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Pickdate part 2 – a control class in development

PostPosted: Sun Aug 03, 2008 9:41 am
by Otto
Hello Antonio,
thank you for helping to develop pickdate as control class.
Now I have the movemouse method ready.

Would you please help again to show me how to implement redefine and how to use
this control from a resource.

Please uncomment SET DATE TO GERMAN and use ENGLISH in func RegionDate(nMonth,cYear ).

Here is the code:
Code: Select all  Expand view
#include ""


function Main()

   local oWnd, oPickDate

   DEFINE WINDOW oWnd TITLE "Calendar"

   oPickDate := TPickDate():New( 10, 10,,, oWnd )

   oWnd:oClient = oPickDate


return nil

CLASS TPickDate FROM TControl

   DATA    dStart, dEnd, lMove
   DATA    hBru
   DATA    nYear
   DATA    oBrushSunday
   DATA    nLeftStart
   DATA    nTopStart
   DATA    startDay,endDay,TmpEndDay
   DATA    oFontHeader


   METHOD  New( nTop, nLeft, nWidth, nHeight, oWnd, nYear, nClrFore, nClrBack )
   METHOD  Paint()
   METHOD  Display() INLINE ::BeginPaint(), ::Paint(), ::EndPaint(), 0
   METHOD  End()
   METHOD  LButtonDown( nRow, nCol, nKeyFlags )
   METHOD  LButtonUp( nRow, nCol, nKeyFlags )
   METHOD  PreviousYear() INLINE ::nYear--, ::Refresh()
   METHOD  NextYear() INLINE ::nYear++, ::Refresh()
   METHOD  EraseBkGnd( hDC ) INLINE 0
   METHOD  MouseMove( nRow, nCol, nKeyFlags )



METHOD New( nTop, nLeft, nWidth, nHeight, oWnd, nYear, nClrFore, nClrBack ) CLASS TPickDate
   local IMonate

   DEFAULT nWidth    := 800,;
      nHeight   := 300,;
      nLeft     := 0,;
      nTop      := 0,;
      nYear     := Year( Date() ),;
      oWnd      := GetWndDefault()

   ::lMove      =.f.
   ::nTopStart  = 60                           // for header
   ::nLeftStart = 150                          // col header

   ::nTop       = nTop
   ::nLeft      = nLeft
   ::nBottom    = nTop + nHeight - 1
   ::nRight     = nLeft + nWidth - 1
   ::nYear      = Year( Date() )
   ::oWnd       = oWnd

   ::startDay   = date()
   ::endDay     = date()
   ::TmpEndDay  = date()

   ::nClrText   = nClrFore
   ::nClrPane   = nClrBack
   ::hBru       = CreateSolidBrush( RGB(240,232,188) )

   DEFINE BRUSH ::oBrushSunday COLOR nRGB( 183, 249, 185 ) // Sundays column green brush

   DEFINE FONT ::oFont NAME "Tahoma" SIZE 0, -12 BOLD
   DEFINE FONT ::oFontHeader NAME "Tahoma" SIZE 0, -12

   #ifdef __XPP__
   DEFAULT ::lRegistered := .F.

   ::Register( nOR( CS_VREDRAW, CS_HREDRAW ) )

   if ! Empty( oWnd:hWnd )
      oWnd:AddControl( Self )
      oWnd:DefControl( Self )

return self


METHOD Paint() CLASS TPickDate
   local aInfo := ::DispBegin()
   local hDC := ::hDC, cDay, nDay, n:=0, dDate, nColStep, nRowStep
   local dTmpDate, nMonth := 0
   local nLeftCol:=0
   local IShow

   FillRect( hDC, GetClientRect( ::hWnd ), ::oBrush:hBrush )

   nRowStep =   (::nHeight - ::nTopStart) / 13

   GradientFill( hDC, 0, 0, ::nHeight, ::nWidth, { { 1, nRGB( 128, 217, 255 ), nRGB( 54, 147, 255 ) } } )

   dDate = CToD( "01/01/" + Str( ::nYear, 4 ) )

   nColStep = ( ::nWidth - ::nLeftStart ) / 37

   GradientFill( hDC, 0, 0, nRowStep - 1, ::nWidth, { { 1, nRGB( 128, 217, 255 ), nRGB( 54, 147, 255 ) } } )

   ::Say( (::nTopStart  +( nRowStep / 2 ) - ( ::oFont:nHeight / 2 )),;
      ( ( ::nLeftStart + nColStep ) / 2 ) - ( GetTextWidth( hDC, Str( ::nYear, 4 ), ::oFont:hFont ) / 2 ),;
      Str( ::nYear, 4 ),,, ::oFont, .T., .T. )

   // Paint Sunday background color
   for n = 1 to 36 step 7
      FillRect( hDC, { 0, ::nLeftStart+ ( nColStep * n ), ::nHeight - 1, ::nLeftStart + ( nColStep * ( n + 1 ) ) }, ::oBrushSunday:hBrush )

   for nMonth = 1 to 12
      ::Line(::nTopStart + nMonth * nRowStep, 0,(::nTopStart  + nMonth * nRowStep), ::nWidth - 1 )
      ::Say( ::nTopStart + nMonth * nRowStep + ( nRowStep / 2 ) - ( ::oFont:nHeight / 2 ), 3, cMonth( RegionDate(nMonth, Str( Year( Date() ), 4 )))   ,,, ::oFont, .T., .T. )

   * start show move mouse

   IF ::lMove =.t.
      dTmpDate := ::startDay

      FOR IShow := 1 TO   ::endDay + 1 - ::startDay
         nMonth := month(dTmpDate)
         nLeftCol := ::nLeftStart + (   nColStep * ( DOW(RegionDate(nMonth,Str( ::nYear, 4 ) ))) ) +;
            nColStep * (Day( dTmpDate )-1)

         FillRect(hDC, {::nTopStart + month(dTmpDate) * nRowStep,;
            ::nTopStart + month(dTmpDate) * nRowStep + nRowStep ,;
            nLeftCol + nColStep}, ::hBru )
         dTmpDate := ::startDay +  IShow

   *  end show move mouse

   // Draw days
   for n = 1 to 36
      ::Line( 0, ::nLeftStart + ( nColStep * n ), ::nHeight - 1, ::nLeftStart + ( nColStep * n ) )
      cDay = SubStr( CDoW( dDate ), 1, 2 )

      ::Say( (::nTopStart  +nRowStep * 0.4),;
         ::nLeftStart + ( nColStep * n ) + ( nColStep / 2 ) - ( GetTextWidth( hDC, cDay, ::oFont:hFont ) / 2 ) + 1,;
         cDay, 0, If( DoW( dDate++ ) == 1, nRGB(255,128,255),nRGB(0,187,187)), ::oFont, .T., .T. )

   // Draw months
   for nMonth = 1 to 12
      dDate = RegionDate(nMonth,Str( ::nYear, 4 ) )
      nDay = DoW( dDate )

      while Month( dDate ) == nMonth
         cDay = AllTrim( Str( Day( dDate ) ) )
         ::Say((::nTopStart  + nMonth * nRowStep + ( nRowStep * 0.4 )),;
            ::nLeftStart + ( nColStep * nDay++ ) + ( nColStep / 2 ) - ( GetTextWidth( hDC, cDay, ::oFont:hFont ) / 2 ) + 1,;
            cDay, 0, If( ! Empty( ::dStart ) .and. dDate >= ::dStart .and. dDate <= ::dEnd, nRGB( 178, 204, 235 ),;
            If( DoW( dDate ) == 1, nRGB( 128, 233, 176 ),) ), ::oFontHeader, .T. )

   ::DispEnd( aInfo )

return 0


return super:end()


METHOD LButtonDown( nRow, nCol, nKeyFlags ) CLASS TPickDate
   local nMonth := Int( (nRow-::nTopStart) / (( ::nHeight - ::nTopStart )/ 13) )
   local nDay   := Int( ( nCol - ::nLeftStart ) / ( ( ::nWidth - ::nLeftStart ) / 37  )) - DoW( RegionDate(nMonth,Str( ::nYear, 4 ) ) ) + 1

   IF nDay > 0  .AND. nMonth > 0        // to show only valid dates
      ::startDay  := CToD( AllTrim(  AllTrim( Str( nDay ) )+ "/"  + Str( nMonth ) )  + "/" + Str( ::nYear, 4 ) )
      ::lMove := .t.

