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Re: Windows 11 Fluent Design

PostPosted: Sun Oct 03, 2021 4:37 pm
by James Bott

Now I notice that the Win 10 window shadow is so sophisticated that it even bends the shadow into the outline that is part of the window! I have an tree image in the background and some of the green from the tree is showing in the shadow AND in the border line of the window. It will be very hard to recreate that!

Of course, we could live without that, but the varying degrees of color blending along the border (depending upon the background) will still be quite a challenge to recreate.

However, for now, it would just be nice to have a gradient border. That would allow us to design some screens using solid background colors, and have the elevated look of panels on top similar to the Microsoft images we have seen.


Re: Windows 11 Fluent Design

PostPosted: Sun Oct 03, 2021 4:46 pm
by Antonio Linares

Please try this better implementation:
Code: Select all  Expand view
  oPanel1:bPainted = { | hDC | hDC := oWnd:GetDC(),;
                        GradientFill( hDC, oPanel1:nTop, oPanel1:nLeft - 12,;
                                      oPanel1:nTop + oPanel1:nHeight() + 12, oPanel1:nLeft,;
                                      { { 1, RGB( 254, 254, 254 ),  RGB( 205, 205, 205 ) }, .F. } ),;
                        GradientFill( hDC, oPanel1:nTop, oPanel1:nRight,;
                                      oPanel1:nTop + oPanel1:nHeight() + 12, oPanel1:nRight + 12,;
                                      { { 1, RGB( 205, 205, 205),  RGB( 254, 254, 254 ) }, .F. } ),;
                        GradientFill( hDC, oPanel1:nTop + oPanel1:nHeight(), oPanel1:nLeft,;
                                      oPanel1:nTop + oPanel1:nHeight() + 11, oPanel1:nRight,;
                                      { { 1, RGB( 205, 205, 205),  RGB( 254, 254, 254 ) }, .T. } ),;
                        oWnd:ReleaseDC() }

Now we need to paint transparent (and the shadows should combine with others).
In fact the corners should be GradientFill()ed in circular mode


Re: Windows 11 Fluent Design

PostPosted: Sun Oct 03, 2021 5:14 pm
by James Bott

Making good progress. The only thing I notice is the artifact at the bottom where it looks like the panel is being redrawn again (but I doubt that is what is happening). Also, I note that the top shadow is not being drawn.


Re: Windows 11 Fluent Design

PostPosted: Tue Nov 09, 2021 6:22 pm
by James Bott

Well, I have spent countless hours trying to recreate the standard Windows 11 shadow for a panel. I note that Fivewin's windows and dialogs both show the shadow under both Windows 10 and Windows 11. However, I have been unable to create a similar shadow with panels. The new Windows 11 shadows are quite sophisticated, and they blend according the background and also blend around the corners. I also note that the Windows 11 shadows change when the window or dialog is in focus. FW's shadow capabilities cannot do these things, or at least I don't know how to do them.

So the thought occurred to me that it easier to figure out why the standard Windows 11 shadow is not showing automatically for panels (since panels inherit from TControl which inherits from TWindow. I suspect that there is something in the TPanel:Paint() method that is either different or missing which is preventing the shadow from being displayed.

The reason I have been looking into the panels issue is that Windows 11 uses panels (or some other control that looks like a panel) in many of the sample Windows 11 interfaces I have seen. Thus this is the missing piece that we need to be able to create "Fluent Design" interfaces.

Re: Windows 11 Fluent Design

PostPosted: Tue Nov 09, 2021 11:36 pm
by cnavarro
Surely something like this will have to be implemented in TPanel or in some similar control

Code: Select all  Expand view

#include ""


function Main()

   local oWnd
   local nX    := 50
   local nY    := 50
   local nH    := 600/2
   local nW    := 800/2
   local oPanel1

     TITLE "Welcome to FiveWin" ;

   oPanel1 := TPanel():New( 50, 50, 100, 250, oWnd, , , , .T., 6 )
   oPanel1:SetColor( CLR_BLUE, CLR_GRAY )

   oWnd:bPainted = { | | DrawLight( oWnd, oPanel1 ) }


return nil


Function DrawLight( oWnd, oPanel1 )
   local hDC       := oWnd:GetDC()
   local oGraphics := Graphics():New( oWnd:hDC )
   local oPen
   local n

   oPen := Pen():New( 255, 220, 220, 220, 1, .T. )
   oGraphics:DrawRoundRect( oPen, , oPanel1:nLeft, oPanel1:nTop, oPanel1:nWidth(), oPanel1:nHeight(), 6 )
   For n = 1 to 10
      oPen:SetColor( 255-n*25 , 220, 220, 220 )
      oGraphics:DrawRoundRect( oPen, , oPanel1:nLeft - n, oPanel1:nTop - n, oPanel1:nWidth() + n * 2 - 2, oPanel1:nHeight() + n * 2, 6 )
   Next n

Return nil



Re: Windows 11 Fluent Design

PostPosted: Wed Nov 10, 2021 7:16 am
by Antonio Linares
Very good Cristobal,

Just some minor glitches on the corners, but the shadow painting seems to be correct

many thanks!

