MsgBar Time in AM/PM Format

MsgBar Time in AM/PM Format

Postby anserkk » Mon Sep 01, 2008 10:47 am


1) Is it poosible to show the time in MsgBar in AM/PM Format. Right now I understand that it is possible only in the 24 hr format.

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For eg : SET MESSAGE OF oWnd TO "My Company name" DATE CLOCK(AMPM)

2) Any working sample code showing how to insert a new msg item at a desired position in MsgBar.

3) I would also like to know how to change the Text/Prompt of an already added msg item


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Postby Antonio Linares » Mon Sep 01, 2008 11:15 pm


For 2) and 3) please review fwh\samples\TestMsg3.prg
regards, saludos

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Postby Antonio Linares » Mon Sep 01, 2008 11:17 pm


Do we have a function AMPM( cTime ) at hand ? Thanks :-)
regards, saludos

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Postby Antonio Linares » Mon Sep 01, 2008 11:24 pm

This one ?
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#include ""

function Main()

   MsgInfo( AMPM( "17:12:00" ) )

return nil

function AMPM( cTime )

   local nHour

   if ( nHour := Val( SubStr( cTime, 1, 2 ) ) ) > 11
      cTime = PadL( AllTrim( Str( nHour - 12 ) ), 2, "0" ) + SubStr( cTime, 3 ) + " PM"
      cTime += " AM"   

return cTime
regards, saludos

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Postby anserkk » Tue Sep 02, 2008 6:14 am

Thank you Mr.Antonio

1) Is it poosible to show the time in MsgBar in AM/PM Format. Right now I understand that it is possible only in the 24 hr format.

Regarding the AM/PM format in Clock on MsgBar, I included a modified \C:\FWH\source\classes\MsgBar.Prg version on my Application prg's and added the modified MsgBar.PRG in my .rmk file. It is working fine

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   local cTime := Time()

   if ::oClock == nil
      // keep the ':=' below for XBase++ compatibility
      ::oClock := TMsgItem():New( Self, cTime, ::GetWidth( cTime ) + 18,,,, .t.,;
                                 { || WinExec( "Control date/time" ) } )
      ::oClock:lTimer = .t.
      [b]::oClock:bMsg   = { || AMPM(Time()) }[/b]

return nil

function AMPM( cTime )
   local nHour

   if ( nHour := Val( SubStr( cTime, 1, 2 ) ) ) > 11
      cTime = PadL( AllTrim( Str( nHour - 12 ) ), 2, "0" ) + SubStr( cTime, 3 ) + " PM"
      cTime += " AM"   

return cTime

Would be better if you could include this option in the next version. So that the prgrammer can pass a parameter AMPM to display time in AMPM format in the MsgBar

3) I would also like to know how to change the Text/Prompt of an already added msg item

fwh\samples\TestMsg3.prg helped me to solve

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   if oWnd:oMsgBar:GetItem() < 3
      oItem := TMsgItem():New( oWnd:oMsgBar, cDispFnStr,110, ,"R*/BG",;
                      ,.t., ,,, "Active Financial Year" )
        oItem:bAction:={ || SelYear()}

DEFINE MSGITEM cDispFnStr OF oWndEdit:oMsgBar SIZE 30 COLOR "R+/W" TOOLTIP "Active Financial Year" ACTION SelYear()

2) Any working sample code showing how to insert a new msg item at a desired position in MsgBar.

Unfortunately I could not find any sample to Insert a MsgItem at a desired position.
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Postby anserkk » Tue Sep 02, 2008 6:41 am

Dear Mr.Antonio

A small bug in the Function AMPM

Instead of 12:05 PM it is showing 00:05 PM

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Postby anserkk » Tue Sep 02, 2008 7:31 am

This is working fine. I don't know whether this is the best way.

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unction AMPM( cTime )

   local nHour

   if ( nHour := Val( SubStr( cTime, 1, 2 ) ) ) > 11
        if nHour == 12
        cTime = PadL( AllTrim( Str( nHour) ), 2, "0" ) + SubStr( cTime, 3 ) + " PM"
      cTime = PadL( AllTrim( Str( nHour - 12 ) ), 2, "0" ) + SubStr( cTime, 3 ) + " PM"
      cTime += " AM"   

return cTime
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Postby Antonio Linares » Tue Sep 02, 2008 8:22 am

3) From fwh\samples\TestMsg3.prg
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             oItem := TMsgItem():New( oWnd:oMsgBar, "Hello", 60, oFont,"R*/BG",;
                      ,.t., {|| oItem:SetText( If( oItem:cMsg == "Hello", "Bye", "Hello" ) ) },,, "Test" )
regards, saludos

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Postby anserkk » Tue Sep 02, 2008 9:07 am

Dear Mr.Antonio,

I have already created a new msg Item, but I have NOT yet succeded in inserting the new msg item as the first item or at the desired position with the following code

I need different msg items to be displayed in the MsbBar

For Eg: Active Financial year
User Name etc.