   Super:LButtonDown( nRow, nCol, nKeyFlags )

return nil

METHOD LButtonUp( nRow, nCol, nKeyFlags ) CLASS TPickDate

   IF ::endDay - ::startDay > 0
      msginfo(dtoc(::StartDay)+"  "+ dtoc(::endDay))

   ::lMove := .f.
   Super:LButtonUp( nRow, nCol, nKeyFlags )
return nil

METHOD MouseMove( nRow, nCol, nKeyFlags ) CLASS TPickDate
   local nMonth := Int( (nRow - ::nTopStart ) / (( ::nHeight - ::nTopStart )/ 13) )
   local nDay   := Int( ( nCol - ::nLeftStart ) / ( ( ::nWidth - ::nLeftStart ) / 37  )) - ;
      DoW( RegionDate(nMonth,Str( ::nYear, 4 ) ) ) + 1

   ::endDay  := CToD( AllTrim(  AllTrim( Str( nDay ) )+ "/"  + Str( nMonth ) )  + "/" + Str( ::nYear, 4 ) )

   IF ::endDay <> ::TmpendDay     // for reducing continuous refreshes
      ::TmpendDay := ::endDay

   super:MouseMove( nRow, nCol, nKeyFlags )

return 0

func RegionDate(nMonth,cYear )
   local dRegionDate
   dRegionDate := CToD(  "01/" + Str( nMonth, 2 ) + "/" +  cYear )

   //dRegionDate := CToD(   Str( nMonth, 2 ) + "/" + "01/" + cYear )

return (dRegionDate)

PostPosted: Sun Aug 03, 2008 10:59 am
by Antonio Linares

I am working on your code. Please do an effort to respect the "Hungarian notation" :-) and the FiveWin coding style, thanks
Code: Select all  Expand view
#include ""


function Main()

   local oWnd, oPickDate

   DEFINE WINDOW oWnd TITLE "Calendar"

   oPickDate := TPickDate():New( 10, 10,,, oWnd )

   oWnd:oClient = oPickDate


return nil

CLASS TPickDate FROM TControl

   DATA    dStart, dEnd, dTemp, lMove
   DATA    hBru
   DATA    nYear
   DATA    oBrushSunday
   DATA    nLeftStart, nTopStart
   DATA    oFontHeader


   METHOD  New( nTop, nLeft, nWidth, nHeight, oWnd, nYear, nClrFore, nClrBack )
   METHOD  Paint()
   METHOD  Display() INLINE ::BeginPaint(), ::Paint(), ::EndPaint(), 0
   METHOD  End()
   METHOD  LButtonDown( nRow, nCol, nKeyFlags )
   METHOD  LButtonUp( nRow, nCol, nKeyFlags )
   METHOD  PreviousYear() INLINE ::nYear--, ::Refresh()
   METHOD  NextYear() INLINE ::nYear++, ::Refresh()
   METHOD  EraseBkGnd( hDC ) INLINE 0
   METHOD  MouseMove( nRow, nCol, nKeyFlags )



METHOD New( nTop, nLeft, nWidth, nHeight, oWnd, nYear, nClrFore, nClrBack ) CLASS TPickDate
   local IMonate

   DEFAULT nWidth    := 800,;
      nHeight   := 300,;
      nLeft     := 0,;
      nTop      := 0,;
      nYear     := Year( Date() ),;
      oWnd      := GetWndDefault()

   ::lMove      =.f.
   ::nTopStart  = 60                           // for header
   ::nLeftStart = 150                          // col header

   ::nTop       = nTop
   ::nLeft      = nLeft
   ::nBottom    = nTop + nHeight - 1
   ::nRight     = nLeft + nWidth - 1
   ::nYear      = Year( Date() )
   ::oWnd       = oWnd

   ::dStart   = date()
   ::dEnd     = date()
   ::dTemp    = date()

   ::nClrText   = nClrFore
   ::nClrPane   = nClrBack
   ::hBru       = CreateSolidBrush( RGB(240,232,188) )

   DEFINE BRUSH ::oBrushSunday COLOR nRGB( 183, 249, 185 ) // Sundays column green brush

   DEFINE FONT ::oFont NAME "Tahoma" SIZE 0, -12 BOLD
   DEFINE FONT ::oFontHeader NAME "Tahoma" SIZE 0, -12

   #ifdef __XPP__
   DEFAULT ::lRegistered := .F.

   ::Register( nOR( CS_VREDRAW, CS_HREDRAW ) )

   if ! Empty( oWnd:hWnd )
      oWnd:AddControl( Self )
      oWnd:DefControl( Self )

return self


METHOD Paint() CLASS TPickDate

   local aInfo := ::DispBegin()
   local hDC := ::hDC, cDay, nDay, n, dDate, nColStep, nRowStep
   local dTmpDate, nMonth := 0, nLeftCol := 0

   FillRect( hDC, GetClientRect( ::hWnd ), ::oBrush:hBrush )

   nRowStep = ( ::nHeight - ::nTopStart ) / 13

   GradientFill( hDC, 0, 0, ::nHeight, ::nWidth, { { 1, nRGB( 128, 217, 255 ), nRGB( 54, 147, 255 ) } } )

   dDate = CToD( "01/01/" + Str( ::nYear, 4 ) )
   dDate += 8 - DoW( dDate )

   nColStep = ( ::nWidth - ::nLeftStart ) / 37

   GradientFill( hDC, 0, 0, nRowStep - 1, ::nWidth, { { 1, nRGB( 128, 217, 255 ), nRGB( 54, 147, 255 ) } } )

   ::Say( ( ::nTopStart  + ( nRowStep / 2 ) - ( ::oFont:nHeight / 2 )),;
          ( ( ::nLeftStart + nColStep ) / 2 ) - ( GetTextWidth( hDC, Str( ::nYear, 4 ), ::oFont:hFont ) / 2 ),;
          Str( ::nYear, 4 ),,, ::oFont, .T., .T. )

   // Paint Sunday background color
   for n = 1 to 36 step 7
      FillRect( hDC, { 0, ::nLeftStart + ( nColStep * n ),;
                ::nHeight - 1, ::nLeftStart + ( nColStep * ( n + 1 ) ) }, ::oBrushSunday:hBrush )

   for nMonth = 1 to 12
      ::Line( ::nTopStart + nMonth * nRowStep, 0,(::nTopStart  + nMonth * nRowStep), ::nWidth - 1 )
      ::Say( ::nTopStart + nMonth * nRowStep + ( nRowStep / 2 ) - ( ::oFont:nHeight / 2 ), 3, cMonth( RegionDate(nMonth, Str( Year( Date() ), 4 )))   ,,, ::oFont, .T., .T. )

   if ::dEnd < ::dStart
      dTmpDate = ::dStart
      ::dEnd = ::dStart
      ::dStart = dTmpDate

   if ::lMove
      dTmpDate = ::dStart

      for n := 1 TO ::dEnd + 1 - ::dStart
         nMonth := Month( dTmpDate )
         nLeftCol := ::nLeftStart + (   nColStep * ( DOW(RegionDate(nMonth,Str( ::nYear, 4 ) ))) ) +;
            nColStep * (Day( dTmpDate )-1)

         FillRect( hDC, { ::nTopStart + month(dTmpDate) * nRowStep + 1,;
                   nLeftCol, ::nTopStart + Month( dTmpDate ) * nRowStep + nRowStep,;
                   nLeftCol + nColStep}, ::hBru )
         dTmpDate := ::dStart + n


   // Draw days
   for n = 1 to 36
      ::Line( 0, ::nLeftStart + ( nColStep * n ), ::nHeight - 1, ::nLeftStart + ( nColStep * n ) )
      cDay = SubStr( CDoW( dDate++ ), 1, 2 )

      ::Say( ( ::nTopStart + nRowStep * 0.4 ),;
         ::nLeftStart + ( nColStep * n ) + ( nColStep / 2 ) - ( GetTextWidth( hDC, cDay, ::oFont:hFont ) / 2 ) + 1,;
         cDay, 0, 0, ::oFont, .T., .T. )

   // Draw months
   for nMonth = 1 to 12
      dDate = RegionDate(nMonth,Str( ::nYear, 4 ) )
      nDay = DoW( dDate )

      while Month( dDate ) == nMonth
         cDay = AllTrim( Str( Day( dDate ) ) )
         ::Say( ( ::nTopStart  + nMonth * nRowStep + ( nRowStep * 0.4 ) ),;
            ::nLeftStart + ( nColStep * nDay++ ) + ( nColStep / 2 ) - ( GetTextWidth( hDC, cDay, ::oFont:hFont ) / 2 ) + 1,;
            cDay, 0, 0, ::oFontHeader, .T., .T. )

   ::DispEnd( aInfo )

return 0


return super:end()


METHOD LButtonDown( nRow, nCol, nKeyFlags ) CLASS TPickDate

   local nMonth := Int( ( nRow - ::nTopStart ) / ( ( ::nHeight - ::nTopStart ) / 13) )
   local nDay   := Int( ( nCol - ::nLeftStart ) / ( ( ::nWidth - ::nLeftStart ) / 37 ) ) - ;
                   DoW( RegionDate( nMonth, Str( ::nYear, 4 ) ) ) + 1

   if nDay > 0 .and. nMonth > 0        // to show only valid dates
      ::dStart := CToD( AllTrim( AllTrim( Str( nDay ) )+ "/"  + Str( nMonth ) )  + "/" + Str( ::nYear, 4 ) )
      ::lMove  := .T.
      ::Refresh( .F. )

return Super:LButtonDown( nRow, nCol, nKeyFlags )


