XBrowse 16.04 : Gets in Header Bar

XBrowse 16.04 : Gets in Header Bar

Postby nageswaragunupudi » Tue Apr 26, 2016 9:51 am

As requested by many users, it is now possible to have Gets under header of each (or selected) columns and use the values entered either for filtering or for any other purpose by the programmer.

Sample screen-shot:

Programmer can toggle display of the bar showing the Gets.
Programmer can decide which columns need to have the Gets.

Specifying is as simple as one line of code:
oCol:uBarGetVal := Space(10)
This statement creates a Get to be displayed under the header.

G. N. Rao.
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Re: XBrowse 16.04 : Gets in Header Bar

Postby Silvio.Falconi » Tue Apr 26, 2016 9:53 am

goood mr Rao !!!!
it was that I asked !!
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Re: XBrowse 16.04 : Gets in Header Bar

Postby ACC69 » Tue Apr 26, 2016 5:14 pm

nageswaragunupudi wrote:As requested by many users, it is now possible to have Gets under header of each (or selected) columns and use the values entered either for filtering or for any other purpose by the programmer.

Sample screen-shot:

Programmer can toggle display of the bar showing the Gets.
Programmer can decide which columns need to have the Gets.

Specifying is as simple as one line of code:
oCol:uBarGetVal := Space(10)
This statement creates a Get to be displayed under the header.

Gracias Ing. maestro Mr Rao, esa es mi peticion que todos solicitamos ,como esta imagen que pongo:

http://s2.subirimagenes.com/otros/previ ... browse.jpg


Ver Imagen: http://s2.subirimagenes.com/otros/previ ... browse.jpg

Gracias por las mejoras :D


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Re: XBrowse 16.04 : Gets in Header Bar

Postby joseluisysturiz » Tue Apr 26, 2016 6:15 pm

Wow...esto si esta espectacular...ya que evita tener que hacer GETs en el DLG o un DLG adicional para entrar datos, viendo que estas trabajando fuertemente en cambios al xBrowse, habra alguna forma de agregarle botones de accion a la barra del footer.? esta serviria para AGREGAR REGISTRO, BUSCAR, IMPRIMIR, etc, algo como una pequeña button bar, esto lo propuse hace tiempo, pero creo nadie pudo hacerlo o se les paso, aca dejo un ejemplo en imagen, gracias, saludos... :shock:

Aca dejo link de mi tema original, haber si se puede implementar en el xbrowse...seria muy bueno, gracias, saludos... :shock:

Last edited by joseluisysturiz on Tue Apr 26, 2016 9:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: XBrowse 16.04 : Gets in Header Bar

Postby FranciscoA » Tue Apr 26, 2016 6:49 pm

Francisco J. Alegría P.
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Re: XBrowse 16.04 : Gets in Header Bar

Postby joseluisysturiz » Tue Apr 26, 2016 8:27 pm

nageswaragunupudi wrote:As requested by many users, it is now possible to have Gets under header of each (or selected) columns and use the values entered either for filtering or for any other purpose by the programmer.

Sample screen-shot:

Programmer can toggle display of the bar showing the Gets.
Programmer can decide which columns need to have the Gets.

Specifying is as simple as one line of code:
oCol:uBarGetVal := Space(10)
This statement creates a Get to be displayed under the header.

Una duda, sera solo GETs o cualquier control de manejo de datos.? checkbox, combobox...? gracias, saludos... :shock:
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Re: XBrowse 16.04 : Gets in Header Bar

Postby nageswaragunupudi » Tue Apr 26, 2016 9:58 pm

Una duda, sera solo GETs o cualquier control de manejo de datos.? checkbox, combobox...?