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cDispFnStr:="Fn.Year : 2008-2009"
   oItem := TMsgItem():New( oWnd:oMsgBar, cDispFnStr,110, ,"R*/BG",;
                      ,.t., ,,, "Active Financial Year" )
        oItem:bAction:={ || SelYear()}
        oWnd:oMsgBar:insItem( oItem, 1 )

The above code is not inserting the Fn.Year string as the first MsgItem. Instead of that it is appearing as the last item in the MsgBar. Likewise I need to add a MsgItem UserName next to the Msg Item "Fn. Year 2008-2009". I don't know where I have went wrong.

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Postby nageswaragunupudi » Tue Sep 02, 2008 9:20 am

AMPM function is provided by both Harbour and xHarbour. We can use the builin function.

G. N. Rao.
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Postby nageswaragunupudi » Tue Sep 02, 2008 9:34 am

May be the following code is simple and does what you want and present the msgitems in the order you like to
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#include ''

function Main()

   LOCAL oWnd



   DEFINE MSGITEM OF oWnd:oMsgBar PROMPT 'CompanyName' SIZE 100
   DEFINE MSGITEM OF oWnd:oMsgBar PROMPT wNetGetUser() SIZE 100
   DEFINE MSGITEM OF oWnd:oMsgBar PROMPT "FinYear : 2008-09" SIZE 100
   oWnd:oMsgBar:oClock:bMsg   := { || AMPM( Time() ) }
   oWnd:oMsgBar:oClock:nWidth += 20


return nil

The msgitems are shown in the order in which we write them. For that reason, I invoked clock at the end.

Mr Antonio gave us the FiveWin libraries with great flexibilty of usage. We can achieve manythings using just the codeblocks. We do not need to modify the FiveWin source code to a large extent. In any case, where we can get what we want without modifying the library, it is highly desirable not to modify the library. If we modify. we can not keep pace with updates of FWH libraries, which are updated every month.

Also before we attempt to modify FW libraries let us make doubly sure that there is no way of achieving what we want without modifying the library iteself

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Postby anserkk » Tue Sep 02, 2008 10:24 am

Thankyou Mr.Nageshwara Rao

What u said is right. I am just a beginner in FWH and I need inputs from experienced people like you and other fellow members of this forum.

As you said, to avoid complications, I should add different MsgItems in their respective orders initially itself.

My application initially displays a Login Screen, after successfull login it will show another dialogue with a list box to choose the financial year to be worked/loaded. So after each successful events I add new msg Items. I think I should re-arrange the process of updating MsgItems


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Postby nageswaragunupudi » Tue Sep 02, 2008 10:44 am

We can create all msgitems at the outset and refersh value of fin year after fin year is selected ( if you are selecting fin year after displaying the main window).

Personally I do not show Time on msg bar because anyway windows shows time on the taskbar. Showing time again in our program is superflous and does not serve any additional benefit to the user. Anyway the choice is yours.

Same sample as above to update the fin year after user enters the fin year:
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#include ''

function Main()

   local oWnd, miFinYear, cFinYear := Space( 7 )



   DEFINE MSGITEM OF oWnd:oMsgBar PROMPT 'CompanyName' SIZE 100
   DEFINE MSGITEM OF oWnd:oMsgBar PROMPT wNetGetUser() SIZE 100
   DEFINE MSGITEM miFinYear OF oWnd:oMsgBar ;
      PROMPT "FinYe : " + cFinYear SIZE 100
   miFinYear:bMsg := { || "FinYr : " + cFinYear }

   // if you think it is necessary to show clock
   oWnd:oMsgBar:oClock:bMsg   := { || AMPM( Time() ) }
   oWnd:oMsgBar:oClock:nWidth += 20

      ON INIT ( cFinYear := SelFinYear(), miFinYear:Refresh() )

return nil

static func SelFinYear()

   local cYear  := Space( 7 ), n
   local aYears := { '2005-06', ;
                     '2006-07', ;
                     '2007-08', ;
                     '2008-09'  }

   n  := MsgList( aYears )
   cyear   := aYears[ n ]

   // you will have ur own code instead of this

return cYear

G. N. Rao.
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Postby anserkk » Tue Sep 02, 2008 11:21 am

Thank you Mr.NageswaraRao,

I reviewing my code and making the necessary changes based on your inputs.

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