METHOD LButtonUp( nRow, nCol, nKeyFlags ) CLASS TPickDate

   IF ::dEnd - ::dStart > 0
      MsgInfo( DToC( ::dStart ) + "  " + DToC( ::dEnd ) )

   ::lMove := .f.
return Super:LButtonUp( nRow, nCol, nKeyFlags )


METHOD MouseMove( nRow, nCol, nKeyFlags ) CLASS TPickDate

   local nMonth := Int( ( nRow - ::nTopStart ) / ( ( ::nHeight - ::nTopStart ) / 13 ) )
   local nDay   := Int( ( nCol - ::nLeftStart ) / ( ( ::nWidth - ::nLeftStart ) / 37 ) ) - ;
                   DoW( RegionDate( nMonth, Str( ::nYear, 4 ) ) ) + 1

   ::dEnd := CToD( AllTrim( AllTrim( Str( nDay ) )+ "/"  + Str( nMonth ) ) + "/" + Str( ::nYear, 4 ) )

   IF ::dEnd <> ::dTemp     // for reducing continuous refreshes
      ::dTemp := ::dEnd
      ::Refresh( .F. )

return super:MouseMove( nRow, nCol, nKeyFlags )


func RegionDate(nMonth,cYear )
   local dRegionDate
   dRegionDate := CToD(  "01/" + Str( nMonth, 2 ) + "/" +  cYear )

   //dRegionDate := CToD(   Str( nMonth, 2 ) + "/" + "01/" + cYear )

return (dRegionDate)

PostPosted: Sun Aug 03, 2008 11:02 am
by Antonio Linares

PostPosted: Sun Aug 03, 2008 11:22 am
by Antonio Linares
Now you can select in both ways (to the right or to the left). Still there is a bug somewhere that makes it hang sometimes:
Code: Select all  Expand view
#include ""


function Main()

   local oWnd, oPickDate


   DEFINE WINDOW oWnd TITLE "Calendar"

   oPickDate := TPickDate():New( 10, 10,,, oWnd )

   oWnd:oClient = oPickDate


return nil


CLASS TPickDate FROM TControl

   DATA    dStart, dEnd, dTemp, lMove
   DATA    nYear
   DATA    oBrushSunday, oBrushSelected
   DATA    nLeftStart, nTopStart
   DATA    oFontHeader


   METHOD  New( nTop, nLeft, nWidth, nHeight, oWnd, nYear, nClrFore, nClrBack )
   METHOD  Paint()
   METHOD  Display() INLINE ::BeginPaint(), ::Paint(), ::EndPaint(), 0
   METHOD  Destroy()
   METHOD  LButtonDown( nRow, nCol, nKeyFlags )
   METHOD  LButtonUp( nRow, nCol, nKeyFlags )
   METHOD  PreviousYear() INLINE ::nYear--, ::Refresh()
   METHOD  NextYear() INLINE ::nYear++, ::Refresh()
   METHOD  EraseBkGnd( hDC ) INLINE 0
   METHOD  MouseMove( nRow, nCol, nKeyFlags )



METHOD New( nTop, nLeft, nWidth, nHeight, oWnd, nYear, nClrFore, nClrBack ) CLASS TPickDate

   DEFAULT nWidth    := 800,;
      nHeight   := 300,;
      nLeft     := 0,;
      nTop      := 0,;
      nYear     := Year( Date() ),;
      oWnd      := GetWndDefault()

   ::lMove      =.f.
   ::nTopStart  = 60                           // for header
   ::nLeftStart = 150                          // col header

   ::nTop       = nTop
   ::nLeft      = nLeft
   ::nBottom    = nTop + nHeight - 1
   ::nRight     = nLeft + nWidth - 1
   ::nYear      = Year( Date() )
   ::oWnd       = oWnd

   ::dStart   = date()
   ::dEnd     = date()
   ::dTemp    = date()

   ::nClrText   = nClrFore
   ::nClrPane   = nClrBack
   DEFINE BRUSH ::oBrushSunday COLOR nRGB( 183, 249, 185 ) // Sundays column green brush
   DEFINE BRUSH ::oBrushSelected COLOR nRGB( 240, 232, 188 ) // Selected days orange brush

   DEFINE FONT ::oFont NAME "Tahoma" SIZE 0, -12 BOLD
   DEFINE FONT ::oFontHeader NAME "Tahoma" SIZE 0, -12

   #ifdef __XPP__
      DEFAULT ::lRegistered := .F.

   ::Register( nOR( CS_VREDRAW, CS_HREDRAW ) )

   if ! Empty( oWnd:hWnd )
      oWnd:AddControl( Self )
      oWnd:DefControl( Self )

return self


METHOD Paint() CLASS TPickDate

   local aInfo := ::DispBegin()
   local hDC := ::hDC, cDay, nDay, n, dDate, nColStep, nRowStep
   local dTmpDate, nMonth := 0, nLeftCol := 0

   FillRect( hDC, GetClientRect( ::hWnd ), ::oBrush:hBrush )

   nRowStep = ( ::nHeight - ::nTopStart ) / 13

   GradientFill( hDC, 0, 0, ::nHeight, ::nWidth, { { 1, nRGB( 128, 217, 255 ), nRGB( 54, 147, 255 ) } } )

   dDate = CToD( "01/01/" + Str( ::nYear, 4 ) )
   dDate += 8 - DoW( dDate )

   nColStep = ( ::nWidth - ::nLeftStart ) / 37

   GradientFill( hDC, 0, 0, nRowStep - 1, ::nWidth, { { 1, nRGB( 128, 217, 255 ), nRGB( 54, 147, 255 ) } } )

   ::Say( ( ::nTopStart  + ( nRowStep / 2 ) - ( ::oFont:nHeight / 2 )),;
          ( ( ::nLeftStart + nColStep ) / 2 ) - ( GetTextWidth( hDC, Str( ::nYear, 4 ), ::oFont:hFont ) / 2 ),;
          Str( ::nYear, 4 ),,, ::oFont, .T., .T. )

   // Paint Sunday background color
   for n = 1 to 36 step 7
      FillRect( hDC, { 0, ::nLeftStart + ( nColStep * n ),;
                ::nHeight - 1, ::nLeftStart + ( nColStep * ( n + 1 ) ) }, ::oBrushSunday:hBrush )

   for nMonth = 1 to 12
      ::Line( ::nTopStart + nMonth * nRowStep, 0,(::nTopStart  + nMonth * nRowStep), ::nWidth - 1 )
      ::Say( ::nTopStart + nMonth * nRowStep + ( nRowStep / 2 ) - ( ::oFont:nHeight / 2 ), 3, cMonth( RegionDate(nMonth, Str( Year( Date() ), 4 )))   ,,, ::oFont, .T., .T. )

   // draw selected days
   if ::lMove
      dTmpDate = Min( ::dStart, ::dEnd )

      while dTmpDate <= Max( ::dStart, ::dEnd )
         nMonth = Month( dTmpDate )
         nLeftCol = ::nLeftStart + ( nColStep * ( DOW( RegionDate( nMonth, Str( ::nYear, 4 ) ) ) ) ) + ;
                    nColStep * ( Day( dTmpDate ) - 1 )
         FillRect( hDC, { ::nTopStart + month(dTmpDate) * nRowStep + 1,;
                   nLeftCol, ::nTopStart + Month( dTmpDate ) * nRowStep + nRowStep,;
                   nLeftCol + nColStep}, ::oBrushSelected:hBrush )


   // Draw days
   for n = 1 to 36
      ::Line( 0, ::nLeftStart + ( nColStep * n ), ::nHeight - 1, ::nLeftStart + ( nColStep * n ) )
      cDay = SubStr( CDoW( dDate++ ), 1, 2 )

      ::Say( ( ::nTopStart + nRowStep * 0.4 ),;
         ::nLeftStart + ( nColStep * n ) + ( nColStep / 2 ) - ( GetTextWidth( hDC, cDay, ::oFont:hFont ) / 2 ) + 1,;
         cDay, 0, 0, ::oFont, .T., .T. )

   // Draw months
   for nMonth = 1 to 12
      dDate = RegionDate(nMonth,Str( ::nYear, 4 ) )
      nDay = DoW( dDate )

      while Month( dDate ) == nMonth
         cDay = AllTrim( Str( Day( dDate ) ) )
         ::Say( ( ::nTopStart  + nMonth * nRowStep + ( nRowStep * 0.4 ) ),;
            ::nLeftStart + ( nColStep * nDay++ ) + ( nColStep / 2 ) - ( GetTextWidth( hDC, cDay, ::oFont:hFont ) / 2 ) + 1,;
            cDay, 0, 0, ::oFontHeader, .T., .T. )

   ::DispEnd( aInfo )

return 0


METHOD Destroy() CLASS TPickDate

return Super:Destroy()


