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downloading files from internet

PostPosted: Fri Apr 28, 2006 5:54 am
by Rajeev Chavan
I need to download files from internet.Can anyone pls suggest a method how it can be done ?

PostPosted: Fri Apr 28, 2006 8:27 am
by Antonio Linares
If the files are located on a FTP server you may use samples\gallery\icopyfil\icopyfil.prg

PostPosted: Fri Apr 28, 2006 2:37 pm
by Rajeev Chavan
Thanks Antonio.I am not sure whether they are on ftp server.I have to paste the complete path in URL address bar and the file gets downloaded.I have to provide the date for which the file is required and the file should be downloaded.Pls advice how this can be done

PostPosted: Fri Apr 28, 2006 3:47 pm
by Antonio Linares

Please show a URL sample like the ones that you are using.

PostPosted: Sat Apr 29, 2006 6:16 am
by Rajeev Chavan
Hi Antonio
The URL below will download EOD prices of shares ... 06bhav.csv

PostPosted: Sat May 06, 2006 10:04 pm
by James Bott

Because IE recognizes the CSV extension, it displays the data in the browser rather than prompting the user for a download filename, then saving the data to a file.

Assuming you are not the one putting the data up on the net, then you have to find another way to collect the data. FW had a web client class you can use to read a web page. Below is the code to read the data into a varialble (cHTML). The data will come in with some header lines which you will then have to strip off, then you can just save cHTML to a file.

This code was tested with Harbour. I don't know if it will work with Clipper.


Code: Select all  Expand view
Purpose: Example of how to get the HTML code for a web page
Date   : 01/04/05
Notes  : You must create a main window to use a socket.

         I had to fix a bug in the TWebClient class, new method. It was returning nil
         instead of self. TWEBCLIE.PRG was dated 11/11/1999 (came with FWH 2.4 July 2003).

         The function ProcessPage does not return the code since it is collected in a socket
         which may still be running when the function exits. You have to process the code
         by assigning a function call to oWeb:oSocket:bClose

         James Bott,

#include ""

#define FALSE .F.
#define TRUE  .T.

function main()
   local oWnd
   define window oWnd
   activate window oWnd ;
      on init ProcessPage("")
return nil

function ProcessPage(cURL)
   local oWeb
   local cHTML:=""  // contains HTML code
   local cSite:=""
   local cPage:=""

   if left(upper(cURL),7) = "HTTP://"
      cURL:= right(cURL,len(cURL)-7)

   cSite:= left(cURL, at("/",cURL)-1 )
   cPage:= right(cURL,len(cURL)-at("/",cURL))


   oWeb := TWebClient():New()

   oWeb:oSocket:Cargo := FALSE
   oWeb:bOnConnect = {|oWClient| oWClient:oSocket:Cargo := TRUE}
   oWeb:bOnRead    = {|cData| if(valtype(cData) == "C", cHTML += cData, )}



   // Keep trying to connect
   while ! oWeb:oSocket:Cargo

  // msgInfo("Connected to site")

   oWeb:GetPage( cPage )

   // Assign function to process code
   oWeb:oSocket:bClose = {|self| ::end(), self:=Nil, Process(cHTML) }



   //msgInfo("page collected")

return nil

// Process the HTML code
function Process(cHTML)
   msgInfo(cHTML,"HTML code") // for testing only
   // Process the code here--save to file, extract data, etc.
return nil

// eof

PostPosted: Tue May 09, 2006 7:14 am
by Rajeev Chavan
Hi James
Thanks for the program supplied for downloading the info from web page.When I ran that program I got the info displayed in a window.When I clicked the close button of the window I got following error message "Error BASE/1209 String Overflow: + from Errorsys,line:0".Pls advice how to overcome this problem.Is it occuring because info is more than 65K . I have noticed the CSV file size is between 65K-68K.If this is the case pls advice how to overcome this.
Digressing from the subject.A few years back when I had posted my first query on fivewin newsgroup you had answered it and introduced me to the concept of "Paying it forward".Eventhough I have not contributed anything to fivewin I try to reply to posts on other forums which I visit.It does give mental satisfaction when you help other people.
With Best Wishes
Rajeev Chavan

PostPosted: Tue May 09, 2006 8:21 am
by Antonio Linares

You need to migrate your application to FiveWin for Harbour (32 bits) where you can manage files as large as needed. In a week or less you may have it working with FWH.

PostPosted: Thu May 11, 2006 11:05 pm
by James Bott

Thanks for the program supplied for downloading the info from web page.When I ran that program I got the info displayed in a window.When I clicked the close button of the window I got following error message "Error BASE/1209 String Overflow: + from Errorsys,line:0".Pls advice how to overcome this problem.Is it occuring because info is more than 65K . I have noticed the CSV file size is between 65K-68K.If this is the case pls advice how to overcome this.

Well, the best answer is like Antonio says, upgrade to 32bit. You are going to have to do this sooner or later.

Otherwise, you can try processing the data one line at a time and saving it to a file, instead of pasting it all together into one large string. Oh, and you don't need to display the data, I just put that in there for testing.

Take a look at the TTxtFile class for ideas how to write the data to a file as it is being read.

I'm glad you have been paying it forward.


PostPosted: Fri May 12, 2006 6:39 am
by Rajeev Chavan
Hi Jeff
Will do as suggested by you.I am really getting confused should I go for Harbor or xHarbor ? Pls advice
Rajeev Chavan

PostPosted: Fri May 12, 2006 7:53 am
by Antonio Linares

xharbour is more popular, but both Harbour and xharbour work very well.

If you don't use xharbour extensions, then you may be able to build your application with both compilers and decide for yourself which one to use.

PostPosted: Tue May 16, 2006 4:55 am
by Rajeev Chavan
Hi Jeff
Thanks for the guidance.The problem I am getting is the variable would'nt hold more than 65K.Does TTxtFile class contain a way to overcome the 65K limit ? Pls advice.
Hi antonio
Thanks for the info.I will try it
Rajeev Chavan

PostPosted: Tue May 16, 2006 6:52 am
by James Bott

>The problem I am getting is the variable would'nt hold more than 65K.Does TTxtFile class contain a way to overcome the 65K limit ?

Only by going to 32bit. 65K is the 16bit limit.


PostPosted: Tue May 16, 2006 2:52 pm
by Rajeev Chavan
Hi Jeff
What is the limit for 32bit ? In case the file I am downloading is huge
Rajeev chavan

PostPosted: Tue May 16, 2006 2:53 pm
by Enrico Maria Giordano
The limit is the available memory.