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New FWH 11.09

PostPosted: Wed Sep 28, 2011 9:24 am
by Antonio Linares

Re: New FWH 11.09

PostPosted: Wed Sep 28, 2011 11:00 am
by PeterHarmes

When I compile my app I get the following:

error: Unresolved external symbol '_GlobalMemoryStatusEx referenced from Fivehcm.lib(MEM.obj)'.

Any ideas?

Best regards,


Re: New FWH 11.09

PostPosted: Wed Sep 28, 2011 12:59 pm
by Antonio Linares

Try to link this mem32.lib that we have created for users:

It seems as PellesC (used by does not provide it. We have created it this way:

impdef.exe kernel32.def kernel32.dll

Then we created a mem32.def with this info from kernel32.def:
Code: Select all  Expand view

    GlobalMemoryStatusEx           @707

And finally:
lib.exe /def:mem32.def /out:mem32.lib

lib.exe is the Microsoft library manager, we used the lib.exe that comes with VC98

Re: New FWH 11.09

PostPosted: Wed Sep 28, 2011 1:20 pm
by PeterHarmes
Thanks Antonio, my app has compiled fine.

So is this what I need to do from now on or will future versions of FW support this without linking in the extra lib?

So far, FWH11.09 is looking very good :D

best regards,


Re: New FWH 11.09

PostPosted: Thu Sep 29, 2011 10:22 am
by ukservice

So in order to have WIN7 marquee styles as old behaviour y just set oBrw:lMultiSelect := .f.?.


Re: New FWH 11.09

PostPosted: Thu Sep 29, 2011 1:18 pm
by Antonio Linares

Yes, that lib linking is required as it is missing from PellesC import libraries.


Yes, that should do it

Re: New FWH 11.09

PostPosted: Tue Oct 04, 2011 3:24 pm
by PeterHarmes
Hi Antonio,

Just testing the nExtMem() and found that when errsysw is called or you just call the function, my app hangs and after a while I get a windows error message (windows has encountered an error and closed app message)

I dont use the function in my app so i've removed the call from errsysw

Also, when compiling one of my apps with 11.09 I get the following error:

xLINK: error: Unresolved external symbol '_IF referenced from Fivehcm.lib(ODBC32X.obj)'.

Any ideas?

Best Regards,


Re: New FWH 11.09

PostPosted: Tue Oct 04, 2011 6:57 pm
by Antonio Linares

Here nExtMem() is working fine with Windows 7 Ultimate, and using BCC, MSVC 32 and 64 bits. We need to find whats the problem with PellesC (used in What Windows version are you using ?

Solved the _IF() unresolved external. We email you the new lib, thanks! :-)

Re: New FWH 11.09

PostPosted: Tue Oct 04, 2011 11:29 pm
by carlos vargas
antonio, can you put the new lib in the contribution web of fivetech please, i use

carlos vargas

Re: New FWH 11.09

PostPosted: Wed Oct 05, 2011 8:00 am
by PeterHarmes

Using XP, I will try it on vista & 7 here to see if the same problems arise.




Just tested on 7 Ultimate and it crashes

Re: New FWH 11.09

PostPosted: Wed Oct 05, 2011 8:06 am
by PeterHarmes

I can confirm that the _IF is solved with the new library

Thanks for your help


Re: New FWH 11.09

PostPosted: Wed Oct 05, 2011 9:31 am
by Antonio Linares
PeterHarmes wrote:Antonio,

Using XP, I will try it on vista & 7 here to see if the same problems arise.




Just tested on 7 Ultimate and it crashes


Are you using xHarbour commercial ? Could you try it with xharbour for Borland or Microsoft ? thanks

Re: New FWH 11.09

PostPosted: Wed Oct 05, 2011 9:40 am
by PeterHarmes
Yes I'm using xHarbour commercial.

What do I need to use xHarbour for Borland/Microsoft? My apps uses a lot of SQLRDD functions so I would probably need to create a stand alone example to test this (I think my version of SQLRDD is tied down to xHarbour commercial only)

Re: New FWH 11.09

PostPosted: Wed Oct 05, 2011 10:07 am
by Antonio Linares

As far as I remember Patrick provides a SQLRDD version for Borland, so you can easily build your app with free xharbour and Borland. You can get xharbour from here:

And Borland 5.82 from here:

It s really easy to make the change :-)

Re: New FWH 11.09

PostPosted: Thu Oct 06, 2011 10:51 am
by PeterHarmes

Tried it with xHarbour with borland and it now returns a value. So it looks like it is to do with compiling with Pelles C/

Best Regards,