METHOD LButtonDown( nRow, nCol, nKeyFlags ) CLASS TPickDate

   local nMonth := Int( ( nRow - ::nTopStart ) / ( ( ::nHeight - ::nTopStart ) / 13) )
   local nDay   := Int( ( nCol - ::nLeftStart ) / ( ( ::nWidth - ::nLeftStart ) / 37 ) ) - ;
                   DoW( RegionDate( nMonth, Str( ::nYear, 4 ) ) ) + 1

   if nDay > 0 .and. nMonth > 0        // to show only valid dates
      ::dStart := CToD( AllTrim( AllTrim( Str( nDay ) )+ "/"  + Str( nMonth ) )  + "/" + Str( ::nYear, 4 ) )
      ::lMove  := .T.
      ::Refresh( .F. )

return Super:LButtonDown( nRow, nCol, nKeyFlags )


METHOD LButtonUp( nRow, nCol, nKeyFlags ) CLASS TPickDate

   if ::dEnd - ::dStart > 0
      // MsgInfo( DToC( ::dStart ) + "  " + DToC( ::dEnd ) )

   ::lMove := .F.
return Super:LButtonUp( nRow, nCol, nKeyFlags )


METHOD MouseMove( nRow, nCol, nKeyFlags ) CLASS TPickDate

   local nMonth := Int( ( nRow - ::nTopStart ) / ( ( ::nHeight - ::nTopStart ) / 13 ) )
   local nDay   := Int( ( nCol - ::nLeftStart ) / ( ( ::nWidth - ::nLeftStart ) / 37 ) ) - ;
                   DoW( RegionDate( nMonth, Str( ::nYear, 4 ) ) ) + 1

   ::dEnd = CToD( Str( nDay ) + "/" + Str( nMonth, 2 ) + "/" + Str( ::nYear, 4 ) )

   if ::dEnd != ::dTemp     // for reducing continuous refreshes
      ::dTemp := ::dEnd
      ::Refresh( .F. )

return Super:MouseMove( nRow, nCol, nKeyFlags )


func RegionDate(nMonth,cYear )
   local dRegionDate
   dRegionDate := CToD(  "01/" + Str( nMonth, 2 ) + "/" +  cYear )

   //dRegionDate := CToD(   Str( nMonth, 2 ) + "/" + "01/" + cYear )

return (dRegionDate)


PostPosted: Sun Aug 03, 2008 11:51 am
by Antonio Linares
This one behaves ok (selection in both ways):
Code: Select all  Expand view
#include ""


function Main()

   local oWnd, oPickDate


   DEFINE WINDOW oWnd TITLE "Calendar"

   oPickDate := TPickDate():New( 10, 10,,, oWnd )

   oWnd:oClient = oPickDate


return nil


CLASS TPickDate FROM TControl

   DATA    dStart, dEnd, dTemp, lMove
   DATA    nYear
   DATA    oBrushSunday, oBrushSelected
   DATA    nLeftStart, nTopStart
   DATA    oFontHeader


   METHOD  New( nTop, nLeft, nWidth, nHeight, oWnd, nYear, nClrFore, nClrBack )
   METHOD  Paint()
   METHOD  Display() INLINE ::BeginPaint(), ::Paint(), ::EndPaint(), 0
   METHOD  Destroy()
   METHOD  LButtonDown( nRow, nCol, nKeyFlags )
   METHOD  LButtonUp( nRow, nCol, nKeyFlags )
   METHOD  PreviousYear() INLINE ::nYear--, ::Refresh()
   METHOD  NextYear() INLINE ::nYear++, ::Refresh()
   METHOD  EraseBkGnd( hDC ) INLINE 0
   METHOD  MouseMove( nRow, nCol, nKeyFlags )



METHOD New( nTop, nLeft, nWidth, nHeight, oWnd, nYear, nClrFore, nClrBack ) CLASS TPickDate

   DEFAULT nWidth  := 800,;
           nHeight := 300,;
           nLeft   := 0,;
           nTop    := 0,;
           nYear   := Year( Date() ),;
           oWnd    := GetWndDefault()

   ::lMove      = .F.
   ::nTopStart  = 60                           // for header
   ::nLeftStart = 150                          // col header

   ::nTop       = nTop
   ::nLeft      = nLeft
   ::nBottom    = nTop + nHeight - 1
   ::nRight     = nLeft + nWidth - 1
   ::nYear      = Year( Date() )
   ::oWnd       = oWnd

   ::dStart := ::dEnd := ::dTemp := Date()

   ::nClrText   = nClrFore
   ::nClrPane   = nClrBack
   DEFINE BRUSH ::oBrushSunday COLOR nRGB( 183, 249, 185 ) // Sundays column green brush
   DEFINE BRUSH ::oBrushSelected COLOR nRGB( 240, 232, 188 ) // Selected days orange brush

   DEFINE FONT ::oFont NAME "Tahoma" SIZE 0, -12 BOLD
   DEFINE FONT ::oFontHeader NAME "Tahoma" SIZE 0, -12

   #ifdef __XPP__
      DEFAULT ::lRegistered := .F.

   ::Register( nOR( CS_VREDRAW, CS_HREDRAW ) )

   if ! Empty( oWnd:hWnd )
      oWnd:AddControl( Self )
      oWnd:DefControl( Self )

return self


METHOD Paint() CLASS TPickDate

   local aInfo := ::DispBegin()
   local hDC := ::hDC, cDay, nDay, n, dDate, nColStep, nRowStep
   local dTmpDate, nMonth := 0, nLeftCol := 0

   FillRect( hDC, GetClientRect( ::hWnd ), ::oBrush:hBrush )

   nRowStep = ( ::nHeight - ::nTopStart ) / 13

   GradientFill( hDC, 0, 0, ::nHeight, ::nWidth, { { 1, nRGB( 128, 217, 255 ), nRGB( 54, 147, 255 ) } } )

   dDate = CToD( "01/01/" + Str( ::nYear, 4 ) )
   dDate += 8 - DoW( dDate )

   nColStep = ( ::nWidth - ::nLeftStart ) / 37

   GradientFill( hDC, 0, 0, nRowStep - 1, ::nWidth, { { 1, nRGB( 128, 217, 255 ), nRGB( 54, 147, 255 ) } } )

   ::Say( ( ::nTopStart  + ( nRowStep / 2 ) - ( ::oFont:nHeight / 2 )),;
          ( ( ::nLeftStart + nColStep ) / 2 ) - ( GetTextWidth( hDC, Str( ::nYear, 4 ), ::oFont:hFont ) / 2 ),;
          Str( ::nYear, 4 ),,, ::oFont, .T., .T. )

   // Paint Sunday background color
   for n = 1 to 36 step 7
      FillRect( hDC, { 0, ::nLeftStart + ( nColStep * n ),;
                ::nHeight - 1, ::nLeftStart + ( nColStep * ( n + 1 ) ) }, ::oBrushSunday:hBrush )

   for nMonth = 1 to 12
      ::Line( ::nTopStart + nMonth * nRowStep, 0,(::nTopStart  + nMonth * nRowStep), ::nWidth - 1 )
      ::Say( ::nTopStart + nMonth * nRowStep + ( nRowStep / 2 ) - ( ::oFont:nHeight / 2 ), 3, cMonth( RegionDate(nMonth, Str( Year( Date() ), 4 )))   ,,, ::oFont, .T., .T. )

   // fill selected days
   if ::lMove
      dTmpDate = Min( ::dStart, ::dEnd )

      while dTmpDate <= Max( ::dStart, ::dEnd )
         nMonth = Month( dTmpDate )
         nLeftCol = ::nLeftStart + ( nColStep * ( DOW( RegionDate( nMonth, Str( ::nYear, 4 ) ) ) ) ) + ;
                    nColStep * ( Day( dTmpDate ) - 1 )
         FillRect( hDC, { ::nTopStart + month(dTmpDate) * nRowStep + 1,;
                   nLeftCol, ::nTopStart + Month( dTmpDate ) * nRowStep + nRowStep,;
                   nLeftCol + nColStep}, ::oBrushSelected:hBrush )


   // Draw days
   for n = 1 to 36
      ::Line( 0, ::nLeftStart + ( nColStep * n ), ::nHeight - 1, ::nLeftStart + ( nColStep * n ) )
      cDay = SubStr( CDoW( dDate++ ), 1, 2 )

      ::Say( ( ::nTopStart + nRowStep * 0.4 ),;
         ::nLeftStart + ( nColStep * n ) + ( nColStep / 2 ) - ( GetTextWidth( hDC, cDay, ::oFont:hFont ) / 2 ) + 1,;
         cDay, 0, 0, ::oFont, .T., .T. )

