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Visual interface for Harbour hbmk2.exe

PostPosted: Sun Mar 17, 2013 10:32 pm
by Antonio Linares
Harbour provides a powerfull hbmk2.exe make utility but it is intended to be used from a console window, so I thought to provide a visual interface for it to turn it even simpler :-)

This is a very early prototype but you may be interested in testing it, provide ideas, etc. thanks

Code: Select all  Expand view
#include ""


function BuildWindow()

   local oDlg, oGet1, cPrgName := Space( 20 ), oSay3, oFld1, oSay2, oBtn1, oBtn2
   local cResult, oResult, cPath, nRetCode

   SetDlgGradient( { { 1, RGB( 199, 216, 237 ), RGB( 237, 242, 248 ) } } )
   DEFINE DIALOG oDlg TITLE "Visual make for Harbour" ;
      SIZE 600, 500

   @ 16,  16 SAY oSay2 PROMPT "Main PRG" SIZE  30, 9 PIXEL OF oDlg

   @ 25, 16 GET oGet1 VAR cPrgName SIZE 120, 12 PIXEL OF oDlg ;
      ACTION oGet1:VarPut( cGetFile( "*.prg" ) )

   @ 50,  16 SAY oSay3 PROMPT "Additional" SIZE 30, 9 PIXEL OF oDlg

   @ 60, 16 FOLDER oFld1 PROMPTS "PRGs", "OBJs", "LIBs" ;
      SIZE 200, 100 PIXEL OF oDlg

   @ 22, 230 BUTTON oBtn1 PROMPT "&Build" ;
      SIZE 60, 20 PIXEL OF oDlg ;
      ACTION ( MemoWrit( "go.bat", "set path=c:\bcc582\bin" + CRLF + ;
                                   "c:\harbour\bin\hbmk2 " + ;
                                   "-comp=bcc " + ;
                                   "-ic:\fwteam\include " + ;
                                   "-lfiveh.lib " + ;
                                   "-lfivehc.lib " + ;
                                   "-Lc:\fwteam\lib " + ;
                                   "-lc:\bcc582\lib\psdk\psapi.lib " + ;
                                   "xhb.hbc " + ;
                                   "-gtgui " + ;
                                   AllTrim( cPrgName ) ),;
               nRetCode := WaitRun( "go.bat > out.log", 0 ),;
               oResult:SetText( GetError( nRetCode ) + CRLF + MemoRead( "out.log" ) ),;
               WaitRun( cFileNoExt( cPrgName ) ),;
               hb_SetEnv( "path", cPath ) )

   @ 48, 230 BUTTON oBtn2 PROMPT "&Cancel" ;
      SIZE 60, 20 PIXEL OF oDlg ;
      ACTION oDlg:End()

   @ 170, 16 SAY oSay3 PROMPT "Result" SIZE 30, 9 PIXEL OF oDlg

   @ 180, 16 GET oResult VAR cResult MEMO ;
      SIZE 200, 60 PIXEL OF oDlg


return oDlg


function GetError( nError )

   do case
      case nError == 0
           return "Ok"
      case nError == 2
           return "unknown compiler"
      case nError == 6
           return "failed in compilation (Harbour, C compiler, Resource compiler)"
      case nError == 7
           return "failed in final assembly (linker or library manager)"        
return Str( nError )



Re: Visual interface for Harbour hbmk2.exe

PostPosted: Mon Mar 18, 2013 8:34 am
by Massimo Linossi
WOW. This is really great.
If you can finish this project and add all the RMDBFCDX functionality, I can switch from to your version.
Many thanks Antonio.

