by Otto » Tue Sep 21, 2010 6:08 am
To all,
I would like to start a knowledge base about the use of hash with (x)harbour.
If someone has additional information please post it here. Thanks in advance.
From a post of Mr. Rao:
In general Hash is a number derived from a large data value ( mostly character strings ) uniquely identifying it. Something like a checksum. Hash table is a table that stores such values and it gets easier to index and search on such tables.
But the Hashes we are talking about in (x)Harbour are different.
Hashes are like Arrays but with more flexibility. They are also called Associative Arrays.
For arrays, the index is always an integer from 1,...n.
For Hashes, the index can be a Character, Numeric, Date.
For example, hHash[ "One" ] := <somevalue>
We instantiate Arrays as aArray := {} or aArray := Array(n)
We instantiate Hashes as hHash := {=>} or Hash() ( xharbour )
We can add elements like
hDays[ "Jan" ] := 31
hDays[ "Feb" ] := 28, etc.
Later, hDays[ "Feb" ] --> 28
In xhabour both the above syntax works and also we can write hDays:Jan := 31 and hDays:Feb := 28
Here "Jan" and "Feb" are called Keys and 31 and 28 are called Values
There are many Hash functions to operate on Hashes.
ValType( hDays ) is 'H'
You can learn more from xharbour.chm help file.
HSetCaseMatch( ::hStates, .f. ) // make it case insensitive
DbEval( { || ::hStates[States -> Code] := States ->name } )
// Alternative Syntax:
// DbEval( { || HSet( hStates, States ->Code, States->Name ) } )
CLOSE code
stateName := ::hStates[ (States)->Code ]
How to use with xBrowse:
WITH OBJECT ::oBrw:AddCol()
:cHeader := " State Name "
:bEditValue := { || ::hStates[ (::cAlias)->Code ] }
Hash is like Array. Only difference is for Arrays the index is an integer and for Hashes the index can be number, date or character value. If the index is out of range for arrays, it results in a runtime error. Same way if the index value of a Hash is not found, it results in a runtime error.
What we do for arrays if we are not sure if the index in within range?
We can write :
result := aData[ n ]
result := 0
result := If( n > 0 .and. n <= Len( aData ), aData[ n ], 0 )
Same way for Hashes also:
We can either write a TRY,CATCH,END block
result := If( HHasKey( hData, cKey ), hData[ cKey ], <default> )
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