special chars inside the memo field that will confuse the Json string so that the upload is not possible.
I try to convert with StrTran, but is this the correct way ?
Mayby there are functions to do it for all special chars ?
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cData = STRTRAN(artikel->foldertxt, chr(13)+chr(10), "<BR>") // memofield
cData = STRTRAN(cData, 'Â', '')
cData = STRTRAN(cData, 'ú', '')
cData = STRTRAN(cData, 'ë', 'ë')
cData = STRTRAN(cData, ';', ' ')
cData = STRTRAN(cData, '"', '')
cData = STRTRAN(cData, 'é', 'é')
cData = STRTRAN(cData, 'è', 'è')
cData = STRTRAN(cData, '®', '')
// process cData inside Json = ok