Re: Visual interface for Harbour hbmk2.exe

PostPosted: Mon Mar 18, 2013 9:03 am
by Antonio Linares
Enhanced version with multiple PRGs support:


Code: Select all  Expand view
#include ""
#include ""

static oBrwPrgs, aPrgs := { { "", "", "" } }


function Main()

   local oDlg, oGetName, cPrgName := Space( 20 ), oFldAdditional
   local oBtnBuild, oBtnCancel
   local cResult, oResult, cPath, nRetCode

   SetDlgGradient( { { 1, RGB( 199, 216, 237 ), RGB( 237, 242, 248 ) } } )
   DEFINE DIALOG oDlg TITLE "Visual make for Harbour" ;
      SIZE 600, 500

   @ 16,  16 SAY "Main PRG" SIZE  30, 9 PIXEL OF oDlg

   @ 25, 16 GET oGetName VAR cPrgName SIZE 120, 12 PIXEL OF oDlg ;
      ACTION oGetName:VarPut( cGetFile( "*.prg" ) )

   @ 50,  16 SAY "Additional" SIZE 30, 9 PIXEL OF oDlg

   @ 60, 16 FOLDER oFldAdditional PROMPTS "PRGs", "OBJs", "LIBs" ;
      SIZE 200, 100 PIXEL OF oDlg

   BuildBrwPrgs( oFldAdditional )

   @ 22, 230 BUTTON oBtnBuild PROMPT "&Build" ;
      SIZE 60, 20 PIXEL OF oDlg ;
      ACTION ( MemoWrit( "go.bat", "set path=c:\bcc582\bin" + CRLF + ;
                                   "c:\harbour\bin\hbmk2 " + ;
                                   "-comp=bcc " + ;
                                   "-ic:\fwteam\include " + ;
                                   "-lfiveh.lib " + ;
                                   "-lfivehc.lib " + ;
                                   "-Lc:\fwteam\lib " + ;
                                   "-lc:\bcc582\lib\psdk\psapi.lib " + ;
                                   "xhb.hbc " + ;
                                   "-gtgui " + ;
                                   AllTrim( cPrgName ) + ;
                                   AToStr( aPrgs ) ),;
               nRetCode := WaitRun( "go.bat > out.log", 0 ),;
               oResult:SetText( GetError( nRetCode ) + CRLF + MemoRead( "out.log" ) ),;
               WaitRun( cFileNoExt( cPrgName ) ) )

   @ 48, 230 BUTTON oBtnCancel PROMPT "&Cancel" ;
      SIZE 60, 20 PIXEL OF oDlg ;
      ACTION oDlg:End()

   @ 170, 16 SAY "Result" SIZE 30, 9 PIXEL OF oDlg

   @ 180, 16 GET oResult VAR cResult MEMO ;
      SIZE 200, 60 PIXEL OF oDlg

      ON INIT BuildFldButtons( oFldAdditional )

return oDlg


function GetError( nError )

   do case
      case nError == 0
           return "Ok"
      case nError == 1
           return "unknown platform"
      case nError == 2
           return "unknown compiler"
      case nError == 3
           return "failed Harbour detection"    
      case nError == 5
           return "failed stub creation"    
      case nError == 6
           return "failed in compilation (Harbour, C compiler, Resource compiler)"
      case nError == 7
           return "failed in final assembly (linker or library manager)"        
      case nError == 8
           return "unsupported"  
      case nError == 9
           return "failed to create working directory"  
      case nError == 10
           return "dependency missing or disabled"  
      case nError == 19
           return "help"  
      case nError == 20
           return "plugin initialization"
      case nError == 30
           return "too deep nesting"    
      case nError == 50
           return "stop requested"    
return Str( nError )


function BuildBrwPrgs( oFld )

   @ 0, 0 XBROWSE oBrwPrgs ARRAY aPrgs SIZE 300, 180 PIXEL OF oFld:aDialogs[ 1 ]

   // oBrwPrgs:SetFont( ::oFontBrw )

   ADD TO oBrwPrgs HEADER "Name" DATA oBrwPrgs:aArrayData[ oBrwPrgs:nArrayAt ][ 1 ] SIZE 200
   ADD TO oBrwPrgs HEADER "Size" DATA oBrwPrgs:aArrayData[ oBrwPrgs:nArrayAt ][ 2 ] SIZE  80
   ADD TO oBrwPrgs HEADER "Date" DATA oBrwPrgs:aArrayData[ oBrwPrgs:nArrayAt ][ 3 ] SIZE  70

   oBrwPrgs:nMarqueeStyle = MARQSTYLE_HIGHLROW
   oBrwPrgs:nRowHeight    = 17
   oBrwPrgs:bClrSel       = { || { CLR_WHITE, CLR_BLUE } }


   oFld:aDialogs[ 1 ]:SetControl( oBrwPrgs )
return oBrwPrgs


function BuildFldButtons( oFld )

   local cMask  := { "*.prg", "*.obj", "*.lib" }[ oFld:nOption ]
   local cTitle := "Please select a " + { "PRG", "OBJ", "LIB" }[ oFld:nOption ] + " file"
   local oBtn, cFileName

