WinDBU - Interesting script !!!

WinDBU - Interesting script !!!

Postby Aurora34 » Mon Sep 15, 2008 4:26 pm

how are friends ? You that use WinDBU 3.4 B (shareware):

have a fine script in "command interpreter", run: SerialFrom()

its very good :-D
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Postby norberto » Mon Sep 15, 2008 6:30 pm

Hi , i am using this wdbu , because its access adt files, and have report too.
can download here (shareware) :

Yes, that script is very useful, thanks Aurora! :-)
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Postby norberto » Mon Sep 15, 2008 6:36 pm

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Postby Aurora34 » Tue Sep 16, 2008 7:41 am

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Postby Aurora34 » Tue Sep 16, 2008 8:34 am

(WDBU) DBU for Windows is a professional Dbase file manager that supports the following index types:

Clipper Dbfntx
Dbase III
Dbase IV
FoxPro (SIX2 and COMIX)
Flexfile memo format with all of the above drivers
Client-Server access with the Xbase Advantage Servernew

DBU for Windows is network ready.

This tools is a replacement of the DBU utility that CA-Clipper has in the box since his beginning but with a Windows interface, full driver support and a lot of features not found in DBU. Is a must for any Dbase programmer even if it does not use CA-Clipper at all.

These are some of his features:

Append, modify or delete records of any database file
Creation and modification of any Dbase file structure
Creation of Indexes
Search and locate records
Statistics (Sum, Maximum, Minimum, Average, Standard Dev.)
Append from... (DBF, SDF or TXT format)
Copy to... (DBF, SDF or TXT format)
Delete, recall and replace according on conditions
Pack and Zap databases
Quality print of file structure, including all his index information
Save automatically the view of opened files
ANSI translation and viceversa
Varifield memo editing
User defined columns on browses
MDI Interface for unlimited opened files
Scripting language to create complex modifications on your databases
ODBC Import
Standard Openfile and OpenDirectory dialogs of Win 32 bits
AX_AXSLocking() support on Advantage files
And a lot more

Dbu for Windows 3.4 also offers a two new superb features:
Command interpreter new
Task list new
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Postby ukoenig » Wed Sep 17, 2008 6:21 pm


WinDbu is ok ( clipper-style ), but i need soemething more:
Converting from SQL to DBF, opening any SQL-database,
SQL-connection, DBF-Script, SQL-Script and more...

dBAdministrator was designed to simplify the access and management of DBF files.
This may be in support of application development, for general systems administration of one or many DBF files.
It provides many powerful features at the click of a button.
dBA provides all the tools needed to create, modify, index, browse, print and much more.
It has many unique features not found in other products.
The features list below shows just some of the functionality.
Full support of SQL databases been added.
It provides all the tools you need to help the migration from DBF to SQL an easy one.

Just some of the features
Advanced Graphical Query Builder (XQB)
Table Explorer
Results Browser with sorting,searching and filtering
Import from DBF
Export to DBF, CSV, HTML and XML (with XSL stylesheet)
In addition to the above dBABatch is included.
dBABatch is a set ot command line tools to help administer and manage DBF Databases.

Incuded tools are:


More features :

DBScript Editor
The DBScript Editor and engine ( uses VOScript) is a powerful Database scripting language based on Clipper syntax
and gives the user the power to script actions and commands against DBFs and also on the active Database Window.
There is also a debugging capability.

SQLScript Editor
The SQLScript Editor is an environment for developing SQL scripts
for MS SQL Server, Oracle and mySQL databases.
Scripts can be developed and run with the output accessible all from dBA.

Text Editor
There is now an internal text file editor that is also used to edit memo
fields as well as external text files such as the output from the execution of scripts.

DBRegEx now give the user of dBA the power of Regular
Expression,Soundex and Approximate searching.
This is a very powerful way of searching for data in large files.
Complex search expressions can be built and saved for repeated use.
You also get all the export options of dBA e.g export results
to DBF,SDF,text,HTML and XML formats.

XML Export option
In addition to all the normal export options dBA now supports the XML format.
Not only does it create a well formed XML document but it also creates XSL,XLT and DTD files.