Only Gets in this release.
But we keep improving based on what most users require and suggest.

algo como una pequeña button bar

1. In this version, we provided a drop-down menu when user clicks on RecSel Header.
2. We were actively considering a mini buttonbar within xbrowse. But we wanted to know how many users would consider it useful in addition to buttonbar in the window/dialog

G. N. Rao.
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Re: XBrowse 16.04 : Gets in Header Bar

Postby joseluisysturiz » Tue Apr 26, 2016 11:19 pm

nageswaragunupudi wrote:
Una duda, sera solo GETs o cualquier control de manejo de datos.? checkbox, combobox...?

Only Gets in this release.
But we keep improving based on what most users require and suggest.

algo como una pequeña button bar

1. In this version, we provided a drop-down menu when user clicks on RecSel Header.
2. We were actively considering a mini buttonbar within xbrowse. But we wanted to know how many users would consider it useful in addition to buttonbar in the window/dialog

mini bar buttons on the xbrowse apart from some in dialog or window is good as these buttons would affect only the xbrowse independently of any other creature, and leave more space to display data, especially for small tables screens on laptops or , has already been presented to me that detail and I had to improvise by placing columns with buttons on the right end of xbrowse, something like the web grids, as is as tell consideration and needs of most users, I hope someone else will see benefit and to join the suggestion, but his work in xbrowse this being well, congratulations.

la mini barra de botones en el xbrowse aparte de alguna en dialogo o ventana es buena ya que estos botones afectarian solo al xbrowse de forma independiente a cualquier otra creada y dejaria mas espacio para mostrar datos, sobre todo para las pantallas pequeñas en laptops o tablas, ya se me ha presentado ese detalle y he tenido que improvisar colocando columnas con botones al final derecho del xbrowse, algo parecido a lo grillas web, igual queda como dices a consideracion y necesidad de la mayoria de usuarios, espero alguien mas le vea beneficio y se sume a la sugerencia, pero su trabajo en xbrowse esta quedando muy bien, felicitaciones.

gracias, saludos... :shock:
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Re: XBrowse 16.04 : Gets in Header Bar

Postby nageswaragunupudi » Wed Apr 27, 2016 12:38 am

Mr joseluisysturiz

Thanks for the explanation. This is my personal view too. Let us see how many other users also consider it useful.

We shall provide a mini buttonbar also. May not be in this release 16.04 but in the next release.

G. N. Rao.
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Re: XBrowse 16.04 : Gets in Header Bar

Postby joseluisysturiz » Wed Apr 27, 2016 1:20 am

nageswaragunupudi wrote:Mr joseluisysturiz

Thanks for the explanation. This is my personal view too. Let us see how many other users also consider it useful.

We shall provide a mini buttonbar also. May not be in this release 16.04 but in the next release.

Gracias a usted por tomar en consideracion las sugerencias dadas, saludos... :shock:
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Re: XBrowse 16.04 : Gets in Header Bar

Postby albeiroval » Thu Apr 28, 2016 4:10 am

Incluye el manejo con tdolphin ?

Google translator :

It includes handling with tdolphin?

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Re: XBrowse 16.04 : Gets in Header Bar

Postby nageswaragunupudi » Thu Apr 28, 2016 9:32 am

It does not matter, because xbrowse provides the Gets only. Programmer may use the values entered in the Gets for filtering or for any purpose he likes.

I provide here a sample code, which clarifies how to use the feature:
Code: Select all  Expand view
#include "fivewin.ch"



function Main()



return nil


static function Sample1()

   local oDlg, oBrw, oFont, oBold
   local n



      FONT oFont TITLE FWVERSION + " : Bar Get"

   @ 110,20 XBROWSE oBrw SIZE -20,-20 PIXEL OF oDlg ;

   // Relevant Code
   for n := 1 to Len( oBrw:aCols )
      WITH OBJECT oBrw:aCols[ n ]
         if FieldType( n ) != 'L'
            :uBarGetVal    := uValBlank( fieldGet( n ) )
            if FieldType( n ) == 'N'
               :cBarGetPic := NumPict( FieldLen( n ), FieldDec( n ) )
   oBrw:lGetBar   := .t.
   // End of Relevant Code

