Strange things happening here! HELP ME!

Strange things happening here! HELP ME!

Postby msmsenac » Thu Feb 24, 2011 7:01 pm

Dear Antonio Linares,

Stange things happens! So, if do not copy the uuid.lib from C:\BORLAND\BCC582\LIB TO C:\FW1006\SAMPLES\FIVEGEN (development directory) the error bellow is shown! So f*ing strange!

But i have another link error: HB_FUN ___DBSKIPPER FIVEH.LIB|WBROWSE, i´ve already verified for CT.LIB and also have created the __DBSkipper(x) Function at the end of the fivegen.prg!

Here my enviroment: Harbour 2.0 + BCC582 + FWH 10.06.

Masters! Help me, please!!!!

For your study, i´m sending the content of both errors.logs, the first when i remove the uuid.lib from the development directory, the second just send this message, such as i said before. I´m posting the fivegen.MAK too!

Turbo Incremental Link 5.69 Copyright (c) 1997-2005 Borland
Fatal: Unable to open file 'UUID.LIB'

Turbo Incremental Link 5.69 Copyright (c) 1997-2005 Borland
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN___DBSKIPPER' referenced from C:\FWH1006\LIB\FIVEH.LIB|WBROWSE

#MakeFile for Fivegen sample


#change these paths as needed
.path.OBJ = .\obj
.path.PRG = .\
.path.CH = $(BCDIR)\include;$(FWDIR)\include;$(HBDIR)\include
.path.C = .\
.path.rc = .\

#important: Use Uppercase for filenames extensions, in the next two rules!
PRG = \

PROJECT : FiveGen.exe

FiveGen.exe : $(PRG:.PRG=.OBJ) $(C:.C=.OBJ) Fivegen.res


echo $(BCDIR)\lib\c0w32.obj + > b32.bc

echo FIVEGEN.EXE, + >> b32.bc
echo FIVEGEN.MAP, + >> b32.bc

echo $(FWDIR)\lib\FiveH.lib $(FWDIR)\lib\FiveHC.lib + >> b32.bc

echo $(HBDIR)\lib\win\bcc\hbrtl.lib + >> b32.bc
echo $(HBDIR)\lib\win\bcc\hbvm.lib + >> b32.bc
echo $(HBDIR)\lib\win\bcc\gtgui.lib + >> b32.bc
echo $(HBDIR)\lib\win\bcc\hblang.lib + >> b32.bc
echo $(HBDIR)\lib\win\bcc\hbmacro.lib + >> b32.bc
echo $(HBDIR)\lib\win\bcc\hbrdd.lib + >> b32.bc
echo $(HBDIR)\lib\win\bcc\rddntx.lib + >> b32.bc
echo $(HBDIR)\lib\win\bcc\rddcdx.lib + >> b32.bc
echo $(HBDIR)\lib\win\bcc\rddfpt.lib + >> b32.bc
echo $(HBDIR)\lib\win\bcc\hbsix.lib + >> b32.bc
echo $(HBDIR)\lib\win\bcc\hbdebug.lib + >> b32.bc
echo $(HBDIR)\lib\win\bcc\hbcommon.lib + >> b32.bc
echo $(HBDIR)\lib\win\bcc\hbpp.lib + >> b32.bc
echo $(HBDIR)\lib\win\bcc\hbcpage.lib + >> b32.bc
echo $(HBDIR)\lib\win\bcc\hbwin.lib + >> b32.bc
echo $(HBDIR)\lib\win\bcc\hbcplr.lib + >> b32.bc
echo $(HBDIR)\lib\win\bcc\hbct.lib + >> b32.bc
echo $(HBDIR)\lib\win\bcc\xhb.lib + >> b32.bc

echo $(BCDIR)\lib\cw32.lib + >> b32.bc
echo $(BCDIR)\lib\uuid.lib + >> b32.bc
echo $(BCDIR)\lib\import32.lib + >> b32.bc
echo $(BCDIR)\lib\psdk\odbc32.lib + >> b32.bc
echo $(BCDIR)\lib\psdk\nddeapi.lib + >> b32.bc
echo $(BCDIR)\lib\psdk\iphlpapi.lib + >> b32.bc
echo $(BCDIR)\lib\psdk\msimg32.lib + >> b32.bc
echo $(BCDIR)\lib\psdk\rasapi32.lib, >> b32.bc


