xBrowse TAB vs ENTER key EDIT_GET ( rao )

xBrowse TAB vs ENTER key EDIT_GET ( rao )

Postby Rick Lipkin » Wed Jun 21, 2017 8:00 pm


Recently something has changed with xBrowse with the EDIT_GET block .. using :lTabLikeExcel := .t. .. when I put a price 69.95 in this block :
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//  Price
      oLbxB:aCols[8]:nEditType := EDIT_GET
       oLbxB:aCols[8]:bOnPostEdit := {|o,p| _GetPrice( p,oLbxB,oRsDetail,oRsRepair,lTaxable,oTaxable,;
                                                      oLabor,oParts,oMisc,oTax,oTotal,cTaxSet) }

and Hit the TAB key .. the block resolved 69.00 .. If I hit the ENTER key, the block resolves 69.95 ... I am using FWH 1705 ... this behavior recently showed up either in 1705 or 1704.

Appreciate your help!

Rick Lipkin
Last edited by Rick Lipkin on Fri Jun 23, 2017 4:33 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: xBrowse TAB vs ENTER key EDIT_GET ( rao )

Postby nageswaragunupudi » Thu Jun 22, 2017 5:23 pm

There is no change in xbrowse code.
I am unable to comment because I do not know what is inside the postedit code.

It is desirable and safer if we leave XBrowse to work with its own default codeblock for bOnPostEdit.
If you write your own codeblock you should be able to resolve these complexities

If we press Enter key, any pending edit is confirmed
If we press TAB, if there is any pending edit, CancelEdit() is called and the cursor moves to the next cell

G. N. Rao.
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Re: xBrowse TAB vs ENTER key EDIT_GET ( rao )

Postby Rick Lipkin » Fri Jun 23, 2017 1:39 pm


My code has not changed in years .. here is what is happening .. I tab thru the cells to the Price column .. I enter 69.95 as you see here


Then when I hit the TAB key ... and I pass P to the EDIT_GET code block and I trap the value with msginfo


The value for the decimals is truncated to .00 ...


If I repeat the same process and use the Enter key I get the expected 69.95 with the full decimal ... here is the code block that has not changed ...
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 //  Price
          oLbxB:aCols[8]:nEditType := EDIT_GET
          oLbxB:aCols[8]:bOnPostEdit := {|o,p| _GetPrice( p,oLbxB,oRsDetail,oRsRepair,lTaxable,oTaxable,;
                                                      oLabor,oParts,oMisc,oTax,oTotal,cTaxSet) }
          // extention
          ADD oCol TO oLbxB AT 9 DATA {|x| x :=  _CalcExt( oRsDetail:Fields("Qty"):Value,;
                                    oRsDetail:Fields("Price"):Value )} HEADER 'Ext' size 65
          oLbxB:aCols[9]:nEditType := EDIT_NONE
          oLbxB:aCols[9]:nDataStrAlign := AL_RIGHT
          oLbxB:aCols[8]:nHeadStrAlign := AL_RIGHT

Static Func  _GetPrice( nP,oLbxMain,oRsDetail,oRsRepair,lTaxable,oTaxable,;

Local nOldPrice,nQ,Saying

msginfo(nP) // nP should be 69.95 .. not 69.00

If oRsDetail:Fields("IsLabor"):Value = .t.
   Saying := "Sorry .. you can not EDIT this Price because there is Itemization"+chr(10)
   Saying += "under the Labor Column. In order to Change this Price you must go"+chr(10)
   Saying += "back to the Labor column and Edit or Delete your Changes there"+chr(10)
   MsgInfo( Saying )

nOldPrice := oRsDetail:Fields("Price"):Value
nQ        := oRsDetail:Fields("Qty"):Value

If nP = nOldPrice

oRsDetail:Fields("Price"):Value := nP

_ReCalcTotals( oRsDetail,oRsRepair,@lTaxable,oTaxable, ,oLbxMain,;
                        oLabor,oParts,oMisc,oTax,oTotal,cTaxSet  )



Static Func _CalcExt( nQuantity,nPrice )

//recalcs ext to paint listbox

Local nExtension

nExtension := Round((nQuantity * nPrice),2)

Return( nExtension )

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Re: xBrowse TAB vs ENTER key EDIT_GET ( rao )

Postby nageswaragunupudi » Fri Jun 23, 2017 3:13 pm

What was the existing value before entering 69.95?

The behavior of xbrowse is this:
If you press Enter, you will see 69.95
If you press Tab, you will see the value existing already

G. N. Rao.
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Re: xBrowse TAB vs ENTER key EDIT_GET ( rao )

Postby Rick Lipkin » Fri Jun 23, 2017 3:42 pm


This was a new row created by the function _AddNewRow() .. the value of Price was 0 before anyone traverses into the cell.

