::oBtnCircle := TBtnBmp():New( 2.3, 01, 50, 50,,, ::cImageCircle1,;
self,,, .F., .F.,,,, NIL, !.T.,, .T.,, ::cImageCircle4, .F., )
::oBtnCircle:bAction := {|| ::miacion(),::oBtnCircle:refresh()}
::oBtnCircle:bClrGrad := { | lInvert | If( lInvert, ;
{ ;
{0.18, ::color0, ::color0 },;
{0.36, ::color1, ::color0 },;
{0.06, ::colorBox0, ::Colorbox1 },;
{0.40, ::nClrPaneRB, ::nClrPaneRB };
{0.18, ::color0, ::color0 },;
{0.36, ::color1, ::color0},;
{0.06, ::colorBox0, ::Colorbox1 },;
{0.40, ::nClrPaneRB, ::nClrPaneRB };
} ) }
on the circular buttom Mantonio_88 used a btnbmp
but when I click this button I can click
only on the down of this button and not on the top
on this picture you can see the error
on area near red arrow I cannot click the button
on area near green arrow I can click button and it have 2007 effect
if I click on the top there is not 2007 effect and I cannot click on it
why ?
is there a bug on btnbmp ?