

Postby hag » Mon Aug 11, 2008 9:27 pm

I would like to change size and time tooltip appears. How would I do this?
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Postby Antonio Linares » Mon Aug 11, 2008 10:04 pm


1. You can change the size of the tooltip specifying a larger text or a multiline text, i.e.: "This is a" + CRLF + "multiline tooltip" + CRLF + "test"

Also, FWH now supports an array instead of a text for a tooltip, using this format:

oControl:cToolTip := { cToolTipText, [cHeader, [nIcon]], [nForeColor], [nBackColor] }
regards, saludos

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Postby hag » Mon Aug 11, 2008 10:25 pm

Thanks for the quick resoponse.

I use "This is a" + CRLF + "multiline tooltip" + CRLF + "test" but there seems to be a limit on the amount of text. In 16bit never had a problem. Now the larger tooltips flash off and on until I make them smaller. I put one of my larger tips in tooltip.prg sample and same thing flashing.

Any Idea whats going on?
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Postby Antonio Linares » Mon Aug 11, 2008 10:35 pm

Besides the previous msg info, in order to change the default tooltip width, this change is required in source\classes\window.prg:

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hWnd = CreateToolTip( ... )

SendMessage( hWnd, TTM_SETMAXTIPWIDTH, 0, <nNewLength> )

default nLength is 120
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Postby Antonio Linares » Mon Aug 11, 2008 10:36 pm


Do you mean the tooltip width or the amount of text that it shows ?

Whats the Len() of your used tooltip text ?
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Postby Antonio Linares » Mon Aug 11, 2008 10:43 pm


2. In order to change the time that the tooltip is shows, similar changes in source\classes\window.prg are required:
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#define TTM_SETDELAYTIME        (WM_USER + 3)
#define TTDT_AUTOPOP  2
hWnd = CreateToolTip( ... )

SendMessageDelay( hWnd, TTM_SETDELAYTIME, TTDT_AUTOPOP, 32767 )

You can try values between 1 and 32767
regards, saludos

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