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Re: No more shadows on Win8 :-(

PostPosted: Fri Nov 02, 2012 4:13 pm
by TimStone
I worked through Win 3.1, ME, and Vista. I had a lot of clients to support through those. Those versions had a very small test base, and they did not have frequent updates. It was a problem.

Windows 8 has had the largest pre-release distribution of any software product, ever. Built right into it is an ability to instantly send your feedback to Microsoft for the OS, and the developers for any applications ! Its right there in the the Charms !

I see updates coming out at least once a week, and more often on many products. The Store updates apps all of the time. I often see 12 available in a morning, and I don't have many more than that installed. I also see major and minor updates are auto installing in the OS. Even the development tools have an accelerated update schedule.

This is the most widely tested release ever of Windows. I read a lot of reviews. The negative ones are usually by Apple gurus who "looked at" WIn 8, and then try to compare it to iOS. That's all wrong.

Time will tell, but right now developers are on the leading edge of creating apps. In the RT environment there are lots of games, news readers, social software, and of course the full Office Suite. So far there is a big need for Line of Business apps, and those who can develop them will find an opportunity for a very good income. The demand will be large, and the competition small. Of course that picture changes for those who wait.

Re: No more shadows on Win8 :-(

PostPosted: Fri Nov 02, 2012 6:45 pm
by George
Hi Tim,
Interesting posting. I think that we all will be forced to program on Win 8 platform.
Could you please, based in your Window 8 experience, give us a getting started, regarding how to transfer a FWH app from Win 7 to Win 8?
I mean:
What release (or variation of Win8) you recommend?
Any FWH or [x]Harbour language incompatibility issue that need to be resolve?
Do we have (or is recommended) to develop software for touch-screen?
What windows control are available on Win 8?
What Windows control should be avoided on Win 8 applications?
What is the difference between Win 8 and Win RT?
It's true that at the end a Win 8 app is DOS running at 64 bits?

Questions for Antonio:
It's possible to program on Windows 8 (or Win RT) with FWH 12.09 version?
Are Fivetechsoft planning to support Win 8 and/or Win RT?

Thanks for your time and help.


Re: No more shadows on Win8 :-(

PostPosted: Fri Nov 02, 2012 9:49 pm
by Antonio Linares

It's possible to program on Windows 8 (or Win RT) with FWH 12.09 version?

Yes! :-)

Are Fivetechsoft planning to support Win 8 and/or Win RT?

Win 8 is two different "Windows" in one: an updated version of Win 7 (now called "desktop") and WinRT which it is a total new Windows, in fact, its like a new operating system, totally different and completely disruptive from previous Windows versions.

We have already ported (partially working) Harbour to WinRT and we are building a FiveWinRT for WinRT, to use the WinRT GUI.

Re: No more shadows on Win8 :-(

PostPosted: Fri Nov 02, 2012 11:12 pm
by TimStone

Your current version of FWH is fine with Windows 8 Desktop. If it runs on Windows 7 it will run on Windows 8. There are no special needs or configurations.

FWH applications will also respond to touch screen. Again, you don't need to do anything. It just works. Windows handles everything for you ( including the pop up keyboard ).

Windows 8 desktop is essentially the same interface you are already familiar with, except it has no start button. However, you can find those ( free to a few dollars ) on the web. I use Start8 from StartDock. It will even allow you to boot directly into the desktop if you prefer.

Windows RT is a new approach. The interface is generally HTML or XAML, and you can use a variety of languages with it. HTML5 and JScript are one popular approach. C# and XAML is another. RIght now the available controls do a great job for information apps, but not Line of Business. For example, there is no simple xBrowse equivalent that I can find. Microsoft has a start button for all of its Office apps, but they run on the desktop. RT is different. Its great for what it does. I used to read news on an iPad, but the RT apps give me easier to read text, bright vivid pictures, and very easy navigation. I wouldn't go back. I tried Angry Birds in Space, and it gives me much better graphics than the iPad versions of Angry Birds. Some of the apps are really really nice.

RT apps released by Microsoft run in a version of the desktop for a dedicated RT device, but right now we don't have access there. I'll know more after a meeting with some "experts" next Wednesday. The dedicated RT apps run on ARM processors. Legacy apps are not supported. However, there are Win 8 pro machines that run all legacy apps and RT apps all on the same device.

I run Win 8 with dual monitors on my computers. I have no confusion or difficulties. Some of the time I have RT on one machine and Desktop on the other, but when programming, both monitors are usually in desktop. Switching between the two is one button push ( the Windows button on your keyboard ).

Re: No more shadows on Win8 :-(

PostPosted: Sat Nov 03, 2012 10:11 pm
by George
Thanks Antonio and Tim for your straightforward response.
I think that sooner or later we will develop software for Windows 8, as some new customers (or computer's change) are going to require software for this platform.

