New FTDN (May/June) 2014 (FWH 14.06)

New FTDN (May/June) 2014 (FWH 14.06)

Postby Antonio Linares » Thu Jun 19, 2014 10:39 am

May 2014 and
June 2014

* Fix: XBrowse. Dolphin returns char value for FieldType 'T'.
This is now handled properly.


* Fix: Minor fix in include\ Thanks to Gabriel!

* New: New function OleDefaultArg() (for Harbour only) in olefuncs.prg for
use with ADO with the same functionality as in xHarbour.

* New: We provide a full working project file to build your FWH + Harbour apps
from the Visual Studio 2012 IDE. Please check FWH\makes\
Simply unzip it and double click on the sln project file: ... 91&start=0

* Enhancement: Class TXBrowse Method Paint() evaluates ::bPainted if assigned.

* Enhancement: Class TBtnBmp Method Paint() has been modified so TBtnBmp objects
can use the DATA bPainted as supported from other FiveWin controls. That allows
you to implement ownerdraw paint on your BtnBmps if needed.

* Fix: There was a painting error in Class TBtnBmp due to recent changes in
Class TBtnBmp. Now it is ok.

* Fix: Method SetFont() of TWindow class: When :SetFont() is called with the
same font as current font of the window/dialog/control, the method is
erroneously incrementing the font's counter on each call. This was resulting
in non-release of fonts when fonts are set to a dialog or a control on a
dialog by using this method. Fixed now.

* Fix: TLinkList creates internal bitmaps which are to be released by calling
TLinkList's End() method. But this results in a runtime error due to a bug
in TreeItem's End() method. This is fixed now.
Even if TLinkList's End() method is not expressly calle to release the bitmaps
exit procedure now implemented in treeitem.prg releases all the bitmaps when
the program terminates. (Note: CheckRes() may still report the bitmaps as
not released because exit procedure is executed after checkres() is called).

* New: complete make example for FWH 64 and Harbour 64 for Microsoft Visual
Studio 2012. Available in FWH\makes\

* New: complete make example for FWH 64 and Harbour 64 for Microsoft Visual
Studio 2013. Available in FWH\makes\

* Enhancement: new Class TBtnFlat Method KeyDown(), thanks to sgsistemas:


* Fix: Bug in ADD COLUMN command is fixed, due to which clauses
TOTAL, FOOTER are not working properly.

* New: Cumulative Totals (Running Totals) in Reports.
It is possible to print cumulative (running) totals of the value of a
column by specifying the clause "CUMULATIVE TOTAL" while definine the
column, instead of just "TOTAL".

* Fix: Class TGraph Method Destroy() was destroying twice the ::oFont. Now it is
ok. Thanks to Angel Salom:


* Enhancement: Class TFolderEx Methods AddItem() and DelItem() have been improved
thanks to Biel!

* New: DATA cFooterPicture in TXBrwColumn class. It is now possible to define
a different picture for display of totals in footers. By default cEditPicture
is used.

* Fix: database.prg: When a new record is appended, the record is not unlocked.
regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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Antonio Linares
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Posts: 41439
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