error :
Path and name: G:\vimcosoft\V9ACC\v9acc.exe (32 ...
oItemRs:Edit() is same as TDataRow():New( oItemRs ):Edit()
TDataRow():New( oItemRs ):Edit()
Error :
Path and name: G:\vimcosoft\V9ACC\v9acc.exe (32 ...
- Sat Aug 17, 2024 2:55 am
- Forum: FiveWin for Harbour/xHarbour
- Topic: TDATAROW ERROR : Error BASE/39 Write not allowed
- Replies: 12
- Views: 3405
Re: TDATAROW ERROR : Error BASE/39 Write not allowed
In this code
@ nGetRow, 150 SAY ":" GET aoGETRO[ 5 ] VAR oItemRec:main_uom_name SIZE 200, C_GETH PIXEL OF oWnd ;
Please do not use WHEN clause. Use READONLY clause
Like this:
@ nGetRow, 150 SAY ":" GET aoGETRO[ 5 ] VAR oItemRec:main_uom_name ...
@ nGetRow, 150 SAY ":" GET aoGETRO[ 5 ] VAR oItemRec:main_uom_name SIZE 200, C_GETH PIXEL OF oWnd ;
Please do not use WHEN clause. Use READONLY clause
Like this:
@ nGetRow, 150 SAY ":" GET aoGETRO[ 5 ] VAR oItemRec:main_uom_name ...
- Sat Aug 17, 2024 2:45 am
- Forum: FiveWin for Harbour/xHarbour
- Topic: TDATAROW ERROR : Error BASE/39 Write not allowed
- Replies: 12
- Views: 3405
Re: TDATAROW ERROR : Error BASE/39 Write not allowed
oItemRs:Edit() is same as TDataRow():New( oItemRs ):Edit()
Please try
and let us know.
Please try
Code: Select all | Expand
TDataRow():New( oItemRs ):Edit()
- Wed Aug 14, 2024 4:24 pm
- Forum: FiveWin for Harbour/xHarbour
- Topic: TDATAROW ERROR : Error BASE/39 Write not allowed
- Replies: 12
- Views: 3405
Re: TDATAROW ERROR : Error BASE/39 Write not allowed
... Sir ,
Sorry for the late replying...!!
Is oItemRs:Edit() not working in FWH24.04? What is the error you are getting?
oItemRs:Edit() is working fine in both FWH 23.10 and FWH24.04 version. THE TDATAROW IS NOT WORKING IN VERSION FWH 24.04 BUT IT IS WORKING FINE IN FWH 23.10.
Sorry for the late replying...!!
Is oItemRs:Edit() not working in FWH24.04? What is the error you are getting?
oItemRs:Edit() is working fine in both FWH 23.10 and FWH24.04 version. THE TDATAROW IS NOT WORKING IN VERSION FWH 24.04 BUT IT IS WORKING FINE IN FWH 23.10.
- Mon Aug 05, 2024 11:45 pm
- Forum: FiveWin for Harbour/xHarbour
- Topic: TDATAROW ERROR : Error BASE/39 Write not allowed
- Replies: 12
- Views: 3405
Re: TDATAROW ERROR : Error BASE/39 Write not allowed
Is oItemRs:Edit() not working in FWH24.04? What is the error you are getting?I have tested in FWH 23.10 and it is working FINE. But NOT working in FWH 24.04
- Mon Aug 05, 2024 4:54 pm
- Forum: FiveWin for Harbour/xHarbour
- Topic: TDATAROW ERROR : Error BASE/39 Write not allowed
- Replies: 12
- Views: 3405
Re: TDATAROW ERROR : Error BASE/39 Write not allowed
Dear Rao Sir ,
oItemRs:Edit() is working fine. But after that as usual same error occurs.
I have tested in FWH 23.10 and it is working FINE. But NOT working in FWH 24.04
oItemRs:Edit() is working fine. But after that as usual same error occurs.
