i want to create a Window which are "on TOP" of all other and will "stay" like MsgInfo()
in Help
<nStyle> An optional DialogBox style.
There are several samples in the SAMPLES\ subdirectory showing you how to manipulate this value.
for "what" i have to search in \Sample FolderWindows:
<nStyle> A numeric value which indicates a special API style. [ Just for advanced FiveWin users.]
i do found "STYLE" Constant Sample for almost every other Control but not for Dialog or Window
there is Constant WS_EX_TOPMOST which can change Style but it have no Effect when use
Code: Select all | Expand
Code: Select all | Expand
SetWindowPos( oObj:hWnd, HWND_TOPMOST ,;
oObj:nTop, oObj:nLeft ,;
oObj:nWidth, oObj:nHeight )
is there another "easy" Way which i do not know
under HMG i "just" have to use Keyword TOPMOST