Windows 8 Metro style - A Class TMetro test

Re: Windows 8 Metro style - A Class TMetro test

Postby MdaSolution » Sat Sep 24, 2011 6:52 pm

seeing btnsetup prg ( fwh/sample)


How we can personalize each button from enduser?
FWH .. BC582.. xharbour
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Re: Windows 8 Metro style - A Class TMetro test

Postby norberto » Sat Sep 24, 2011 7:45 pm

Hi, next year (2012) we have several devices ( pc, tablets, smartphones) in ARM ( not intel), and win32 dont run like we know in this new chips.
When Microsort says "Reinvent" Windows, says "Reinvent" how we make appl too. in next year windows 8 in tablets debut (strong rummors).
to us, Win32 programmers, have two choices: run appl in desktop mode, or Antonio "reinvent" new "FivewinRT'' too.

i tested my appl in fwh+xharbour in windows 8, runs fine, but in destop mode, i can put in start menu (Metro ) , but only an static link, not an real metro UI style.
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Re: Windows 8 Metro style - A Class TMetro test

Postby MdaSolution » Sat Sep 24, 2011 10:51 pm

this is my cent .... for You...


I made adds and changes :

add tooltip for buttons

add subTitle AND oFontsmaller for the font

add user info

add User button/image

add to meause to end col of buttons

add the command BOTTOM to change the visualization of date and Time

TITLE "My FWH Metro app";
SUBTITLE "FiveWin Windows Metro Ui Engine 1.0" ;
TO 50 ;
USER "MdaSolutions Srl" ;

Code: Select all  Expand view
#xcommand DEFINE METRO <oMtr> ;
                 [ BACKGROUND <cFileName> ] ;
                 [ BTNSIZE <nBtnWidth>, <nBtnHeight> ] ;
                 [ TITLE <cTitle> ] ;
                 [ SUBTITLE <cSubTitle> ] ;
                 [ TO <nEndCol> ] ;
                 [ USER <cUser> ] ;
              => ;
              <oMtr> := TMetro():New( <cTitle>,<cSubTitle>, <nBtnWidth>, <nBtnHeight>, <cFileName>,<nEndCol>,<cUser> )

    #xcommand DEFINE METROBUTTON [<oBtn>] ;
                 [ PROMPT <cPrompt> ] ;
                 [ COLOR <nClrText>, <nClrPane> ] ;
                 [ IMAGE <cImgName> ] ;
                 [ TOOLTIP <cToolTip> ] ;
                 [ OF <oMetro> ] ;
                 [ <large: LARGE> ] ;
                 [ ACTION <uAction,...> ] ;
              => ;
                 [ <oBtn> := ] <oMetro>:AddButton( <cPrompt>, <nClrText>, <nClrPane>, <.large.>, <cImgName>,<cToolTip>, [{||<uAction>}] )

       #xcommand DEFINE METROBTNUSER [<oBtn>] ;
                 [ PROMPT <cPrompt> ] ;
                 [ COLOR <nClrText>, <nClrPane> ] ;
                 [ IMAGE <cImgName> ] ;
                 [ TOOLTIP <cToolTip> ] ;
                 [ OF <oMetro> ] ;
                 [ <large: LARGE> ] ;
                 [ ACTION <uAction,...> ] ;
              => ;
                 [ <oBtn> := ] <oMetro>:AddButtonUser( <cPrompt>, <nClrText>, <nClrPane>, <.large.>, <cImgName>,<cToolTip>, [{||<uAction>}] )

    #xcommand ACTIVATE METRO <oMtr> => <oMtr>:Activate()


[bTmetro Class[/b]

Code: Select all  Expand view

 #include ""

  CLASS TMetro

       DATA  oWnd, oFont, oFontB
       DATA  cFileName
       DATA  aButtons
       DATA  nOriginX, nOriginY
       DATA  nBtnWidth, nBtnHeight
       DATA  cTitle
       DATA  nRow, nCol
       DATA  oTimer
       DATA  hBitmap

       //New data
       DATA  oFontsmaller
       DATA  cSubtitle
       DATA  nEndCol
       DATA  cUser, cUserBtn
       DATA  lBotton