   @ 1, 350 BUTTON oBtn PROMPT "+" OF oFld SIZE 18, 18 PIXEL ;
      ACTION ( cFileName := cGetFile( cMask, cTitle ),;
               If( ! Empty( cFileName ),;
                   ( If( aPrgs[ 1 ][ 1 ] == "", ASize( aPrgs, 0 ),),;
                     AAdd( aPrgs, { cFileName, Directory( cFileName )[ 1 ][ 2 ],;
                                    Directory( cFileName )[ 1 ][ 3 ] } ),;
                     oFld:aDialogs[ 1 ]:aControls[ 1 ]:GoBottom(),;
                     oFld:aDialogs[ 1 ]:aControls[ 1 ]:SetFocus() ), ) )

   oBtn:cTooltip = "Add"

   @ 1, 372 BUTTON "--" OF oFld SIZE 18, 18 PIXEL

return nil


function AToStr( aFiles )

   local cResult := ""
   AEval( aFiles, { | aFile | cResult += " " + aFile[ 1 ] } )
return cResult


Re: Visual interface for Harbour hbmk2.exe

PostPosted: Mon Mar 18, 2013 9:48 am
by Antonio Linares
We start the settings implementation:


Code: Select all  Expand view
#include ""
#include ""

static oBrwPrgs, aPrgs := { { "", "", "" } }
static cHbmkPath := "c:\harbour\bin\hbmk2.exe"
static cCCompiler := "Borland"


function Main()

   local oDlg, oGetName, cPrgName := Space( 20 ), oFldAdditional
   local oBtnBuild, oBtnCancel
   local cResult, oResult, cPath, nRetCode

   SetDlgGradient( { { 1, RGB( 199, 216, 237 ), RGB( 237, 242, 248 ) } } )
   DEFINE DIALOG oDlg TITLE "Visual make for Harbour" ;
      SIZE 600, 500

   @ 16,  16 SAY "Main PRG" SIZE  30, 9 PIXEL OF oDlg

   @ 25, 16 GET oGetName VAR cPrgName SIZE 120, 12 PIXEL OF oDlg ;
      ACTION oGetName:VarPut( cGetFile( "*.prg" ) ) ;
      VALID If( Empty( cPrgName ), ( MsgAlert( "please select a PRG file" ), .F. ), .T. )

   @ 50,  16 SAY "Additional" SIZE 30, 9 PIXEL OF oDlg

   @ 60, 16 FOLDER oFldAdditional PROMPTS "PRGs", "OBJs", "LIBs" ;
      SIZE 200, 100 PIXEL OF oDlg

   BuildBrwPrgs( oFldAdditional )

   @ 22, 230 BUTTON oBtnBuild PROMPT "&Build" ;
      SIZE 60, 20 PIXEL OF oDlg ;
      ACTION ( If( ! File( "c:\harbour\bin\hbmk2.exe" ), MsgAlert( "can't find hbmk2.exe" ),),;
               MemoWrit( "go.bat", "set path=c:\bcc582\bin" + CRLF + ;
                                   cHbmkPath + " " + ;
                                   "-comp=" + If( cCCompiler == "Borland", "bcc", "" ) + ;
                                   If( cCCompiler == "Microsoft", "msvc", "" ) + ;
                                   If( cCCompiler == "MinGW", "mingw", "" ) + " " + ;
                                   "-ic:\fwteam\include " + ;
                                   "-lfiveh.lib " + ;
                                   "-lfivehc.lib " + ;
                                   "-Lc:\fwteam\lib " + ;
                                   "-lc:\bcc582\lib\psdk\psapi.lib " + ;
                                   "xhb.hbc " + ;
                                   "-gtgui " + ;
                                   AllTrim( cPrgName ) + ;
                                   AToStr( aPrgs ) ),;
               nRetCode := WaitRun( "go.bat > out.log", 0 ),;
               oResult:SetText( GetError( nRetCode ) + CRLF + MemoRead( "out.log" ) ),;
               If( nRetCode == 0, WaitRun( cFileNoExt( cPrgName ) ),) )