I have tested in FWH 23.10 and it is working FINE. But NOT working in FWH 24.04
Code: Select all | Expand
- Sun Aug 04, 2024 11:29 pm
- Forum: FiveWin for Harbour/xHarbour
- Topic: TDATAROW ERROR : Error BASE/39 Write not allowed
- Replies: 12
- Views: 3405
Re: TDATAROW ERROR : Error BASE/39 Write not allowed
What does this function Return?T_VITEM_REF_COLS_BY_ID( pnItemId )
Meanwhile please do this small test:
Immediately after opening the rowset, execute:
Code: Select all | Expand
- Sun Aug 04, 2024 3:07 pm
- Forum: FiveWin for Harbour/xHarbour
- Topic: TDATAROW ERROR : Error BASE/39 Write not allowed
- Replies: 12
- Views: 3405
Re: TDATAROW ERROR : Error BASE/39 Write not allowed
Dear Rao Sir ,
It is GET Var as shown below , as TDATAROW added underscore "_" prefix ( _MAIN_UOM_NAME ).
The RowSet Query returns a record.
oItemRs := oApp:oDBConn:RowSet( T_VITEM_REF_COLS_BY_ID( pnItemId ) )
oItemRec := TDataRow():New( oItemRs )
@ nGetRow, 150 SAY ":" GET aoGETRO[ 5 ...
It is GET Var as shown below , as TDATAROW added underscore "_" prefix ( _MAIN_UOM_NAME ).
The RowSet Query returns a record.
oItemRs := oApp:oDBConn:RowSet( T_VITEM_REF_COLS_BY_ID( pnItemId ) )
oItemRec := TDataRow():New( oItemRs )
@ nGetRow, 150 SAY ":" GET aoGETRO[ 5 ...
- Sun Aug 04, 2024 1:11 pm
- Forum: FiveWin for Harbour/xHarbour
- Topic: TDATAROW ERROR : Error BASE/39 Write not allowed
- Replies: 12
- Views: 3405
Re: TDATAROW ERROR : Error BASE/39 Write not allowed
What is this?
- Sun Aug 04, 2024 8:20 am
- Forum: FiveWin for Harbour/xHarbour
- Topic: TDATAROW ERROR : Error BASE/39 Write not allowed
- Replies: 12
- Views: 3405
TDATAROW ERROR : Error BASE/39 Write not allowed
Dear Rao Sir ,
I am getting the error Error BASE/39 Write not allowed: TDATAROW:main_uom_name. I am not able to understand this error. Could you please help me on this.
Path and name: G:\vimcosoft\V9ACC\v9acc.exe (32 bits)
Size: 5,547,520 bytes
Compiler version ...
I am getting the error Error BASE/39 Write not allowed: TDATAROW:main_uom_name. I am not able to understand this error. Could you please help me on this.
Path and name: G:\vimcosoft\V9ACC\v9acc.exe (32 bits)
Size: 5,547,520 bytes
Compiler version ...
- Tue Jun 04, 2024 3:04 pm
- Forum: FiveWin for Harbour/xHarbour
- Topic: Error with MariaDB and DataRow
- Replies: 4
- Views: 828
Re: Error with MariaDB and DataRow
Maurizio, I do not use tDataRow(), but it works for me:
Wouldn't that be missing?
Code: Select all | Expand
oRec := oRs:Record( .F. ) // or .T. to insert
- Wed May 01, 2024 7:04 pm
- Forum: WhatsNew / Novedades
- Topic: New FTDN April 2024 (FWH 24.04)
- Replies: 1
- Views: 4543
Re: New FTDN April 2024 (FWH 24.04)
... método Record( cTable, [cWhere] ) --> Record Object
utilizando la nueva clase FWMariaRecord (source\classes\mariarec.prg) derivada de la clase TDataRow.
Esto permite editar un único registro existente o un nuevo registro y guardar en una tabla sin tener
que abrir el objeto RowSet, lo que ...
utilizando la nueva clase FWMariaRecord (source\classes\mariarec.prg) derivada de la clase TDataRow.
Esto permite editar un único registro existente o un nuevo registro y guardar en una tabla sin tener
que abrir el objeto RowSet, lo que ...