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error with nExtMem()

PostPosted: Thu Sep 01, 2011 4:57 pm
by ukservice

In errsysw.prg, nExtMem() does not indicate my 6 GB of Ram.

It only says 1 megs:

Hardware memory: 1 megs

Also, it may cause internal problems to FWH, as it points out no memory, when in fact it is plenty of gbs!!.

Re: error with nExtMem()

PostPosted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 6:05 pm
by ukservice

Is there any update?.


Re: error with nExtMem()

PostPosted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 6:17 pm
by Antonio Linares

Please run this and let us know what you get, thanks:

MsgInfo( Int( nExtMem() / ( 1024 * 1024 * 1024 ) ) + 1 )

Re: error with nExtMem()

PostPosted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 6:32 pm
by ukservice

I just get 1.


Re: error with nExtMem()

PostPosted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 10:32 pm
by Antonio Linares
Here we get 2 which it is right,

Could someone else test it and report the result here ? thanks :-)

Re: error with nExtMem()

PostPosted: Thu Sep 22, 2011 8:34 am
by Enrico Maria Giordano
I get 2, which is right too.


Re: error with nExtMem()

PostPosted: Thu Sep 22, 2011 8:54 am
by Baxajaun
I get 1, wich is wrong.


Re: error with nExtMem()

PostPosted: Thu Sep 22, 2011 9:46 am
by Enrico Maria Giordano
Are you using latest FWH?


Re: error with nExtMem()

PostPosted: Thu Sep 22, 2011 10:08 am
by Baxajaun

yes and Harbour 3.


Re: error with nExtMem()

PostPosted: Thu Sep 22, 2011 10:11 am
by ukservice
I have 8 GB of RAM, so I can´t get 1!!

Re: error with nExtMem()

PostPosted: Thu Sep 22, 2011 10:12 am
by Antonio Linares
FWH function nExtMem() is a simple wrapper to the Windows API function GlobalMemoryStatus() :

that fills a struct:

In that struct we check the value of dwTotalPhys that as the API explains:

The amount of actual physical memory, in bytes.

FWH code:
Code: Select all  Expand view
HB_FUNC( NEXTMEM ) // --> nHardwareMemory

   mst.dwLength = sizeof( MEMORYSTATUS );

   GlobalMemoryStatus( &mst );

   hb_retnl( mst.dwTotalPhys );

Our code does nothing except the call to Windows API, so the question is; is that WIndows API function failing ? :-(

Re: error with nExtMem()

PostPosted: Thu Sep 22, 2011 10:20 am
Hi Antonio,

Antonio Linares wrote:FWH function nExtMem() is a simple wrapper to the Windows API function GlobalMemoryStatus() :
Our code does nothing except to call to Windows API, so the question is; is that WIndows API function failing ? :-(

Have a look here:

On computers with more than 4 GB of memory, the GlobalMemoryStatus function can return incorrect information, reporting a value of –1 to indicate an overflow. For this reason, applications should use the GlobalMemoryStatusEx function instead.

Re: error with nExtMem()

PostPosted: Thu Sep 22, 2011 10:30 am
by Antonio Linares

Thanks for the info, I wasn't aware of this API function. So this is the new code to test:

Code: Select all  Expand view
HB_FUNC( NEXTMEM ) // --> nHardwareMemory

   mst.dwLength = sizeof( MEMORYSTATUSEX );

   GlobalMemoryStatusEx( &mst );

   hb_retnl( mst.ullAvailPhys );

we could also try:

   hb_retnll( mst.ullAvailPhys );

Re: error with nExtMem()

PostPosted: Thu Sep 22, 2011 10:55 am
by ukservice
The correct is:

Code: Select all  Expand view
hb_retnll( mst.ullTotalPhys );

I got 8.

So I hope MsgInfo( Int( nExtMem() / ( 1024 * 1024 * 1024 ) ) + 1 ) refers to 8 GB.

Is it correct?.


Re: error with nExtMem()

PostPosted: Thu Sep 22, 2011 11:14 am
by Antonio Linares
Yes, it seems so :-)