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Re: V I A C O R A L

PostPosted: Mon Apr 12, 2010 3:41 pm
by Richard Chidiak
Mr Rao

Once we use skinbuttons() very nice option BTW , how can we set back the buttons to non skin within the program

Thanks for your help

Re: V I A C O R A L

PostPosted: Mon Apr 12, 2010 5:42 pm
by Antonio Linares

Though FWH provides a function to revert to standard Windows look, it is not stable and can produce GPFs

Re: V I A C O R A L

PostPosted: Mon Apr 12, 2010 5:53 pm
by mgsoft

I think you don´t understand me.

FW look like this: Image

I want for ALL buttons to look like Office 2007. For exaple, as:


Thanks :D

Re: V I A C O R A L

PostPosted: Mon Apr 12, 2010 6:13 pm
by driessen

Where can I find this function SkinButtons() ?

If I try to use it, I got an error "unknown external".

Thanks a lot in advance.

Re: V I A C O R A L

PostPosted: Mon Apr 12, 2010 6:37 pm
by Antonio Linares

Please link this OBJ:

Re: V I A C O R A L

PostPosted: Tue Apr 13, 2010 2:25 am
by nageswaragunupudi

I think you don´t understand me.

If we use skinbuttons(), all buttons in the application look like this.
Code: Select all  Expand view
#include ''

function Main()

   MsgYesNo( 'Skin buttons' )

return nil


If we like to have a different color combination, we can define it through SkinButtons( oSkin ) function. Then all buttons have the skin we defined.

Re: vcrl

PostPosted: Tue Apr 13, 2010 9:13 am
by driessen

Thanks for the download of skins.obj.

Unfortunately I got an error while building : Unresolved external symbol : _HB_FUN_GRADIENTBRUSH

Have I missed something ?