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TDolphin with FastrReport

PostPosted: Mon May 23, 2016 4:54 pm
by aferra
Before doing so with DBF

oFrPrn:SetWorkArea( <alias>, Select( <alias> ) )

Someone who uses know how to do using the TDolphin?

Re: TDolphin with FastrReport

PostPosted: Wed May 25, 2016 5:58 am
by Carles

Ejemplo básico de como crear un dataset

Code: Select all  Expand view

    cSql := "SELECT, c.id_epoca, e.epoca, c.id_patrimoni "
    cSql += "FROM cat_epoques c "
    cSql += "LEFT JOIN epoques e ON e.id_epoca = c.id_epoca "
    cSql += " WHERE c.id_patrimoni = "
    cSql += ltrim(str( nId ))

    oRsEpo  := oDb:Query( cSql )

    cFldCar := "id_carrer;mini;numero"

    FrPrn:SetUserDataSet( "oRsCar", cFldCar,;
                         {|| oRsCar:GoTop()  },;
                         {|| oRsCar:Skip(1)  },;
                         {|| oRsCar:Skip(-1) },;
                         {|| oRsCar:EoF()    },;
                         {|nField| oRsCar:FieldGet( nField ) })

Re: TDolphin with FastrReport

PostPosted: Wed May 25, 2016 8:04 am
by aferra
gracias Carles, funcionó perfecto, y no tiene que cambiar nada a mis informes, de nuevo gracias