Re: Windows 11 Fluent Design

PostPosted: Wed Nov 10, 2021 7:32 am
by cnavarro
Antonio Linares wrote:Very good Cristobal,

Just some minor glitches on the corners, but the shadow painting seems to be correct

many thanks!

Yes, this effect is produced by painting the control (method paint and SetWindowRgn (:: hWnd, hRgnWnd)).
You have to try to implement in the method paint the function that performs the shadow effect and define a little better the colors with which to perform the shadow effect

Re: Windows 11 Fluent Design

PostPosted: Wed Nov 10, 2021 5:15 pm
by James Bott

I tried your sample code to produce a shadow on a panel, and I must say your shadow is way better than anything I have been able to produce.

I was just doing some rereading on Microsoft's pages on fluent design, and J discovered that what looked like panels to me, are really dialogs without caption bars.

See here:

If we can re-create dialogs to look like the above then we get automatic shadows without any programming. I have never tried to make a dialog without the caption bar, so I don't know how hard (or easy) that might be. We would also get shadows that change their width when the have focus (or not). And the shadows would automatically change color depending on the colors behind the dialog.

Anyone know out to turn off the caption bar on a dialog?

Re: Windows 11 Fluent Design

PostPosted: Wed Nov 10, 2021 6:00 pm
by cnavarro
FROM 108, 324 TO 460, 690 OF oP PIXEL TRUEPIXEL ;

Re: Windows 11 Fluent Design

PostPosted: Wed Nov 10, 2021 7:49 pm
by Antonio Linares
Dear James,

I am testing some FWH examples on Windows 11 and all the dialog boxes and MsgInfo(), etc. calls automatically show the new shadow, rounded corners, etc

Re: Windows 11 Fluent Design

PostPosted: Wed Nov 10, 2021 11:06 pm
by James Bott

FROM 108, 324 TO 460, 690 OF oP PIXEL TRUEPIXEL ;

Thanks for that. Unfortunately, I found that if you use "STYLE WS_POP" the caption bar is removed, however, the automatic shadow is also removed.

I think that the best solution would be to let Windows 10 & 11 automatically draw the shadows. They are quite complex as you know; fading according to the background colors and being rounded at the corners. Also they change the thickness when they are in or out of focus. This would be a lot of hand coding to replicate, but if we can just get an existing FW control that looks like just a white box with Windows' automatic shadows then we can run FW programs under either Windows 10 or 11 and get the same appearance.


I am testing some FWH examples on Windows 11 and all the dialog boxes and MsgInfo(), etc. calls automatically show the new shadow, rounded corners, etc.

Yes, I already knew that. What I was pleasantly surprised to find that Windows 10 also shows the shadows on both windows and dialogs. Then I was trying to recreate the control that I saw in Microsoft's documentation about fluent design and it looked like FW's TPanel control. Only yesterday I discovered that it was actually a dialog (see link in my previous message). The dialog shown in that link is just a white box with rounded corners and shadows. So, I was hoping that we could just remove the title bar from a dialog and still get the automatic shadows, but alas, that didn't work.

I don't have Windows 11 here, so I wonder if you could test my code under Windows 11, to see if it shows the shadow?

Code: Select all  Expand view
#include ""

Function Main()

   Local oWnd
      Set default to ".\"
   define window oWnd
   activate window oWnd on init doit(oWnd)

Return nil  

function doIt(oWnd)
   Local oDlg
   define dialog oDlg of oWnd STYLE WS_POPUP
   activate dialog oDlg center  
Return nil

The point of all this is so that our same FW programs can look like Windows 11 programs even when they are run under Windows 10. Shadows and rounded corners are the main features we need on Windows and dialogs. Then the simple white box control (with a shadow) is also needed--and it needs to look the same under Windows 11 and 10.

As we already know, at least some shadows have been built into Windows 10 already (which must have been added in a Windows 10 update). We can only hope they will provide the rounded corners in another Win 10 update.

Re: Windows 11 Fluent Design

PostPosted: Mon Nov 20, 2023 5:58 pm
by claudio.leiva


Re: Windows 11 Fluent Design

PostPosted: Sat Nov 25, 2023 2:00 am
by cnavarro
No entiendo qué había que solucionar, o sea, a qué te refieres
Dime y lo vemos

Re: Windows 11 Fluent Design

PostPosted: Sat Nov 25, 2023 10:48 pm
by James Bott
I think he was referring to being. able to get Windows 11 style shadows when running Windows 10.