   // Draw months
   for nMonth = 1 to 12
      dDate = RegionDate(nMonth,Str( ::nYear, 4 ) )
      nDay = DoW( dDate )

      while Month( dDate ) == nMonth
         cDay = AllTrim( Str( Day( dDate ) ) )
         ::Say( ( ::nTopStart  + nMonth * nRowStep + ( nRowStep * 0.4 ) ),;
            ::nLeftStart + ( nColStep * nDay++ ) + ( nColStep / 2 ) - ( GetTextWidth( hDC, cDay, ::oFont:hFont ) / 2 ) + 1,;
            cDay, 0, 0, ::oFontHeader, .T., .T. )

   ::DispEnd( aInfo )

return 0


METHOD Destroy() CLASS TPickDate

return Super:Destroy()


METHOD LButtonDown( nRow, nCol, nKeyFlags ) CLASS TPickDate

   local nMonth := Int( ( nRow - ::nTopStart ) / ( ( ::nHeight - ::nTopStart ) / 13 ) )
   local nDay   := Int( ( nCol - ::nLeftStart ) / ( ( ::nWidth - ::nLeftStart ) / 37 ) ) - ;
                   DoW( RegionDate( nMonth, Str( ::nYear, 4 ) ) ) + 1

   if nDay > 0 .and. nMonth > 0  // to work with valid dates only
      ::dStart := CToD( AllTrim( AllTrim( Str( nDay ) )+ "/"  + Str( nMonth ) )  + "/" + Str( ::nYear, 4 ) )
      ::lMove  := .T.
      ::Refresh( .F. )

return Super:LButtonDown( nRow, nCol, nKeyFlags )


METHOD LButtonUp( nRow, nCol, nKeyFlags ) CLASS TPickDate

   if ::dEnd - ::dStart > 0
      // MsgInfo( DToC( ::dStart ) + "  " + DToC( ::dEnd ) )

   ::lMove := .F.
return Super:LButtonUp( nRow, nCol, nKeyFlags )


METHOD MouseMove( nRow, nCol, nKeyFlags ) CLASS TPickDate

   local nMonth := Int( ( nRow - ::nTopStart ) / ( ( ::nHeight - ::nTopStart ) / 13 ) )
   local nDay   := Int( ( nCol - ::nLeftStart ) / ( ( ::nWidth - ::nLeftStart ) / 37 ) ) - ;
                   DoW( RegionDate( nMonth, Str( ::nYear, 4 ) ) ) + 1

   if nDay > 0 .and. nMonth > 0  // to work with valid dates only
      ::dEnd = CToD( AllTrim( Str( nDay ) ) + "/" + AllTrim( Str( nMonth ) ) + "/" + Str( ::nYear, 4 ) )

      if ::dEnd != ::dTemp     // for reducing continuous refreshes
         ::dTemp := ::dEnd
         ::Refresh( .F. )

return Super:MouseMove( nRow, nCol, nKeyFlags )


function RegionDate( nMonth, cYear )

return CToD( "01/" + AllTrim( Str( nMonth ) ) + "/" +  cYear )


PostPosted: Sun Aug 03, 2008 12:24 pm
by Antonio Linares
bSelect and bChange implemented
Code: Select all  Expand view
#include ""


function Main()

   local oWnd, oPickDate


   DEFINE WINDOW oWnd TITLE "Calendar"

   oPickDate := TPickDate():New( 10, 10,,, oWnd )

   oPickDate:bSelect = { | dStart, dEnd | MsgInfo( Str( dEnd - dStart + 1 ) + " days" ) }

   oWnd:oClient = oPickDate


return nil


CLASS TPickDate FROM TControl

   DATA    dStart, dEnd, dTemp, lMove
   DATA    nYear
   DATA    oBrushSunday, oBrushSelected
   DATA    nLeftStart, nTopStart
   DATA    oFontHeader
   DATA    bChange, bSelect


   METHOD  New( nTop, nLeft, nWidth, nHeight, oWnd, nYear, nClrFore, nClrBack )
   METHOD  Paint()
   METHOD  Display() INLINE ::BeginPaint(), ::Paint(), ::EndPaint(), 0
   METHOD  Destroy()
   METHOD  LButtonDown( nRow, nCol, nKeyFlags )
   METHOD  LButtonUp( nRow, nCol, nKeyFlags )
   METHOD  PreviousYear() INLINE ::nYear--, ::Refresh()
   METHOD  NextYear() INLINE ::nYear++, ::Refresh()
   METHOD  EraseBkGnd( hDC ) INLINE 0
   METHOD  MouseMove( nRow, nCol, nKeyFlags )



METHOD New( nTop, nLeft, nWidth, nHeight, oWnd, nYear, nClrFore, nClrBack ) CLASS TPickDate

   DEFAULT nWidth  := 800,;
           nHeight := 300,;
           nLeft   := 0,;
           nTop    := 0,;
           nYear   := Year( Date() ),;
           oWnd    := GetWndDefault()

   ::lMove      = .F.
   ::nTopStart  = 60                           // for header
   ::nLeftStart = 150                          // col header

   ::nTop       = nTop
   ::nLeft      = nLeft
   ::nBottom    = nTop + nHeight - 1
   ::nRight     = nLeft + nWidth - 1
   ::nYear      = Year( Date() )
   ::oWnd       = oWnd

   ::dStart := ::dEnd := ::dTemp := Date()

   ::nClrText   = nClrFore
   ::nClrPane   = nClrBack
   DEFINE BRUSH ::oBrushSunday COLOR nRGB( 183, 249, 185 ) // Sundays column green brush
   DEFINE BRUSH ::oBrushSelected COLOR nRGB( 240, 232, 188 ) // Selected days orange brush

   DEFINE FONT ::oFont NAME "Tahoma" SIZE 0, -12 BOLD
   DEFINE FONT ::oFontHeader NAME "Tahoma" SIZE 0, -12

   #ifdef __XPP__
      DEFAULT ::lRegistered := .F.

   ::Register( nOR( CS_VREDRAW, CS_HREDRAW ) )

   if ! Empty( oWnd:hWnd )
      oWnd:AddControl( Self )
      oWnd:DefControl( Self )

return self


METHOD Paint() CLASS TPickDate

   local aInfo := ::DispBegin()
   local hDC := ::hDC, cDay, nDay, n, dDate, nColStep, nRowStep
   local dTmpDate, nMonth := 0, nLeftCol := 0

   FillRect( hDC, GetClientRect( ::hWnd ), ::oBrush:hBrush )

   nRowStep = ( ::nHeight - ::nTopStart ) / 13

   GradientFill( hDC, 0, 0, ::nHeight, ::nWidth, { { 1, nRGB( 128, 217, 255 ), nRGB( 54, 147, 255 ) } } )

   dDate = CToD( "01/01/" + Str( ::nYear, 4 ) )
   dDate += 8 - DoW( dDate )

   nColStep = ( ::nWidth - ::nLeftStart ) / 37

   GradientFill( hDC, 0, 0, nRowStep - 1, ::nWidth, { { 1, nRGB( 128, 217, 255 ), nRGB( 54, 147, 255 ) } } )

   ::Say( ( ::nTopStart  + ( nRowStep / 2 ) - ( ::oFont:nHeight / 2 )),;
          ( ( ::nLeftStart + nColStep ) / 2 ) - ( GetTextWidth( hDC, Str( ::nYear, 4 ), ::oFont:hFont ) / 2 ),;
          Str( ::nYear, 4 ),,, ::oFont, .T., .T. )

   // Paint Sunday background color
   for n = 1 to 36 step 7
      FillRect( hDC, { 0, ::nLeftStart + ( nColStep * n ),;
                ::nHeight - 1, ::nLeftStart + ( nColStep * ( n + 1 ) ) }, ::oBrushSunday:hBrush )

   for nMonth = 1 to 12
      ::Line( ::nTopStart + nMonth * nRowStep, 0,(::nTopStart  + nMonth * nRowStep), ::nWidth - 1 )
      ::Say( ::nTopStart + nMonth * nRowStep + ( nRowStep / 2 ) - ( ::oFont:nHeight / 2 ), 3, cMonth( RegionDate(nMonth, Str( Year( Date() ), 4 )))   ,,, ::oFont, .T., .T. )

   // fill selected days
   if ::lMove
      dTmpDate = Min( ::dStart, ::dEnd )

      while dTmpDate <= Max( ::dStart, ::dEnd )
         nMonth = Month( dTmpDate )
         nLeftCol = ::nLeftStart + ( nColStep * ( DOW( RegionDate( nMonth, Str( ::nYear, 4 ) ) ) ) ) + ;
                    nColStep * ( Day( dTmpDate ) - 1 )
         FillRect( hDC, { ::nTopStart + month(dTmpDate) * nRowStep + 1,;
                   nLeftCol, ::nTopStart + Month( dTmpDate ) * nRowStep + nRowStep,;
                   nLeftCol + nColStep}, ::oBrushSelected:hBrush )


   // Draw days
   for n = 1 to 36
      ::Line( 0, ::nLeftStart + ( nColStep * n ), ::nHeight - 1, ::nLeftStart + ( nColStep * n ) )
      cDay = SubStr( CDoW( dDate++ ), 1, 2 )