Set Window Relation
This feature allows you to set relation between related Windows.
There is no limit on the number of relations that can be set.

Auto Refresh
This feature allows you to set the Autorefresh of data either by using a timer
or when the Datawindow gets focus. This means that when data is
updated by other users your view will be automatically updated.

Fortress Server files are now supported.

Database Drivers
dBASE,Clipper,Foxpro,Advantage,Fortress and also support for DBV memo files.

Database Configuration Saved
Database display information is saved on Window close.
This means that details like open index files, field widths and filters are
automatically saved and added to recent files list which can then be used
to open the database with options automatically set.

Database Configuration details can be saved manually into a Favorites list.
The Favorites list can be used to Open, ReIndex, Pack and Validate Data
on all or selected files in the Favorites list.

Validation of DBF Data records with a display of all invalid records.

Hex View
Records can be displayed in a Hex View which shows the whole record
as a string and as hex values. Also the data is displayed by field.
If there are any corruptions they are hilighted in the Errors tab.

Testing a database on different computers

Database creation and structure modification
With dBA creation and modification of Database structures is easily done
from a dialog that allows you to import structures and it also does automatic validation to prevent errors.
The modify structure dialog can be used to convert databases from OEM
to ANSI change field names and even field types preserving your data.

Index Manager
Index and order management is done from the Index Manager.
From here you can create and change orders you can even auto generate
orders for a DBF with no indexing. From the Index Manager you can
convert from NTX to CDX or any supported format.

Low-level File Access
You can open DBF files low-level to do corruption checking.
dBA does a validation of the DBF header on each open and will inform
you of any errors. When this happens you can us the low-level access
to investigate the problem.

Import and Export
Importing and Exporting data is easily done with options to select fields
and scoping of records to be copied. dBA also has the option of export
DBF files into HTML or XML web ready pages.

dBA has the usual index seek and also a Fast Find which will look for
values in any or selected fields without the need of indexes.
There is also a Memo search option. This can be used to search for values
in a particular memo of in all memos.

Unique Features
dBA has many unique features including a DBClipboard to cut and paste whole records.
DBTotals to create subtotals of values by index key.
DBCalc to automatically calculate totals,averages and minimum and
maximum values for numeric fields.

A little overview of the menue-entrys
( much more is possible, inside of the menues ) :











Uwe :lol:
Since 1995 ( the first release of FW 1.9 )
i work with FW.
If you have any questions about special functions, maybe i can help.
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Postby RAMESHBABU » Fri Sep 19, 2008 6:16 am

Hello ukoenig,

dBAdministrator is available where ?
Can you please provide a link ?


- Ramesh Babu P
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Postby ukoenig » Fri Sep 19, 2008 11:15 am

A full 30 days trial-version you can get from here :

Contact details:

Online purchasing from:
Or purchase from:
Developers Realm
Address: 128c Nantwich Road Crew, Cheshire,CW2 6AX
Tel: +44(0) 1270 250626

Uwe :lol:
Uwe :lol:
Since 1995 ( the first release of FW 1.9 )
i work with FW.
If you have any questions about special functions, maybe i can help.
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Postby jcaro » Mon Sep 22, 2008 3:59 pm

Antonio :

Yo no estoy de acuerdo con lo que hace Aurora34.

(editado: Se pone de manifiesto un agujero de seguridad. Eso no es piratería).
==> Pasando a FWH16.04 + Harbour32 + BCC70 + PellesC
=> Abandonando FWH 13.7 + xHarbour + BCC582
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Postby norberto » Mon Sep 22, 2008 6:26 pm

This is not "pirated", this is exploit an error security of wdbu.
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Postby Antonio Linares » Mon Sep 22, 2008 7:04 pm


Yo no veo piratería en absoluto en esos mensajes. Es como detectar un agujero de seguridad de Windows. La culpa de ese agujero es de Windows, no de quien lo detecta.

No se han usado ni keygens, ni parches. Solo se usa el propio producto.

De todas formas es quien use ese agujero de seguridad, en última instancia, el responsable de lo que haga con él y no quien indica el agujero.
regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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