       METHOD New( cTitle,cSubTitle, nBtnWidth, nBtnHeight, cFileName,nEndCol,cUser,lBotton )

       METHOD Activate()

       METHOD AddButton( cCaption, nClrText, nClrPane, lLarge, cImgName,cToolTip, bAction )

       METHOD End() INLINE ::oWnd:End()

       METHOD AddButtonUser( cCaption, nClrText, nClrPane, lLarge, cImgName,cToolTip, bAction )



    METHOD New( cTitle,cSubTitle, nBtnWidth, nBtnHeight, cFileName,nEndCol,cUser,lBotton ) CLASS TMetro

    DEFAULT cTitle := "MyApp", nBtnWidth := 132, nBtnHeight := 132 ,nEndCol :=50,lBotton:=.f.

       ::cTitle     = cTitle
       ::cSubTitle  = cSubTitle
       ::cUser      = cUser
       ::aButtons   = {}
       ::nBtnWidth  = nBtnWidth
       ::nBtnHeight = nBtnHeight
       ::nOriginX   = 200
       ::nOriginY   = 200
       ::nEndCol    = nEndCol
       ::nRow       =   0
       ::nCol       =   0
       ::lBotton      = lBotton

       if File( cFileName )
          ::hBitmap = ReadBitmap( 0, cFileName )

       DEFINE FONT ::oFont NAME "Segoe UI Light" SIZE 0, -52
       DEFINE FONT ::oFontsmaller NAME "Segoe UI Light" SIZE 0, -24
       DEFINE FONT ::oFontB NAME "Segoe UI Light" SIZE 0, -60 BOLD

          COLOR CLR_WHITE, RGB( 15, 109, 57 )

       DEFINE TIMER ::oTimer OF ::oWnd ACTION ::oWnd:Say( IF(::lBotton,43,13), ::nEndCol*3, Time(),,/* CLR_BLACK */  , ::oFontB )
       ACTIVATE TIMER ::oTimer

    return Self


     METHOD Activate() CLASS TMetro
        IF ::lBotton
                ACTIVATE WINDOW ::oWnd MAXIMIZED ;
          ON PAINT ( DrawBitmap( hDC, ::hBitmap, 0, 0, GetSysMetrics( 0 ), GetSysMetrics( 1 ) ),;
                     ::oWnd:Say( 3, 16, ::cTitle,,, ::oFont,, .T. ),;
                     ::oWnd:Say( 7, 16, ::cSubTitle,,, ::oFontsmaller,, .T. ),;
                    ::oWnd:Say( 49, ::nEndCol*3, ::cUser,,, ::oFontsmaller,, .T. ),;
                     ::oWnd:Say( 47, 16, CMonth( Date() ),,, ::oFont,, .T. ),;
                     ::oWnd:Say( 42, 16,  CDoW( Date() )+ " " + ;
                                 AllTrim( Str( Day( Date() ) ) ),,, ::oFont,, .T. ) ) ;
          ON CLICK ::oWnd:End()

          ON PAINT ( DrawBitmap( hDC, ::hBitmap, 0, 0, GetSysMetrics( 0 ), GetSysMetrics( 1 ) ),;
                     ::oWnd:Say( 3, 16, ::cTitle,,, ::oFont,, .T. ),;
                     ::oWnd:Say( 7, 16, ::cSubTitle,,, ::oFontsmaller,, .T. ),;
                     ::oWnd:Say( 49, ::nEndCol*3, ::cUser,,, ::oFontsmaller,, .T. ),;
                     ::oWnd:Say( 7, 130, CMonth( Date() ),,, ::oFont,, .T. ),;
                     ::oWnd:Say( 2, 130,  CDoW( Date() )+ " " + ;
                                 AllTrim( Str( Day( Date() ) ) ),,, ::oFont,, .T. ) ) ;
          ON CLICK ::oWnd:End()


    return nil


    METHOD AddButton( cCaption, nClrText, nClrPane, lLarge, cImgName,cToolTip, bAction ) CLASS TMetro

       local oBtn
       local nX := ::nOriginX + ( ::nRow * ( ::nBtnHeight + 8 ) )
       local nY := ::nOriginY + ( ::nCol * ( ::nBtnWidth + 8 ) )

       DEFAULT lLarge := .F.

