New FTDN October/Octubre 2011 (FWH 11.10)

New FTDN October/Octubre 2011 (FWH 11.10)

Postby Antonio Linares » Wed Nov 02, 2011 1:24 pm

* Fix: functions ReGetCharFormat() and RegGetSelection() incorrectly used
hb_storvnl() instead of hb_stornl()

* Fix: functions RegEnumKey() and RegEnumValue() incorrectly used
hb_storvc() and hb_storvnl() instead of hb_storc() and hb_stornl()

* Fix: functions RegQueryValueEx() and RegCreateKey() incorrectly used
hb_storvnl() instead of hb_stornl()

* Fix: functions DrawFocusRect() and FrameDot() incorrectly used hb_parvni()
instead of hb_parni().

* Enhancement: function FWCallDll() has been modified to support MinGW gcc too.

* New: XBrowse advanced painting techniques example: FWH\samples\xbrpaint.prg

* Enhancement: function SetWindowRgn() supports a third parameter to specify if the
window should be repaint after assigning it a region. By default we use TRUE for
backwards compatibility.

* Fix: Class TBtnBmp was not properly using its font, now it is fine. Reported
by JJL: viewtopic.php?p=118912#p118912

* Fix: XBrowse in fastedit mode. After edititng a cell, if no more columns are editable, the cursor to should go to the first editable column of the next row. This is not working properly when there are no columns to be edited in the row when bEditWhen returns .f.. Fixed now. Thanks to Mr. Esar E.Lozada.

* Enhancement: Class TClipboard now properly retrieves Unicode text.

* Enhancement: function cResToStr( cnResName, nType ) --> cResourceBytes now uses a number
as the second parameter to specify the type of the resource. For a list of the supported types
please visit: ... 09(v=vs.85).aspx

* New: function LockResource( hResData ) --> ptrBytes. Please check the MSDN for this Windows
API function explanation: ... 47(v=vs.85).aspx

* New: samples\TestDlgT.prg analizes the content of a dialog resource loaded from memory

* Fix: samples\KeybSim.prg has been modified to work fine due to recent changes in Class TControl
Method SetFocus()

* New: Class TGantt developed by FiveTech. Please review samples\TestGant.prg

* New: New GdiPlus Classes. Please review samples\GdiPlus.prg

* New: New function GetDiskFreeSpaceEx(), please review samples\GetFree.prg

* Modifications: errsysw.prg:
- Harbour and Fivewin version messages are moved to the top.
- 64 bit applications are indicated correctly now.
- Line numbers are surrounded by spaces for easy copying.

* Enhancement: FW_DbfToArray( [cFieldList] ) function in \source\classes\database.prg now accepts optional parameters bFor, bWhile, nNext, nRec, lRest with the same functionality as in DbEval.

* New: New utility functions in \source\classes\database.prg:
(1) FW_RecToHash( [cFieldList], [cNameList] ) --> hRec
Without any parameters, this function returns a hash with all fieldnames as index and field values in the current work area as values. When cFieldList is specified, the hash is filled with the specified fields only. When cNameList is specified, the names of the fields are substituted by the names in the parameter.

(2) FW_HashToRec( hRec, [cFieldList] ) --> lSaved
This function saves the values in the hash to the corresponding fields in the DBF, locking and unlocking, if necessary.

* New: Class TWebServer now accepts HTML5 WebSockets connections. Please review samples\fiveweb.prg

* Enhancement: Class TExlorerList.

+ New DATA bChange: codeblock to evaluate when item selected is changed by keyboard
+ New METHOD GoDown( nSkip ), skip to Down <nSkip> items, bChanged will be evaluated
+ New METHOD GoUp( nSkip ), skip to Up <nSkip> items, bChanged will be evaluated

* Fix: CLASS TURLLink, now working fine inside Dialog, bug reported by Rafa Carmona (thefull)

* Fix: DEFINE MESSAGE BAR ... was not properly preprocessed. Now it is ok. Reported in:

* Fix: There were some painting bugs in Class TMsgBar with 2007 clause. Now it is ok

* Fix: XBrowse: While browsing single column, moving horizontal thumbpos was resulting in runtime error. Now fixed.

* Fix: Class TGet WM_PASTE processing, now it is ok. Reported in:

* Fix: a GET placed before a ComboBox was causing the ComboBox not to show its dotted focus on receiving
the focus for the first time. Now it is ok.

* New: function Sendkey( nKey ) based on Windows API function SendInput(): ... 10(v=vs.85).aspx

It is used now from Class TWindow Method GoNextCtrl(), to get properly dotted on focused comboboxes and

* New: Class TComboBox Method GetDlgCode() to get proper focused next control when Enter is pressed.

* New: FiveWin Web Interface development. Please review and

* Fix: Fixed random GPFs in function nExtMem(). Now it is fine:

* New: function BorlandVersion() returns the BCC used version. i.e.:
MsgInfo( BorlandVersion() )

* Fix: Brush.prg: Fixed GPF error on rare occassions while resizing empty bitmap brush.

* New: New class TMetroPanel.Prg
Extended functionality, multiple metro panels, with inbuilt design and code generation facilities.
Please see samples\metrptst.prg for usage and functionality

* New: New control TSwitch for logical variables, which can be used in the place of TCheckBox, but with Windows 8 yes/no switch look.
Sampe: \fwh\samples\switchtst.prg

* Method ToExcel of XBrowse now handles empty values of cDataType.
regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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Re: New FTDN October/Octubre 2011 (FWH 11.10)

Postby El Loco » Sun Nov 20, 2011 2:28 am

Antonio, recién hoy pude hacerme de un rato para bajarme el FTDN de octubre.
Pregunto el FWH64 es un error o es el mismo de septiembre ???
Un abrazo.
FWH 32/64 14.04
Harbour 3.2.0 (r1306211258)
El Loco
Posts: 328
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Location: Buenos Aires - Argentina

Re: New FTDN October/Octubre 2011 (FWH 11.10)

Postby Antonio Linares » Mon Nov 21, 2011 7:47 am

En solo unos dias publicamos la versión 11.11 de FWH 64 :-)
regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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Antonio Linares
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Re: New FTDN October/Octubre 2011 (FWH 11.10)

Postby El Loco » Mon Nov 21, 2011 11:04 am

OK. Esperamos entonces.
Un abrazo.
FWH 32/64 14.04
Harbour 3.2.0 (r1306211258)
El Loco
Posts: 328
Joined: Fri May 19, 2006 4:08 pm
Location: Buenos Aires - Argentina

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