Bug in TDialog title [Solved]

Re: Bug in TDialog title

Postby Enrico Maria Giordano » Tue Feb 25, 2014 10:21 am

I spoke too fast! It doesn't work with dialogs without title. :-(

Sorry, I give up for the moment.

Any ideas?

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Re: Bug in TDialog title [Solved]

Postby Enrico Maria Giordano » Wed Mar 19, 2014 11:11 pm

I forgot to mention that with the latest FWH (14.02) the problem seems to be vanished. :-)

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Re: Bug in TDialog title [Solved]

Postby Enrico Maria Giordano » Thu Jul 10, 2014 9:11 am


why are you still imposing the limit of 140 characters in dialog title?

Code: Select all  Expand view
::cCaption   = If( cCaption != nil, SubStr( cCaption, 1, Min( Len( cCaption ), 140 ) ), nil )

I think it's not needed anymore. Can you confirm?

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Re: Bug in TDialog title [Solved]

Postby Antonio Linares » Thu Jul 10, 2014 11:14 pm


Have you tried to remove it and check if it works fine ? If so, yes, we can remove it :-)
regards, saludos

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Re: Bug in TDialog title [Solved]

Postby Enrico Maria Giordano » Fri Jul 11, 2014 8:12 am


yes, I'm currently using a version of dialog.prg without it and found no problem. But it should be better if you tested it in all the Windows flavors. :-)

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