      ::Say( ( ::nTopStart + nRowStep * 0.4 ),;
         ::nLeftStart + ( nColStep * n ) + ( nColStep / 2 ) - ( GetTextWidth( hDC, cDay, ::oFont:hFont ) / 2 ) + 1,;
         cDay, 0, 0, ::oFont, .T., .T. )

   // Draw months
   for nMonth = 1 to 12
      dDate = RegionDate(nMonth,Str( ::nYear, 4 ) )
      nDay = DoW( dDate )

      while Month( dDate ) == nMonth
         cDay = AllTrim( Str( Day( dDate ) ) )
         ::Say( ( ::nTopStart  + nMonth * nRowStep + ( nRowStep * 0.4 ) ),;
            ::nLeftStart + ( nColStep * nDay++ ) + ( nColStep / 2 ) - ( GetTextWidth( hDC, cDay, ::oFont:hFont ) / 2 ) + 1,;
            cDay, 0, 0, ::oFontHeader, .T., .T. )

   ::DispEnd( aInfo )

return 0


METHOD Destroy() CLASS TPickDate

return Super:Destroy()


METHOD LButtonDown( nRow, nCol, nKeyFlags ) CLASS TPickDate

   local nMonth := Int( ( nRow - ::nTopStart ) / ( ( ::nHeight - ::nTopStart ) / 13 ) )
   local nDay   := Int( ( nCol - ::nLeftStart ) / ( ( ::nWidth - ::nLeftStart ) / 37 ) ) - ;
                   DoW( RegionDate( nMonth, Str( ::nYear, 4 ) ) ) + 1

   if nDay > 0 .and. nMonth > 0  // to work with valid dates only
      ::dStart := CToD( AllTrim( AllTrim( Str( nDay ) )+ "/"  + Str( nMonth ) )  + "/" + Str( ::nYear, 4 ) )
      ::lMove  := .T.
      ::Refresh( .F. )

return Super:LButtonDown( nRow, nCol, nKeyFlags )


METHOD LButtonUp( nRow, nCol, nKeyFlags ) CLASS TPickDate

   if ValType( ::bSelect ) == "B"
      Eval( ::bSelect, Min( ::dStart, ::dEnd ), Max( ::dStart, ::dEnd ), Self )

   ::lMove := .F.
return Super:LButtonUp( nRow, nCol, nKeyFlags )


METHOD MouseMove( nRow, nCol, nKeyFlags ) CLASS TPickDate

   local nMonth := Int( ( nRow - ::nTopStart ) / ( ( ::nHeight - ::nTopStart ) / 13 ) )
   local nDay   := Int( ( nCol - ::nLeftStart ) / ( ( ::nWidth - ::nLeftStart ) / 37 ) ) - ;
                   DoW( RegionDate( nMonth, Str( ::nYear, 4 ) ) ) + 1
   local dEnd               

   if nDay > 0 .and. nMonth > 0  // to work with valid dates only
      dEnd = CToD( AllTrim( Str( nDay ) ) + "/" + AllTrim( Str( nMonth ) ) + "/" + Str( ::nYear, 4 ) )

      if ! Empty( dEnd ) .and. dEnd != ::dTemp     // for reducing continuous refreshes
         ::dTemp := dEnd
         ::dEnd = dEnd
         ::Refresh( .F. )
         if ValType( ::bChange ) == "B"
            Eval( ::bChange, Min( ::dStart, ::dEnd ), Max( ::dStart, ::dEnd ), Self )

return Super:MouseMove( nRow, nCol, nKeyFlags )


function RegionDate( nMonth, cYear )

return CToD( "01/" + AllTrim( Str( nMonth ) ) + "/" +  cYear )


PostPosted: Sun Aug 03, 2008 12:39 pm
by Antonio Linares
We can use bPainted instead of bChange and remove bChange:
Code: Select all  Expand view
#include ""


function Main()

   local oWnd, oPickDate


   DEFINE WINDOW oWnd TITLE "Calendar"

   oPickDate := TPickDate():New( 10, 10,,, oWnd )

   oPickDate:bSelect = { | dStart, dEnd | MsgInfo( Str( dEnd - dStart + 1 ) + " days" ) }
   oPickDate:bPainted = { | hDC, dStart, dEnd | ;
                          oPickDate:Say( 17, 20, Str( dEnd - dStart + 1 ) + " days",,,, .T., .T. ) }

   oWnd:oClient = oPickDate


return nil


CLASS TPickDate FROM TControl

   DATA    dStart, dEnd, dTemp, lMove
   DATA    nYear
   DATA    oBrushSunday, oBrushSelected
   DATA    nLeftStart, nTopStart
   DATA    oFontHeader
   DATA    bSelect


   METHOD  New( nTop, nLeft, nWidth, nHeight, oWnd, nYear, nClrFore, nClrBack )
   METHOD  Paint()
   METHOD  Display() INLINE ::BeginPaint(), ::Paint(), ::EndPaint(), 0
   METHOD  Destroy()
   METHOD  LButtonDown( nRow, nCol, nKeyFlags )
   METHOD  LButtonUp( nRow, nCol, nKeyFlags )
   METHOD  PreviousYear() INLINE ::nYear--, ::Refresh()
   METHOD  NextYear() INLINE ::nYear++, ::Refresh()
   METHOD  EraseBkGnd( hDC ) INLINE 0
   METHOD  MouseMove( nRow, nCol, nKeyFlags )



METHOD New( nTop, nLeft, nWidth, nHeight, oWnd, nYear, nClrFore, nClrBack ) CLASS TPickDate

   DEFAULT nWidth  := 800,;
           nHeight := 300,;
           nLeft   := 0,;
           nTop    := 0,;
           nYear   := Year( Date() ),;
           oWnd    := GetWndDefault()

   ::lMove      = .F.
   ::nTopStart  = 60                           // for header
   ::nLeftStart = 150                          // col header

   ::nTop       = nTop
   ::nLeft      = nLeft
   ::nBottom    = nTop + nHeight - 1
   ::nRight     = nLeft + nWidth - 1
   ::nYear      = Year( Date() )
   ::oWnd       = oWnd

   ::dStart := ::dEnd := ::dTemp := Date()

   ::nClrText   = nClrFore
   ::nClrPane   = nClrBack
   DEFINE BRUSH ::oBrushSunday COLOR nRGB( 183, 249, 185 ) // Sundays column green brush
   DEFINE BRUSH ::oBrushSelected COLOR nRGB( 240, 232, 188 ) // Selected days orange brush

   DEFINE FONT ::oFont NAME "Tahoma" SIZE 0, -12 BOLD
   DEFINE FONT ::oFontHeader NAME "Tahoma" SIZE 0, -12

   #ifdef __XPP__
      DEFAULT ::lRegistered := .F.

   ::Register( nOR( CS_VREDRAW, CS_HREDRAW ) )

   if ! Empty( oWnd:hWnd )
      oWnd:AddControl( Self )
      oWnd:DefControl( Self )

return self


METHOD Paint() CLASS TPickDate

   local aInfo := ::DispBegin()
   local hDC := ::hDC, cDay, nDay, n, dDate, nColStep, nRowStep
   local dTmpDate, nMonth := 0, nLeftCol := 0

   FillRect( hDC, GetClientRect( ::hWnd ), ::oBrush:hBrush )

   nRowStep = ( ::nHeight - ::nTopStart ) / 13

   GradientFill( hDC, 0, 0, ::nHeight, ::nWidth, { { 1, nRGB( 128, 217, 255 ), nRGB( 54, 147, 255 ) } } )

   dDate = CToD( "01/01/" + Str( ::nYear, 4 ) )
   dDate += 8 - DoW( dDate )

   nColStep = ( ::nWidth - ::nLeftStart ) / 37

   GradientFill( hDC, 0, 0, nRowStep - 1, ::nWidth, { { 1, nRGB( 128, 217, 255 ), nRGB( 54, 147, 255 ) } } )

   ::Say( ( ::nTopStart  + ( nRowStep / 2 ) - ( ::oFont:nHeight / 2 )),;
          ( ( ::nLeftStart + nColStep ) / 2 ) - ( GetTextWidth( hDC, Str( ::nYear, 4 ), ::oFont:hFont ) / 2 ),;
          Str( ::nYear, 4 ),,, ::oFont, .T., .T. )

   // Paint Sunday background color
   for n = 1 to 36 step 7
      FillRect( hDC, { 0, ::nLeftStart + ( nColStep * n ),;
                ::nHeight - 1, ::nLeftStart + ( nColStep * ( n + 1 ) ) }, ::oBrushSunday:hBrush )

   for nMonth = 1 to 12
      ::Line( ::nTopStart + nMonth * nRowStep, 0,(::nTopStart  + nMonth * nRowStep), ::nWidth - 1 )
      ::Say( ::nTopStart + nMonth * nRowStep + ( nRowStep / 2 ) - ( ::oFont:nHeight / 2 ), 3, cMonth( RegionDate(nMonth, Str( Year( Date() ), 4 )))   ,,, ::oFont, .T., .T. )