       @ nX, nY BTNBMP oBtn ;
          SIZE ( ::nBtnWidth * If( lLarge, 2, 1 ) ) + If( lLarge, 8, 0 ), ::nBtnHeight ;
          PIXEL OF ::oWnd PROMPT cCaption NOBORDER FILENAME cImgName TOOLTIP cToolTip

       oBtn:bAction = bAction

       oBtn:SetColor( nClrText, nClrPane )

       AAdd( ::aButtons, oBtn )

       if lLarge
       if ( ATail( ::aButtons ):nLeft + ATail( ::aButtons ):nWidth ) > ( ::nOriginY * 4 ) + ::nEndCol
          ::nCol = 0

    return nil


    METHOD  AddButtonUser  ( cCaption, nClrText, nClrPane, lLarge, cImgName,cToolTip, bAction ) CLASS TMetro

       local oBtn
       local nX := 75
       local  nY := ::nEndCol*12

    DEFAULT lLarge := .F.

        @ nX, nY*2 BTNBMP oBtn ;
          SIZE ( ::nBtnWidth * If( lLarge, 2, 1 ) ) + If( lLarge, 8, 0 ), ::nBtnHeight ;
          PIXEL OF ::oWnd PROMPT cCaption NOBORDER FILENAME cImgName TOOLTIP cToolTip

       oBtn:bAction = bAction

      * oBtn:SetColor( nClrText, nClrPane )

    return nil


the bitmaps Iused is of Windows Touch Icons Pack ( found free on Internet )

the test sample

Code: Select all  Expand view

    #include ""
    #include ""
    #include ""


    function Main()

       local oMetro

       DEFINE METRO oMetro ;
          TITLE "My FWH Metro app";
          SUBTITLE "FiveWin Windows Metro Ui  Engine 1.0" ;
          TO 50            ;
          USER "MdaSolutions Srl" ;

         // BACKGROUND "earth.bmp"
          //BTNSIZE 250,100

               PROMPT "Antonio"+CRLF+" Linares"  ;
               IMAGE ".\metro\2.bmp"

          PROMPT "Files" COLOR CLR_WHITE, RGB( 2, 174, 224 ) ;
          IMAGE ".\metro\files.bmp" ;
          ACTION Files()

          PROMPT "Customers" COLOR CLR_WHITE, RGB( 234, 112, 39 ) ;
          IMAGE ".\metro\CLIENTI.bmp" ;
           TOOLTIP "Gestione Clienti"

          PROMPT "Stock" COLOR CLR_WHITE, RGB( 181, 31, 60 ) LARGE ;
          IMAGE ".\metro\FORNITORI.bmp"  ;
           TOOLTIP "Gestione Fornitori"

          PROMPT "Utilities" COLOR CLR_WHITE, RGB( 24, 152, 78 ) ;
          IMAGE ".\metro\utilities.bmp" ;
           ACTION  Control_Panel() ;
           TOOLTIP "Control Panel"

          PROMPT "Reports" COLOR CLR_WHITE, RGB( 2, 174, 224 ) ;
          IMAGE ".\metro\print.bmp" ;
           TOOLTIP "Reports"

          PROMPT "Graphics" COLOR CLR_WHITE, RGB( 234, 112, 39 ) LARGE ;
          IMAGE ".\metro\graphics.bmp" ;
           TOOLTIP "Statistics"

          PROMPT "Calculator" COLOR CLR_WHITE, RGB( 86, 177, 14 ) ;
          IMAGE ".\metro\calculator.bmp" ;
          ACTION WinExec( "calc" ) ;
           TOOLTIP "Calculator"

          DEFINE METROBUTTON OF oMetro ;
          PROMPT "Save" COLOR CLR_WHITE, RGB( 86, 177, 14 ) ;
          IMAGE ".\metro\SAVE.bmp" ;
          ACTION WinExec( "calc" )

          PROMPT "Contact" COLOR CLR_WHITE, RGB( 213, 177, 1 ) ;
          IMAGE ".\metro\contact.bmp"

           DEFINE METROBUTTON OF oMetro ;
          PROMPT "Internet" COLOR CLR_WHITE, RGB( 2, 70, 133 ) LARGE ;
          IMAGE ".\metro\set.bmp"