      :nHeaderHeight    := 40 // optional
      :oHeaderFonts     := oBold
      :bClrEdits        := { || { CLR_BLACK, CLR_YELLOW } }

   @ 10,20 SAY "Gets under Headers. Entered values can be used" + ;
      "for filtering or any othe purpose" + CRLF + ;
      "Usage: oCol:uBarGetVal := Space( 10 ); oBrw:lGetBar := .t." ;
      SIZE oDlg:nWidth - 40,40 PIXEL OF oDlg CENTER

   @ 60, 20 BTNBMP PROMPT { || If( oBrw:lGetBar, "Hide GetBar", "ShowGetBar" ) } ;
      SIZE 100,40 PIXEL OF oDlg FLAT ;
      ACTION ( oBrw:lGetBar := ! oBrw:lGetBar, oBrw:Refresh() )

   @ 60,140 BTNBMP PROMPT "Set Filter" ;
      SIZE 100,40 PIXEL OF oDlg FLAT ;
      ACTION ( oBrw:cAlias )->( SetFilter( oBrw ) )

   @ 60,250 BTNBMP PROMPT "Clear Filter" ;
      SIZE 100,40 PIXEL OF oDlg FLAT ;
      ACTION ( oBrw:cAlias )->( DBCLEARFILTER(), oBrw:Refresh(), oBrw:SetFocus() )

   RELEASE FONT oFont, oBold

return nil


static function SetFilter( oBrw )

   local cFilter := ""
   local n, oCol, uVal, cType

   for n := 1 to Len( oBrw:aCols )
      oCol  := oBrw:aCols[ n ]
      if ! Empty( uVal := oCol:uBarGetVal )
         if !Empty( cFilter )
            cFilter  += " .AND. "
         cType    := ValType( uVal )

         do case
         case cType == 'C'
            uVal     := Upper( AllTrim( uVal ) )
            cFilter += '"' + uVal + '" $ UPPER( ' + FieldName( n ) + " )"
            cFilter  += FieldName( n ) + " == " + cValToChar( uVal )


   if Empty( cFilter )
      if ! Empty( DBFILTER() )
      if !( DBFILTER() == cFilter )
         SET FILTER TO &cFilter
         GO TOP


return nil


G. N. Rao.
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Re: XBrowse 16.04 : Gets in Header Bar

Postby HunterEC » Sun May 01, 2016 6:47 am


G R E A T J O B ! ! !

A buttonbar on xBrowse it's a very welcome feature, it will save us from having buttons on a dialog/window to control the browse.
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Re: XBrowse 16.04 : Gets in Header Bar

Postby joseluisysturiz » Sun May 01, 2016 5:53 pm

HunterEC wrote:Rao:

G R E A T J O B ! ! !

A buttonbar on xBrowse it's a very welcome feature, it will save us from having buttons on a dialog/window to control the browse.
You're an xBrowse GURU !!!

haber a quien mas considera que una pequeña butonbar como parte del xbrowse es algo de bastante ayuda para controlar el browse: primer registro, ultimo registro, subir, bajar, modificar y eliminar registro seleccionado, seleccionar todos los registros, imprimir, son algunas ideas que se me vienen a la mente y que he visto en otras grillas...gracias A.L, RAO y demas guru del xbrowse...saludos... :shock:

English(google traslator):
be who else considers that a small butonbar as part of xbrowse is something quite helpful to control the browse: first record, last record, upload, download, modify and delete selected record, select all records, print, are some ideas that I come to mind and I've seen in other grids ... thanks AL, RAO and other xbrowse guru ... greetings ... :shock:
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Re: XBrowse 16.04 : Gets in Header Bar

Postby rhlawek » Sun May 01, 2016 6:55 pm

For the active header bar get I would like to display two icons on the right side of the get, that can pressed as distinct buttons, all user programmable of course. For me the first would be a magnifying glass that when pressed would set the desired filter. The second would be an X. If pressed when a filter is active is clears the filter. If pressed without a filter active it clears the content of the get itself.

Is this doable?

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