   // fill selected days
   if ::lMove
      dTmpDate = Min( ::dStart, ::dEnd )

      while dTmpDate <= Max( ::dStart, ::dEnd )
         nMonth = Month( dTmpDate )
         nLeftCol = ::nLeftStart + ( nColStep * ( DOW( RegionDate( nMonth, Str( ::nYear, 4 ) ) ) ) ) + ;
                    nColStep * ( Day( dTmpDate ) - 1 )
         FillRect( hDC, { ::nTopStart + month(dTmpDate) * nRowStep + 1,;
                   nLeftCol, ::nTopStart + Month( dTmpDate ) * nRowStep + nRowStep,;
                   nLeftCol + nColStep}, ::oBrushSelected:hBrush )


   // Draw days
   for n = 1 to 36
      ::Line( 0, ::nLeftStart + ( nColStep * n ), ::nHeight - 1, ::nLeftStart + ( nColStep * n ) )
      cDay = SubStr( CDoW( dDate++ ), 1, 2 )

      ::Say( ( ::nTopStart + nRowStep * 0.4 ),;
         ::nLeftStart + ( nColStep * n ) + ( nColStep / 2 ) - ( GetTextWidth( hDC, cDay, ::oFont:hFont ) / 2 ) + 1,;
         cDay, 0, 0, ::oFont, .T., .T. )

   // Draw months
   for nMonth = 1 to 12
      dDate = RegionDate(nMonth,Str( ::nYear, 4 ) )
      nDay = DoW( dDate )

      while Month( dDate ) == nMonth
         cDay = AllTrim( Str( Day( dDate ) ) )
         ::Say( ( ::nTopStart  + nMonth * nRowStep + ( nRowStep * 0.4 ) ),;
            ::nLeftStart + ( nColStep * nDay++ ) + ( nColStep / 2 ) - ( GetTextWidth( hDC, cDay, ::oFont:hFont ) / 2 ) + 1,;
            cDay, 0, 0, ::oFontHeader, .T., .T. )

   if ValType( ::bPainted ) == "B"
      Eval( ::bPainted, hDC, Min( ::dStart, ::dEnd ), Max( ::dStart, ::dEnd ), Self )

   ::DispEnd( aInfo )

return 0


METHOD Destroy() CLASS TPickDate

return Super:Destroy()


METHOD LButtonDown( nRow, nCol, nKeyFlags ) CLASS TPickDate

   local nMonth := Int( ( nRow - ::nTopStart ) / ( ( ::nHeight - ::nTopStart ) / 13 ) )
   local nDay   := Int( ( nCol - ::nLeftStart ) / ( ( ::nWidth - ::nLeftStart ) / 37 ) ) - ;
                   DoW( RegionDate( nMonth, Str( ::nYear, 4 ) ) ) + 1

   if nDay > 0 .and. nMonth > 0  // to work with valid dates only
      ::dStart := CToD( AllTrim( AllTrim( Str( nDay ) )+ "/"  + Str( nMonth ) )  + "/" + Str( ::nYear, 4 ) )
      ::lMove  := .T.
      ::Refresh( .F. )

return Super:LButtonDown( nRow, nCol, nKeyFlags )


METHOD LButtonUp( nRow, nCol, nKeyFlags ) CLASS TPickDate

   if ValType( ::bSelect ) == "B"
      Eval( ::bSelect, Min( ::dStart, ::dEnd ), Max( ::dStart, ::dEnd ), Self )

   ::lMove := .F.
return Super:LButtonUp( nRow, nCol, nKeyFlags )


METHOD MouseMove( nRow, nCol, nKeyFlags ) CLASS TPickDate

   local nMonth := Int( ( nRow - ::nTopStart ) / ( ( ::nHeight - ::nTopStart ) / 13 ) )
   local nDay   := Int( ( nCol - ::nLeftStart ) / ( ( ::nWidth - ::nLeftStart ) / 37 ) ) - ;
                   DoW( RegionDate( nMonth, Str( ::nYear, 4 ) ) ) + 1
   local dEnd               

   if nDay > 0 .and. nMonth > 0  // to work with valid dates only
      dEnd = CToD( AllTrim( Str( nDay ) ) + "/" + AllTrim( Str( nMonth ) ) + "/" + Str( ::nYear, 4 ) )

      if ! Empty( dEnd ) .and. dEnd != ::dTemp     // for reducing continuous refreshes
         ::dTemp := dEnd
         ::dEnd = dEnd
         ::Refresh( .F. )
         if ValType( ::bChange ) == "B"
            Eval( ::bChange, Min( ::dStart, ::dEnd ), Max( ::dStart, ::dEnd ), Self )

return Super:MouseMove( nRow, nCol, nKeyFlags )


function RegionDate( nMonth, cYear )

return CToD( "01/" + AllTrim( Str( nMonth ) ) + "/" +  cYear )


PostPosted: Sun Aug 03, 2008 12:58 pm
by Antonio Linares
Method Redefine() implemented and sample of use:
Code: Select all  Expand view
#include ""


function Main()

   local oWnd, oPickDate


   DEFINE WINDOW oWnd TITLE "Calendar"

   oPickDate := TPickDate():New( 10, 10,,, oWnd )

   oPickDate:bSelect = { | dStart, dEnd | MsgInfo( Str( dEnd - dStart + 1 ) + " days" ) }
   oPickDate:bPainted = { | hDC, dStart, dEnd | ;
                          oPickDate:Say( 17, 20, Str( dEnd - dStart + 1 ) + " days",,,, .T., .T. ) }

   oWnd:oClient = oPickDate

      ON INIT TestDialog()
return nil


function TestDialog()

   local oDlg, oPickDate
   oPickDate = TPickDate():Redefine( 10, oDlg )

   oPickDate:bSelect = { | dStart, dEnd | MsgInfo( Str( dEnd - dStart + 1 ) + " days" ) }
return nil   


CLASS TPickDate FROM TControl

   DATA   dStart, dEnd, dTemp, lMove
   DATA   nYear
   DATA   oBrushSunday, oBrushSelected, oFontHeader
   DATA   nLeftStart, nTopStart
   DATA   bSelect


   METHOD New( nTop, nLeft, nWidth, nHeight, oWnd, nYear, nClrFore, nClrBack )
   METHOD Redefine( nId, oWnd )
   METHOD Paint()
   METHOD Display() INLINE ::BeginPaint(), ::Paint(), ::EndPaint(), 0
   METHOD Destroy()
   METHOD LButtonDown( nRow, nCol, nKeyFlags )
   METHOD LButtonUp( nRow, nCol, nKeyFlags )
   METHOD PreviousYear() INLINE ::nYear--, ::Refresh()
   METHOD NextYear() INLINE ::nYear++, ::Refresh()
   METHOD EraseBkGnd( hDC ) INLINE 0
   METHOD MouseMove( nRow, nCol, nKeyFlags )



METHOD New( nTop, nLeft, nWidth, nHeight, oWnd, nYear, nClrFore, nClrBack ) CLASS TPickDate

   DEFAULT nWidth  := 800,;
           nHeight := 300,;
           nLeft   := 0,;
           nTop    := 0,;
           nYear   := Year( Date() ),;
           oWnd    := GetWndDefault()

   ::lMove      = .F.
   ::nTopStart  = 60                           // for header
   ::nLeftStart = 150                          // col header

   ::nTop       = nTop
   ::nLeft      = nLeft
   ::nBottom    = nTop + nHeight - 1
   ::nRight     = nLeft + nWidth - 1
   ::nYear      = Year( Date() )
   ::oWnd       = oWnd

   ::dStart := ::dEnd := ::dTemp := Date()

   ::nClrText   = nClrFore
   ::nClrPane   = nClrBack
   DEFINE BRUSH ::oBrushSunday COLOR nRGB( 183, 249, 185 ) // Sundays column green brush
   DEFINE BRUSH ::oBrushSelected COLOR nRGB( 240, 232, 188 ) // Selected days orange brush

   DEFINE FONT ::oFont NAME "Tahoma" SIZE 0, -12 BOLD
   DEFINE FONT ::oFontHeader NAME "Tahoma" SIZE 0, -12

   #ifdef __XPP__
      DEFAULT ::lRegistered := .F.


   if ! Empty( oWnd:hWnd )
      oWnd:AddControl( Self )
      oWnd:DefControl( Self )

return self


METHOD Redefine( nId, oWnd ) CLASS TPickDate

   DEFAULT oWnd := GetWndDefault()
   ::nId        = nId
   ::oWnd       = oWnd
   ::lMove      = .F.
   ::nTopStart  = 60                           // for header
   ::nLeftStart = 150                          // col header
   ::dStart := ::dEnd := ::dTemp := Date()
   ::nYear      = Year( Date() )