            DEFINE METROBUTTON OF oMetro ;
          PROMPT "Calendar" COLOR CLR_WHITE, RGB( 2, 174, 224 ) ;
          IMAGE ".\metro\calendar.bmp"

          PROMPT "Exit" COLOR CLR_WHITE, RGB( 2, 174, 224 ) ;
          IMAGE ".\metro\exit.bmp" ;
          ACTION If( MsgYesNo( "Want to exit ?" ), oMetro:End(),);
            TOOLTIP "Exit from Metro UI"

       ACTIVATE METRO oMetro

    return nil


    function Files()

       local oWnd, oBar

       DEFINE WINDOW oWnd TITLE "Files"

       DEFINE BUTTONBAR oBar OF oWnd 2007 SIZE 80, 80

       DEFINE BUTTON OF oBar FILENAME "c:\work\fwh\bitmaps\32x32\new.bmp" PROMPT "New"

       DEFINE BUTTON OF oBar FILENAME "c:\work\fwh\bitmaps\32x32\edit.bmp" PROMPT "Edit"

       DEFINE BUTTON OF oBar FILENAME "c:\work\fwh\bitmaps\32x32\quit.bmp" PROMPT "Exit" ;
          ACTION oWnd:End()

       DEFINE MESSAGE OF oWnd 2007 PROMPT "Files management"


    return nil


    function Control_Panel()

   local oWnd, oFont, oBrw, oFont2, oFont3
   local aItems := { "Personalize", "Users", "Wireless", "Notifications", "Privacy", "General", "Search" }

   DEFINE FONT oFont NAME "Segoe UI Light" SIZE 0, -52

   DEFINE FONT oFont2 NAME "Segoe UI Light" SIZE 0, -32

   DEFINE FONT oFont3 NAME "Segoe UI Light" SIZE 0, -16

      COLOR RGB( 170, 170, 170 ), CLR_WHITE

   @ 2, 10 SAY "Control Panel" FONT oFont SIZE 300, 100

   @ 2, 80 SAY "Personalize" FONT oFont SIZE 300, 100

   @ 9, 7 XBROWSE oBrw ARRAY aItems COLSIZES 800 CELL ;
      FONT oFont2 SIZE 400, 700 NOBORDER OF oWnd

   oBrw:nDataLines = 2
   oBrw:lRecordSelector = .F.
   oBrw:lHeader   = .F.
   oBrw:lHScroll  = .F.
   oBrw:lVScroll  = .F.
   oBrw:nStretchCol = 1
   oBrw:bClrStd = { || { RGB( 170, 170, 170 ), CLR_WHITE } }
   oBrw:bClrSelFocus = { || { CLR_WHITE, RGB( 34, 177, 76 ) } }
   oBrw:SetColor( "B/W*" )

   oBrw:aCols[ 1 ]:bPaintText = { | oCol, hDC, cText, aCoors, aColors, lHighlight | DrawRow( oCol, hDC, cText, aCoors, oFont3 )  }

      ON CLICK oWnd:End()

return nil

function DrawRow( oCol, hDC, cText, aCoors, oFont )

   local hOldFont
   local aItems := { "Customize your lock screen and user tile",;
                     "Change your account or add new ones",;
                     "Turn wireless and airplane mode on or off",;
                     "Choose if apps notify you",;
                     "Control how apps use your personal info",;
                     "Change time zone and keyboard settings",;
                     "Pick what/where you want to search" }

   DrawText( hDC, cText, aCoors )
   aCoors[ 1 ] += 45
   hOldFont = SelectObject( hDC, oFont:hFont )
   DrawText( hDC, aItems[ oCol:oBrw:KeyNo ], aCoors )
   SelectObject( hDC, hOldFont )

return ni

I hope you like these my changes.....
FWH .. BC582.. xharbour
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Re: Windows 8 Metro style - A Class TMetro test

Postby norberto » Sun Sep 25, 2011 12:58 am

HI, Antonio, Otto, Mda, Ruth, thanks , very nice and usefull. but , this is "Metro UI like " appl, not "Metro UI" Appl, have a big difference.
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Re: Windows 8 Metro style - A Class TMetro test

Postby Bayron » Sun Sep 25, 2011 5:47 am

Hi Norberto,

I think you made that point clear, but Windows 8 final SdK has not even come out yet, so there is nothing anybody can do about it yet...