$(BCDIR)\bin\ilink32 -Gn -aa -Tpe -s @b32.bc > ERROR.LOG

$(HBDIR)\bin\harbour $< /N /Oobjh\ /I$(FWDIR)\include;$(HBDIR)\include;$(BcDIR)\include /p
$(BCDIR)\bin\bcc32 -c -I$(HBDIR)\INCLUDE;$(FWDIR)\INCLUDE;$(BCDIR)\INCLUDE -oobjh\$& objh\$&.c

echo -c -tWM -D__HARBOUR__ -DHB_API_MACROS > tmp
echo -I$(HBDIR)\include;$(FWDIR)\include.$(BcDIR)\include >> tmp
$(BCDIR)\bin\bcc32 -oobj\$& @tmp $&.c
del tmp

Fivegen.res : Fivegen.rc
$(BCDIR)\bin\brc32.exe -r Fivegen.rc

Marcelo da Silva Monteiro.
xBase choiced: xHarbour 1.21 + FiveWin 10.08 + Borland C 5.82 + DBFNTX/SQLRDD
Windows 7 Ultimate x64, W2K8 Services, Netware 6.5 FileServer
Dual Gigabit MultiTrunk vLan Full-Duplex Link
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Re: Strange things happening here! HELP ME!

Postby Bayron » Thu Feb 24, 2011 7:48 pm

Marcelo, make sure you have configured BCC

It's similar for BCC582
If you have problems doing it, let us know...

Bayron Landaverry
(215)2226600 Philadelphia,PA, USA
+(502)46727275 Guatemala

FWH12.04||Harbour 3.2.0 (18754)||BCC6.5||UEstudio 10.10||
Windows 7 Ultimate

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Re: Strange things happening here! HELP ME!

Postby msmsenac » Thu Feb 24, 2011 8:07 pm

Thank you Byron,
The first problem is already solved , so and the second one?

What i shall do to have a fine & correct FIVEGEN executable?

I´m questioning that because i want to create a web application that uses DBFNTX RDD!

Anyone have this kind of Server/Client Application (based on DBF version 3 fles)?

if i´m using SQLRDD the problem was already solved!

i´m sincerally gratefull to all of you people!
xBase choiced: xHarbour 1.21 + FiveWin 10.08 + Borland C 5.82 + DBFNTX/SQLRDD
Windows 7 Ultimate x64, W2K8 Services, Netware 6.5 FileServer
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Re: Strange things happening here! HELP ME!

Postby Bayron » Thu Feb 24, 2011 8:21 pm

msmsenac wrote:i want to create a web application that uses DBFNTX RDD!

I don't have an application like that, but I think you can use Advangage Database Server (ADS) to do so...

Bayron Landaverry
(215)2226600 Philadelphia,PA, USA
+(502)46727275 Guatemala

FWH12.04||Harbour 3.2.0 (18754)||BCC6.5||UEstudio 10.10||
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Re: Strange things happening here! HELP ME!

Postby msmsenac » Thu Feb 24, 2011 8:51 pm

Sorry Bayron,
I think that i´m ILLNESS Retired, so i want just know anything about something! You know! Clipper was my professional soul! I´ve already programmed at Clipper Winter´85, since 1987, migrating from CP/M´80 Vulcan dBaseII (AsthonTate Later)! I´ve lived at Joshua Tree, a HardcoreColdLittleBigRocky CalCity, if you can understand me! Pardon me, if my english isn´t good enough, but i didn´t talk or write, in english ever, since i came back to Brazil!

So! What about my question? You know something about DBFNTX WebApplication, like FiveGen?

Best Regards,
xBase choiced: xHarbour 1.21 + FiveWin 10.08 + Borland C 5.82 + DBFNTX/SQLRDD
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Re: Strange things happening here! HELP ME!

Postby Bayron » Thu Feb 24, 2011 11:23 pm

So! What about my question? You know something about DBFNTX WebApplication, like FiveGen?

msmsenac, Sorry I don't know FiveGen.
Maybe you can find something related to that looking for "CGI" or "FiveWeb" .......

Bayron Landaverry
(215)2226600 Philadelphia,PA, USA
+(502)46727275 Guatemala

FWH12.04||Harbour 3.2.0 (18754)||BCC6.5||UEstudio 10.10||
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Re: Strange things happening here! HELP ME!

Postby msmsenac » Thu Feb 24, 2011 11:46 pm

Thank you Bayron,

I just have changed the choice to make the exec, to use xHarbour 1.21 (6749) + FWH 10.08 + BCC 5.82, and at this time everything works fine! First of all, i must to get the Database files from this sample application, because some classes are controlled by these data! So! Have you the fully version of this Database Files or know someone that have it? I´ll thank so much!

Right now i saying bye and godspeed!

xBase choiced: xHarbour 1.21 + FiveWin 10.08 + Borland C 5.82 + DBFNTX/SQLRDD
Windows 7 Ultimate x64, W2K8 Services, Netware 6.5 FileServer
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