   DEFINE BRUSH ::oBrushSunday COLOR nRGB( 183, 249, 185 ) // Sundays column green brush
   DEFINE BRUSH ::oBrushSelected COLOR nRGB( 240, 232, 188 ) // Selected days orange brush

   DEFINE FONT ::oFont NAME "Tahoma" SIZE 0, -12 BOLD
   DEFINE FONT ::oFontHeader NAME "Tahoma" SIZE 0, -12
   ::SetColor( 0, 0 )

   oWnd:DefControl( Self )
return Self


METHOD Paint() CLASS TPickDate

   local aInfo := ::DispBegin()
   local hDC := ::hDC, cDay, nDay, n, dDate, nColStep, nRowStep
   local dTmpDate, nMonth := 0, nLeftCol := 0

   FillRect( hDC, GetClientRect( ::hWnd ), ::oBrush:hBrush )

   nRowStep = ( ::nHeight - ::nTopStart ) / 13

   GradientFill( hDC, 0, 0, ::nHeight, ::nWidth, { { 1, nRGB( 128, 217, 255 ), nRGB( 54, 147, 255 ) } } )

   dDate = CToD( "01/01/" + Str( ::nYear, 4 ) )
   dDate += 8 - DoW( dDate )

   nColStep = ( ::nWidth - ::nLeftStart ) / 37

   GradientFill( hDC, 0, 0, nRowStep - 1, ::nWidth, { { 1, nRGB( 128, 217, 255 ), nRGB( 54, 147, 255 ) } } )

   ::Say( ( ::nTopStart  + ( nRowStep / 2 ) - ( ::oFont:nHeight / 2 )),;
          ( ( ::nLeftStart + nColStep ) / 2 ) - ( GetTextWidth( hDC, Str( ::nYear, 4 ), ::oFont:hFont ) / 2 ),;
          Str( ::nYear, 4 ),,, ::oFont, .T., .T. )

   // Paint Sunday background color
   for n = 1 to 36 step 7
      FillRect( hDC, { 0, ::nLeftStart + ( nColStep * n ),;
                ::nHeight - 1, ::nLeftStart + ( nColStep * ( n + 1 ) ) }, ::oBrushSunday:hBrush )

   for nMonth = 1 to 12
      ::Line( ::nTopStart + nMonth * nRowStep, 0,(::nTopStart  + nMonth * nRowStep), ::nWidth - 1 )
      ::Say( ::nTopStart + nMonth * nRowStep + ( nRowStep / 2 ) - ( ::oFont:nHeight / 2 ), 3, cMonth( RegionDate(nMonth, Str( Year( Date() ), 4 )))   ,,, ::oFont, .T., .T. )

   // fill selected days
   if ::lMove
      dTmpDate = Min( ::dStart, ::dEnd )

      while dTmpDate <= Max( ::dStart, ::dEnd )
         nMonth = Month( dTmpDate )
         nLeftCol = ::nLeftStart + ( nColStep * ( DOW( RegionDate( nMonth, Str( ::nYear, 4 ) ) ) ) ) + ;
                    nColStep * ( Day( dTmpDate ) - 1 )
         FillRect( hDC, { ::nTopStart + month(dTmpDate) * nRowStep + 1,;
                   nLeftCol, ::nTopStart + Month( dTmpDate ) * nRowStep + nRowStep,;
                   nLeftCol + nColStep}, ::oBrushSelected:hBrush )


   // Draw days
   for n = 1 to 36
      ::Line( 0, ::nLeftStart + ( nColStep * n ), ::nHeight - 1, ::nLeftStart + ( nColStep * n ) )
      cDay = SubStr( CDoW( dDate++ ), 1, 2 )

      ::Say( ( ::nTopStart + nRowStep * 0.4 ),;
         ::nLeftStart + ( nColStep * n ) + ( nColStep / 2 ) - ( GetTextWidth( hDC, cDay, ::oFont:hFont ) / 2 ) + 1,;
         cDay, 0, 0, ::oFont, .T., .T. )

   // Draw months
   for nMonth = 1 to 12
      dDate = RegionDate(nMonth,Str( ::nYear, 4 ) )
      nDay = DoW( dDate )

      while Month( dDate ) == nMonth
         cDay = AllTrim( Str( Day( dDate ) ) )
         ::Say( ( ::nTopStart  + nMonth * nRowStep + ( nRowStep * 0.4 ) ),;
            ::nLeftStart + ( nColStep * nDay++ ) + ( nColStep / 2 ) - ( GetTextWidth( hDC, cDay, ::oFont:hFont ) / 2 ) + 1,;
            cDay, 0, 0, ::oFontHeader, .T., .T. )

   if ValType( ::bPainted ) == "B"
      Eval( ::bPainted, hDC, Min( ::dStart, ::dEnd ), Max( ::dStart, ::dEnd ), Self )

   ::DispEnd( aInfo )

return 0


METHOD Destroy() CLASS TPickDate

return Super:Destroy()


METHOD LButtonDown( nRow, nCol, nKeyFlags ) CLASS TPickDate

   local nMonth := Int( ( nRow - ::nTopStart ) / ( ( ::nHeight - ::nTopStart ) / 13 ) )
   local nDay   := Int( ( nCol - ::nLeftStart ) / ( ( ::nWidth - ::nLeftStart ) / 37 ) ) - ;
                   DoW( RegionDate( nMonth, Str( ::nYear, 4 ) ) ) + 1

   if nDay > 0 .and. nMonth > 0  // to work with valid dates only
      ::dStart := CToD( AllTrim( AllTrim( Str( nDay ) )+ "/"  + Str( nMonth ) )  + "/" + Str( ::nYear, 4 ) )
      ::lMove  := .T.
      ::Refresh( .F. )

return Super:LButtonDown( nRow, nCol, nKeyFlags )


METHOD LButtonUp( nRow, nCol, nKeyFlags ) CLASS TPickDate

   if ValType( ::bSelect ) == "B"
      Eval( ::bSelect, Min( ::dStart, ::dEnd ), Max( ::dStart, ::dEnd ), Self )

   ::lMove := .F.
return Super:LButtonUp( nRow, nCol, nKeyFlags )


METHOD MouseMove( nRow, nCol, nKeyFlags ) CLASS TPickDate

   local nMonth := Int( ( nRow - ::nTopStart ) / ( ( ::nHeight - ::nTopStart ) / 13 ) )
   local nDay   := Int( ( nCol - ::nLeftStart ) / ( ( ::nWidth - ::nLeftStart ) / 37 ) ) - ;
                   DoW( RegionDate( nMonth, Str( ::nYear, 4 ) ) ) + 1
   local dEnd               

   if nDay > 0 .and. nMonth > 0  // to work with valid dates only
      dEnd = CToD( AllTrim( Str( nDay ) ) + "/" + AllTrim( Str( nMonth ) ) + "/" + Str( ::nYear, 4 ) )

      if ! Empty( dEnd ) .and. dEnd != ::dTemp     // for reducing continuous refreshes
         ::dTemp := dEnd
         ::dEnd = dEnd
         ::Refresh( .F. )
         if ValType( ::bChange ) == "B"
            Eval( ::bChange, Min( ::dStart, ::dEnd ), Max( ::dStart, ::dEnd ), Self )

return Super:MouseMove( nRow, nCol, nKeyFlags )


function RegionDate( nMonth, cYear )

return CToD( "01/" + AllTrim( Str( nMonth ) ) + "/" +  cYear )


Code: Select all  Expand view
test DIALOG 12, 26, 544, 363
FONT 8, "MS Sans Serif"
CONTROL "", 10, "TPickDate", 0 | WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_BORDER, 5, 5, 535, 354

PostPosted: Sun Aug 03, 2008 1:01 pm
by Antonio Linares
A screenshot (yes, you can see what I am doing) :-)


PostPosted: Sun Aug 03, 2008 2:12 pm
by Otto
Hello Antonio,

thank you for this interesting demonstration of „How to build a control class”.


PostPosted: Sun Aug 03, 2008 3:38 pm
by Antonio Linares

You provided the idea and most of the code. Thanks,

I simply helped to properly organize and simplify it :-)

PostPosted: Sun Aug 03, 2008 4:50 pm
by Silvio
:lol: uauuuuuuu!!!!!!!!

8) Great ...simply..... :D Antonio Linares !!!!

PostPosted: Sun Aug 03, 2008 6:09 pm
Hello Mr.Antonio

It is an excellent lesson to the people like me who are interested to
create classes from their existing reusable codes.


Thanks for sharing your excellent code from the beginning.


- Ramesh Babu P

PostPosted: Sun Aug 03, 2008 7:00 pm
by Kleyber

I'm testing here but it calls a functions GradientFill() that I don't have here. I'm using FWH 8.02.


PostPosted: Sun Aug 03, 2008 7:04 pm
by Antonio Linares

GradientFill() is a new function in FWH 8.07.

You can comment out those function calls in the class.