Besides this change is not something we can have in one day, since all (x)harbour will have to be changed and also FiveWin... 5 year from now, everybody is going to be talking about the same things we are talking right now... So I just hope that Antonio can give us this class Hi is working on, so we have something similar to what Windows 8 is going to be...

The metro UI is not something so expectacular that people is going to die for, and at last they just are going to want good software....

If you see right now, we have Windows 7 and take a look at the (x)Harbour comunity still works at console mode!!!

You also commented that you needed something to work with Windows 8 on Tablets... Well... you already have it; FWPPC (Unless they use Win7Phone software, in that case they will have to change FWPPC to FWMetro)... It works on ARM Processors... Not even Microsoft's x86 Software is goint to work on tablets, only software for that platform will...

For what I understand, Windows 8 is nothing but Windows 7 with some fixes and a (let's call it ) new Class that handles the new METRO UI... which is nothing but a menu with a few new ways to handle mouse (touch) events... maybe a little bit more than that, but basicly that...

Let''s wait a little to see what more information comes out ...

Bayron Landaverry
(215)2226600 Philadelphia,PA, USA
+(502)46727275 Guatemala

FWH12.04||Harbour 3.2.0 (18754)||BCC6.5||UEstudio 10.10||
Windows 7 Ultimate

FiveWin, One line of code and it's done...
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Re: Windows 8 Metro style - A Class TMetro test

Postby Otto » Sun Sep 25, 2011 6:21 am

Hello Norberto,
I think the techniques Antonio uses to get Fivewin running on MAC and Android have much potential to
interface between Metro/UI and Fivewin.
Best regards,
mod harbour - Vamos a la conquista de la Web
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Re: Windows 8 Metro style - A Class TMetro test

Postby hmpaquito » Sun Sep 25, 2011 8:43 am

Hi all,

A question. Is it possible to make web applications on WinRT (Metro API) ?

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Re: Windows 8 Metro style - A Class TMetro test

Postby MdaSolution » Sun Sep 25, 2011 12:51 pm

sorry I made a mistake

this is the good ch

#xcommand DEFINE METRO <oMtr> ;
[ BACKGROUND <cFileName> ] ;
[ BTNSIZE <nBtnWidth>, <nBtnHeight> ] ;
[ TITLE <cTitle> ] ;
[ SUBTITLE <cSubTitle> ] ;
[ TO <nEndCol> ] ;
[ USER <cUser> ] ;
[ <Botton: BOTTOn> ] ;
=> ;
<oMtr> := TMetro():New( <cTitle>,<cSubTitle>, <nBtnWidth>, <nBtnHeight>, <cFileName>,<nEndCol>,<cUser>,<.Botton.> )

#xcommand DEFINE METROBUTTON [<oBtn>] ;
[ PROMPT <cPrompt> ] ;
[ COLOR <nClrText>, <nClrPane> ] ;
[ IMAGE <cImgName> ] ;
[ TOOLTIP <cToolTip> ] ;
[ OF <oMetro> ] ;
[ <large: LARGE> ] ;
[ ACTION <uAction,...> ] ;
=> ;
[ <oBtn> := ] <oMetro>:AddButton( <cPrompt>, <nClrText>, <nClrPane>, <.large.>, <cImgName>,<cToolTip>, [{||<uAction>}] )

#xcommand DEFINE METROBTNUSER [<oBtn>] ;
[ PROMPT <cPrompt> ] ;
[ COLOR <nClrText>, <nClrPane> ] ;
[ IMAGE <cImgName> ] ;
[ TOOLTIP <cToolTip> ] ;
[ OF <oMetro> ] ;
[ <large: LARGE> ] ;
[ ACTION <uAction,...> ] ;
=> ;
[ <oBtn> := ] <oMetro>:AddButtonUser( <cPrompt>, <nClrText>, <nClrPane>, <.large.>, <cImgName>,<cToolTip>, [{||<uAction>}] )

#xcommand ACTIVATE METRO <oMtr> => <oMtr>:Activate()

FWH .. BC582.. xharbour
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Re: Windows 8 Metro style - A Class TMetro test

Postby norberto » Sun Sep 25, 2011 3:38 pm


>>The metro UI is not something so expectacular that people is going to die for, and at last they just are going to want good software...