Rick Lipkin

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Static Func _AddNewRow( oRsDetail,nRN,nTech,cLocation,oBrw,cAsk,oRsRepair,cReturn )

Local Saying,nEid,nLine,nUpdated

If empty( cAsk )
   cAsk := "Y"

If Empty(cReturn)
   cReturn := "ADD"

If cAsk = "Y"

   Saying := "Do you wish to Add a New Record ?"
   If MsgYesNo( Saying )


nEid := _GenEid(1)
If nEid = -1
   Saying := "Error in Creating Unique EID for Repair Detail"
   Msginfo( Saying )

nLine := _GenLine()
If nLine = -1
   Saying := "Error in Creating Unique LINE for Repair Detail"
   Msginfo( Saying )

// update the concurrent counter in repair header

nUpdated := oRsRepair:Fields("Updated"):Value

If Empty(nUpdated)
   nUpdated := 1

oRsRepair:Fields("Updated"):Value := nUpdated


oRsDetail:Fields("RepDetailEid"):Value     := nEid
oRsDetail:Fields("Unique Line"):Value      := nLine
oRsDetail:Fields("Repair Number"):Value    := nRn

If cReturn = "RETURN"
   oRsDetail:Fields("Qty"):Value              := -1
   oRsDetail:Fields("Qty"):Value              := 1

oRsDetail:Fields("Item Description"):Value := space(100)
oRsDetail:Fields("Price"):Value            := 0                              // <---------------------   here is the value of Price
oRsDetail:Fields("Tech Number"):Value      := nTech
oRsDetail:Fields("Inventory Id"):Value     := space(50)
oRsDetail:Fields("Inventory Type"):Value   := space(50) //"Labor"+space(45)
oRsDetail:Fields("Cost"):Value             := 0
oRsDetail:Fields("Covered By Warranty"):Value := .f.
oRsDetail:Fields("Location"):Value         := cLocation
oRsDetail:Fields("Code"):Value             := space(25)
*oRsDetail:Fields("Shipping Ref"):Value     := space(64)
oRsDetail:Fields("Serial Number"):Value    := space(50)
oRsDetail:Fields("NoTax"):Value            := 0
oRsDetail:Fields("Warranty Provider"):Value := space(50)
*oRsDetail:Fields("Quote Price"):Value      := 0
oRsDetail:Fields("LockedDown"):Value       := .f.
oRsDetail:Fields("IsSerial"):Value         := .f.
oRsDetail:Fields("IsLabor"):Value          := .f.

oBrw:nColSel(3) // move to part number on add


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Re: xBrowse TAB vs ENTER key EDIT_GET ( rao )

Postby Rick Lipkin » Fri Jun 23, 2017 3:51 pm


You were on the right track ... I added 0.00 ( decimal ) to Price in _AddNewRow() .... and now it WORKS !!

Thanks for pointing me in the right direction ..

Rick Lipkin
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Re: xBrowse TAB vs ENTER key EDIT_GET ( rao ).. SOLVED

Postby nageswaragunupudi » Fri Jun 23, 2017 3:57 pm

The best way is to test with as small program as possible
I am testing with this program
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#include "fivewin.ch"

function Main()

      SETUP ( oBrw:lTabLikeExcel := .t., ;
      oBrw:Salary:lAutoSave := .f., ;  // toggle and check
      oBrw:Salary:bOnPostEdit := { |o,x,k| MsgInfo( x ) } )

return nil

I find difference in the behavior between 17.03 and 17.05.
I try to locate the change and let you know.
I did not save 17.04 version.

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Re: xBrowse TAB vs ENTER key EDIT_GET ( rao )

Postby Rick Lipkin » Fri Jun 23, 2017 4:04 pm


Unfortunately adding 0.00 to Price in _AddNewRow() made NO difference ... I still get 69.00 when I trap the EDIT_GET code block value nP ... :)

Rick Lipkin

ps I just updated to FWH 1706 a few minutes ago
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Re: xBrowse TAB vs ENTER key EDIT_GET ( rao )

Postby Rick Lipkin » Fri Jun 23, 2017 4:52 pm


I just compiled your sample and changed the Salary to 69.95 and Tabbed thru the cell and your msginfo resolved 69.00 instead of 69.95... and the previous existing value decimal value was .00

At least we are able to re-create the tabbed behavior.

Rick Lipkin

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Re: xBrowse TAB vs ENTER key EDIT_GET ( rao )

Postby Rick Lipkin » Mon Jun 26, 2017 7:37 pm


Any News ?

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Re: xBrowse TAB vs ENTER key EDIT_GET ( rao )

Postby nageswaragunupudi » Tue Jun 27, 2017 4:16 am

Mr Rick
I need some more time please

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Re: xBrowse TAB vs ENTER key EDIT_GET ( rao )

Postby Rick Lipkin » Thu Jul 13, 2017 2:33 pm


Hope you enjoyed the conference ... have you had a chance to re-examine this issue ?

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Re: xBrowse TAB vs ENTER key EDIT_GET ( rao )

Postby Rick Lipkin » Tue Jul 25, 2017 12:25 pm


Forgive me .. just wanted to keep this on your radar ... Thanks for your Help !

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Re: xBrowse TAB vs ENTER key EDIT_GET ( rao )

Postby nageswaragunupudi » Sat Jul 29, 2017 4:32 pm

Sorry for the delay.

Please locate static function EditGetkeyDown( Self, nKey ) in xbrowse.prg.
In that function please locate the code
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     case nKey == VK_RETURN

Modify this line as
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     case nKey == VK_RETURN .or. nKey == VK_TAB

Please let us know the result

G. N. Rao.
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Re: xBrowse TAB vs ENTER key EDIT_GET ( rao )

Postby Rick Lipkin » Mon Jul 31, 2017 2:17 pm


case nKey == VK_RETURN was found in two places

1) KeyChar()
2) EditGetKeyDown()

I made the change in both places to case nKey == VK_RETURN .or. nKey == VK_TAB

You modification WORKED !!

Thank You VERY Much

Rick Lipkin
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