WSL2 Darling - Soon to come MacOS apps from WSL2

WSL2 Darling - Soon to come MacOS apps from WSL2

Postby Antonio Linares » Tue May 24, 2022 1:23 am

When Windows implemented WSL and WSL2 it opened the Pandora Box... :-)

Having the power of Linux inside Windows opens endless possibilities. One operating system to rule them all ;-)

Now we can have all sort of Linuxes ready to use them from Windows, making so easy to use Linux besides Windows.
Now the "Darling" project tries to bring "Darwin" to WSL2, once we get that, MacOS software could also run on Windows...

WSA (Windows subsystem for Android) also allows to use Android apps directly on Windows. Actually only available from US but
with some tweaks you can get it too no matter if you are not on US. I have it running and it runs very nice.

One operating system to rule them all, YES !!! :-) Great move Microsoft ;-)
regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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