Sorry , i dont agree with you in this point. Appl made with metro ui, is not only visual, they are sandboxed, kernel protected, runs without compile in windows 8, tablets with windows 8 and smartphones with windows phone 8, etc... its not about visual. microsoft wants make an "ecosystem".

>>You also commented that you needed something to work with Windows 8 on Tablets... Well... you already have it; FWPPC (Unless they use Win7Phone software, in that case >>they will have to change FWPPC to FWMetro)... It works on ARM Processors... Not even Microsoft's x86 Software is goint to work on tablets, only software for that platform >>will...

i have FWPPC, but work only in old smartphones with windows mobile 6.5, wince 4.2, etc..., i have an windows phone 7.5 mango with metro UI, and FWPPC dont work in this, and about ARM , i wanna say "NEW" ARM processors , or New Nvidia tegra processors like Kal_el.

>>For what I understand, Windows 8 is nothing but Windows 7 with some fixes and a (let's call it ) new Class that handles the new METRO UI... which is nothing but a menu with a >>few new ways to handle mouse (touch) events... maybe a little bit more than that, but basicly that...

dont agree too, Windows 8 are made from "ZERO", new Kernel, explorer is an App, like calculator, etc... many,many changes , please read the blog buildind windows 8.

because of war of tablets ( microsoft , apple, android), windows 8 will be launch in end of 2012, not 5 years in future, because windows 8 is the last chance of microsoft beat this concorrents in "POst-pc" era.


Last edited by norberto on Sun Sep 25, 2011 4:44 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Windows 8 Metro style - A Class TMetro test

Postby norberto » Sun Sep 25, 2011 4:25 pm

Hi,, this is my Windows phone 7.5 Mango (this version will debut in this week) , 1 ghz processor, 512 ram, 48 GB HD (storage), see the Metro UI in there:

note : in photos you cant see the tiles move, interact with you... its not static, change every time, update. sorry :cry:

contacts is integrated with facebook, twitter, windows live messenger in only one place :



STart menu with Tiles, like windows 8, the tiles is interactive : note how is similar to windows 8 tiles.


Office 2010 is integrated , office 365, skydrive, sharepoint, onenote too


this is the "best" : have true multitask, not unreal like iphone and anothers


here i moving the tiles : i can move , pin, unpin, and this tiles interact with me:




Microsoft have patent of METRO UI, so we dont see this in anothers devices :

PAtent of Tiles :





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Re: Windows 8 Metro style - A Class TMetro test

Postby MdaSolution » Sun Sep 25, 2011 6:26 pm

¿Usted cree en los cuentos de hadas?

Do you believe in fairy tales?
FWH .. BC582.. xharbour
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Re: Windows 8 Metro style - A Class TMetro test

Postby Bayron » Sun Sep 25, 2011 6:28 pm


Thank you for sharing all of that info with us, but sorry to tell you that:

runs without compile in windows 8, tablets with windows 8 and smartphones with windows phone 8, etc...

Is not true... HTML5, PHP and JavaScript will, but not C++ and as you are aware that is what we use...
You need an Arm Compiller to run software on Arm and
You need a x86 Compiller to run software on a Desktop computer

I think LAITON's FiveWeb may be a good solution, but so far, after months of requesting a demo app he has not been able to get a demo working in a website... (I don't know why since he says his software es fully functional????) and that is why I requested Antonio to build FiveTech FiveWeb, to be a HTML(5) code generator, backed up by php classes for the controls, browses, etc... but I think he is not interested on it... Because he says that the FiveWeb that he built, It was not accepted by the programmers that tested it... (I have not seen it, and I am shure I would love it)

Bayron Landaverry
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Re: Windows 8 Metro style - A Class TMetro test

Postby norberto » Sun Sep 25, 2011 8:17 pm

Hi Friends, I stop here.

