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RDP and the cloud

PostPosted: Wed May 23, 2012 4:48 pm
by reinaldocrespo
Hi everyone. I'm starting this thread to separate this subject from another thread where Otto has been helping us learn the virtues of RDP.

I have nothing against RDP. Actually, I should say, I love it. Furthermore, together with SQL managing some of the business logic on the server side vs the developer doing it with code, it is a very attractive solution. No need to drop all the benefits of having replication, triggers, referential integrity rules, constraints, permissions, client-server event messaging, etc... only because we now want to use rdp.

However, I wish to start a discussion on the "new wave" for RDP (at least new to me). Technologies such as appware by Embarcadero. I don't quite understand all of it. It seems like you can have a virtual server with your app installed and directories for each customer. Customers connect using a special client to their account where they have access to all the apps you have available for them. Say, word, excel, your own fw app, etc... It looks like you can control the number of users that can use a given app simultaneously and many other controls.

Since the client connects over an internet connection and only sends screen updates it is fast and secure. Customers don't need to purchase a server, back it up, maintain it, etc...

Here is a link to a webnair on the subject for anyone interested on learning more and perhaps help us understand it better. ... pWaveDemos

Best regards,


Re: RDP and the cloud

PostPosted: Wed May 23, 2012 5:07 pm
by Rick Lipkin

I made a similar comment on a previous thread .. back in my Server Admin days .. you had to have a TS ( terminal services ) license for each RDP connection you made to a server ... ( similar to citrix ).

RDP is free to your desktop from another device, but if you have many connections to one server, you will have to pay for TS licenses which are ( if I recall ) about 30-35 usd per seat.

Rick Lipkin

Re: RDP and the cloud

PostPosted: Fri May 25, 2012 10:37 am
by dutch
Dear Rick,

I try XpUnlimited that Otto recommend. It's quite good solution and I have tested it with the paid license. It's really good performance and good flexibility for user handling.


Re: RDP and the cloud

PostPosted: Fri May 25, 2012 3:37 pm
by lucasdebeltran

Thank you for all your valuable advice.

The most inconvenient to RDP is all regarding to OS mantainance, security, permissions...

There are very important issues!!!.