Method SetText() Transparent

Method SetText() Transparent

Postby Dorneles » Sun Sep 21, 2008 10:13 pm

Changed the METHOD SetText( cText ) not to exceeding the limit as shown in Image 1, only that he lost his transparency, lack what?

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METHOD SetText( cText ) CLASS TSSay

   local hDC , nWidth

   DEFAULT ::lTransparent := .f.

   ::cCaption := If( ::cPicture != nil,;
                    Transform( cText, ::cPicture ),;
                    cValToChar( cText ) )
   if ! lAnd( GetWindowLong( ::hWnd, GWL_STYLE ), nOr( SS_LEFT, SS_RIGHT, SS_CENTER ) )
      nWidth = GetTextWidth( 0, ::cCaption, If( ::oFont != nil, ::oFont:hFont,) ) 
      IF nWidth > ::nWidth
         nWidth = GetTextWidth( 0, ::cCaption, If( ::oFont != nil, ::oFont:hFont,) ) -(GetTextWidth( 0, ::cCaption, If( ::oFont != nil, ::oFont:hFont,) ) - ::nWidth)
      if nWidth > ::nWidth
         ::nWidth = nWidth
   SetWindowText( ::hWnd, ::cCaption )

return nil
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Postby Dorneles » Wed Sep 24, 2008 1:29 am

The image 2 this with the gray background, I make it transparent.
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Postby Silvio » Wed Sep 24, 2008 12:05 pm

Dear Dorneles,

STATIC FUNCTION DrawText2( hDC, hFont, nBkMode, cText, nTop, nLeft, nWidth, nHeight )
LOCAL hFontOld:= SelectObject( hDC, hFont )
LOCAL nBkOld := SetBkMode( hDC, nBkMode )
DrawText( hDC, cText, { nTop, nLeft, nTop+nWidth, nLeft+nHeight } )
SelectObject( hDC, hFontOld )
SetBkMode( hDC, nBkOld )

it write trasparent on bitmap
Best Regards, Saludos

Falconi Silvio
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