   @ 48, 230 BUTTON oBtnCancel PROMPT "&Cancel" ;
      SIZE 60, 20 PIXEL OF oDlg ;
      ACTION oDlg:End() CANCEL

   @ 74, 230 BUTTON "&Settings..." ;
      SIZE 60, 20 PIXEL OF oDlg ;
      ACTION ( Settings(), oGetName:SetFocus() ) CANCEL

   @ 170, 16 SAY "Result" SIZE 30, 9 PIXEL OF oDlg

   @ 180, 16 GET oResult VAR cResult MEMO ;
      SIZE 200, 60 PIXEL OF oDlg

      ON INIT BuildFldButtons( oFldAdditional )

return oDlg


function GetError( nError )

   do case
      case nError == 0
           return "Ok"
      case nError == 1
           return "unknown platform"
      case nError == 2
           return "unknown compiler"
      case nError == 3
           return "failed Harbour detection"    
      case nError == 5
           return "failed stub creation"    
      case nError == 6
           return "failed in compilation (Harbour, C compiler, Resource compiler)"
      case nError == 7
           return "failed in final assembly (linker or library manager)"        
      case nError == 8
           return "unsupported"  
      case nError == 9
           return "failed to create working directory"  
      case nError == 10
           return "dependency missing or disabled"  
      case nError == 19
           return "help"  
      case nError == 20
           return "plugin initialization"
      case nError == 30
           return "too deep nesting"    
      case nError == 50
           return "stop requested"    
return Str( nError )


function BuildBrwPrgs( oFld )

   @ 0, 0 XBROWSE oBrwPrgs ARRAY aPrgs SIZE 300, 180 PIXEL OF oFld:aDialogs[ 1 ]

   // oBrwPrgs:SetFont( ::oFontBrw )

   ADD TO oBrwPrgs HEADER "Name" DATA oBrwPrgs:aArrayData[ oBrwPrgs:nArrayAt ][ 1 ] SIZE 200
   ADD TO oBrwPrgs HEADER "Size" DATA oBrwPrgs:aArrayData[ oBrwPrgs:nArrayAt ][ 2 ] SIZE  80
   ADD TO oBrwPrgs HEADER "Date" DATA oBrwPrgs:aArrayData[ oBrwPrgs:nArrayAt ][ 3 ] SIZE  70

   oBrwPrgs:nMarqueeStyle = MARQSTYLE_HIGHLROW
   oBrwPrgs:nRowHeight    = 17
   oBrwPrgs:bClrSel       = { || { CLR_WHITE, CLR_BLUE } }


   oFld:aDialogs[ 1 ]:SetControl( oBrwPrgs )
return oBrwPrgs


function BuildFldButtons( oFld )

   local cMask  := { "*.prg", "*.obj", "*.lib" }[ oFld:nOption ]
   local cTitle := "Please select a " + { "PRG", "OBJ", "LIB" }[ oFld:nOption ] + " file"
   local oBtn, cFileName

   @ 1, 350 BUTTON oBtn PROMPT "+" OF oFld SIZE 18, 18 PIXEL ;
      ACTION ( cFileName := cGetFile( cMask, cTitle ),;
               If( ! Empty( cFileName ),;
                   ( If( aPrgs[ 1 ][ 1 ] == "", ASize( aPrgs, 0 ),),;
                     AAdd( aPrgs, { cFileName, Directory( cFileName )[ 1 ][ 2 ],;
                                    Directory( cFileName )[ 1 ][ 3 ] } ),;
                     oFld:aDialogs[ 1 ]:aControls[ 1 ]:GoBottom(),;
                     oFld:aDialogs[ 1 ]:aControls[ 1 ]:SetFocus() ), ) )

   oBtn:cTooltip = "Add"