I thought because you are more closer to the news, already living in first world countries (or beside, like EUA, mexico, spain,etc...), would be more up-to-date.

who actually read about windows 8, and if you really like this being announced, has no way of not enthuse, because this light years than we have today.

but it seems that not view the Conference build 8, which was broadcast live over the internet.I have a friend here in brazil that was in it, brought a tablet with windows 8, and it seems here never seen one in person.

I do my programs in fivewin and I love this tool, I hope to continue using, but not closing my eyes to what's new, or try to cover the Sun with a sieve.

fivewin this seeming a community that doesn't want to news, we have our applications, they work (Very well) , we gain our money and everything else leaves there, we'll be immune changes of the times.

in my country, brazil, the Government this encouraging the consumption of tablets, giving advantages, we should have thousands sold this year. Research shows that the desktop pc will be designed to have 6% of the market, the world this turning mobil, cloud, etc... Windows 7 have +- 1 year of life and sell 350 millions of copies and have 20% of market of OS, windows 8 when arrive will grow very fast too.

Microsoft is running to not lose more space in desktop , tablets etc...

then, I hope that we are immune to this all.

I will conclude with a phrase of steve balmer when apple released the iphone: "this is the music player (toy) more expensive than exists". Today he is running behind the prejudice and rumored to be replaced as CEO by the Project Director of windows 8. (Another Steve)

as I said, I stop here in this topic.

Bye, ciau, regards to all. see you in another topic about fivewin or (x)harbour.

I forgot to say: microsoft is opening in brazil a centre of training and development on windows phone 7 and 8, unique in Latin america.

and I fall in love with my windows phone,this is verrrrrrryyyyyyyyyyyy best than anothes i have like android, iphones,Rim , symbiam (R.I.P). and fall in love with my windows 8 preview too...

MDA: i have an "Out-of-box" Mind, so i believe. :D
for those have an "Out-of-Box" mind too, resources about windows 8: ... al/threads
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Re: Windows 8 Metro style - A Class TMetro test

Postby Antonio Linares » Mon Sep 26, 2011 6:09 am

I have installed Windows 8 on a computer (not on a virtual pc) to fully test it, to check the Metro implementation, the new Microsoft Visual Studio (including Metro support), and these are some of my thoughts:

1. Metro (based on WinRT) is quite different from Windows API traditional programming. I don't agree with the concept that the desktop has to loose power to become Tablet alike. The PC is very powerful, and you don't get that power from a tablet. I own an iPad (also an Android Galaxy tab), and they are really boring. Ok, you have some fun the first times you use them, but after that, they are toys compared with the power of the PCs (I use iMacs with OSX, Windows 7 and Ubuntu). I use a 24 inches screen, great for working, I can't do professional work with a tablet (10 inches).

2. Windows 7 is a reality, installed on millions of computers. Performing and delivering extremelly well. Solving the daily needs for many companies and users. Our development tools are really great: Harbour, FWH, C compilers, resources editors.

3. Windows Phone has been a big fiasco: I see iPhones everywhere, lots of them, but where are the Windows Phones that use Metro ? I have just seen Otto's and Norberto's ones. Ask people about what phone they want, and 95% answer iPhone.

4. The iPad is a reality. Again, lots of them being sold from lots of Mac sellers in many places. Where are the Windows tablets ? Are they available ? Where to buy them ?

5. Learning to program for Metro is a totally new task, similar as if you decide to learn iPhone development. You will start from zero. And what guaranties do you get that the Metro apps will be used ? Where ? On a Windows phone ? On a Windows tablet ?

6. Besides the avobe, I am doing my best to learn Metro, but Visual Studio for Metro on Windows 8 beta is terribly slow. Its a pain compared to the speed we get using Harbour and FWH. We could connect to WinRT, ok, but then we have to use .NET. First of all, we would need a Harbour built for .NET...

I admit that the ideas of having a multiplatform "Windows" are nice, but the truth is that Microsoft has been trying it for years to no avail, but as they get a lot of preasure from Apple, etc. they have no other choice that to push the Metro concept.
regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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Re: Windows 8 Metro style - A Class TMetro test

Postby softruz » Mon Sep 26, 2011 3:35 pm

Muy buenas, fabulosa clase, ¿ tenéis el código fuente para testearla y añadir mas cositas?
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