   @ 1, 372 BUTTON "--" OF oFld SIZE 18, 18 PIXEL

return nil


function AToStr( aFiles )

   local cResult := ""
   AEval( aFiles, { | aFile | cResult += " " + aFile[ 1 ] } )
return cResult


function Settings()

   local oDlg, oHbmkPath, cMakePath := cHbmkPath
   local cCompiler := cCCompiler
   DEFINE DIALOG oDlg TITLE "Settings" SIZE 500, 400
   @ 15, 16 SAY "hbmk2.exe path" OF oDlg SIZE 80, 10 PIXEL

   @ 25, 16 GET oHbmkPath VAR cMakePath SIZE 120, 12 PIXEL OF oDlg ;
      ACTION oHbmkPath:VarPut( cGetFile( cHbmkPath ) ) ;
      VALID If( Empty( cHbmkPath ), ( MsgAlert( "please select hbmk2.exe path" ), .F. ), .T. )

   @ 49, 16 SAY "C compiler" OF oDlg SIZE 80, 10 PIXEL

   @ 59, 16 COMBOBOX oCbx VAR cCompiler ITEMS { "Borland", "Microsoft", "MinGW" } ;
      OF oDlg SIZE 120, 100 PIXEL

   @ 22, 180 BUTTON "&Save" ;
      SIZE 60, 20 PIXEL OF oDlg ;
      ACTION ( cHbmkPath := cMakePath, cCCompiler := cCompiler, oDlg:End() )

   @ 48, 180 BUTTON "&Cancel" ;
      SIZE 60, 20 PIXEL OF oDlg ;
      ACTION oDlg:End() CANCEL
return nil


Re: Visual interface for Harbour hbmk2.exe

PostPosted: Mon Mar 18, 2013 10:11 am
by Antonio Linares

Re: Visual interface for Harbour hbmk2.exe

PostPosted: Mon Mar 18, 2013 10:53 am
by Patrick Mast
Hey Massimo,
Massimo Linossi wrote:WOW. This is really great.If you can finish this project and add all the RMDBFCDX functionality, I can switch from to your version.

Just out of curiosity, why would you switch from xHarbour?

If RMDBFCDX for Harbour would be available from, would you be interested?


Re: Visual interface for Harbour hbmk2.exe

PostPosted: Mon Mar 18, 2013 11:45 am
by Massimo Linossi
Hello Patrick.
First of all because a lot of times, when I upgrade to the new builder version there are some problems with libraries and FWH.
I'm using the professional version, not the Enterprise. So I don't need the SQL extensions.
The most useful functions that I'm using, for their speed, are inside the RMDBFCDX. The Rushmore technology used is really
great. But is only there, and for this reason I'm still using the
If there would be a version for harbour of RMDBFCDX, I would make a transition.

Re: Visual interface for Harbour hbmk2.exe

PostPosted: Mon Mar 18, 2013 7:03 pm
by elvira

Just out of curiosity, why would you switch from xHarbour?

Just take a look at Harbour´s changelog to see progress. Also, you do not provide new features.

Why should stay at and have on every update issues?.

Hope it helps you to improve the company.

Re: Visual interface for Harbour hbmk2.exe

PostPosted: Mon Mar 18, 2013 9:04 pm
by Antonio Linares
Here you have an enhanced version with optional support for FiveWin:

Re: Visual interface for Harbour hbmk2.exe

PostPosted: Tue Mar 19, 2013 8:58 am
by Antonio Linares

Re: Visual interface for Harbour hbmk2.exe

PostPosted: Tue Mar 19, 2013 11:23 am
by byte-one
Antonio, good work! You should also add support for C-files!

Re: Visual interface for Harbour hbmk2.exe

PostPosted: Tue Mar 19, 2013 3:11 pm
by Antonio Linares

Re: Visual interface for Harbour hbmk2.exe

PostPosted: Tue Mar 19, 2013 3:31 pm
by Antonio Linares

Re: Visual interface for Harbour hbmk2.exe

PostPosted: Tue Mar 19, 2013 4:18 pm
by Antonio Linares

Re: Visual interface for Harbour hbmk2.exe

PostPosted: Tue Mar 19, 2013 5:32 pm
by byte-one
Antonio, I think *.cpp should also applicable!? (with the right mode from the C-Compiler)´

And variable settings for different projects. :)