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Your EXE into a Web app

PostPosted: Fri Oct 12, 2018 9:34 am
by Antonio Linares
1. With FiveWin we jumped from MsDos (Clipper) to Windows (Clipper)

2. With Harbour and FWH we jumped from Windows 16 bits to Windows 32/64 bits

3. Next logical step is to jump from the Desktop to the Internet/web :-)

The idea is not to rewrite your app. You have invested a lot of time and effort to build it but now
your customers are requiring to use the app from the web (and internet).

Surely some of you have also done some research about this. Here I am going to share my findings with you:

1. I got an Amazon EC2 server (free for one year). I selected a Linux server.
2. I installed X11 and Wine (Windows emulator) on it.
3. Install xming (on Windows) or xquartz (os Mac)
4. From my desktop computer I do a ssh -X ... connection to the server (use putty from Windows). -X means to route X11 to my computer.
5. Start your remote Windows app like this: wine myap.exe
6. You are managing your EXE remotely from your desktop :-)

Next, lets use it as a web page:
1. Install vncserver on the Linux server.
2. start vncserver and choose a connection password
3. From your desktop computer do a ssh -L 5902:localhost:5902 ... to the server. -L means route events to localhost
4. Use noVNC to connect to localhost:5902
5. You get connected to the remote desktop and launch your EXE from a web page! :-)

A commercial alternative to these is to use Windows remote desktop and a Windows server.

I appreciate your comments and alternatives

Re: Your EXE into a Web app

PostPosted: Fri Oct 12, 2018 10:07 am
by Silvio.Falconi
- to proceed to the first possibility, a small guide is welcome, perhaps with step by step procedures to pubblish here

- para pasar a la primera posibilidad, una pequeña guía es bienvenida, quizás con procedimientos paso a paso que podría publicar aquí

Re: Your EXE into a Web app

PostPosted: Fri Oct 12, 2018 10:31 am
by Jack
I think you are right ==> 3. Next logical step is to jump from the Desktop to the Internet/web .

We need a FIVEWEB tool in other to jump to the web .
Remote desktop is a good step but what we need is Web Development Tool.

Thanks ,


Re: Your EXE into a Web app

PostPosted: Fri Oct 12, 2018 1:13 pm
by Carles

Forgive my concern... what does fiveweb tool mean? What tool do you think would be good for you to develop web applications?

Re: Your EXE into a Web app

PostPosted: Fri Oct 12, 2018 10:30 pm
by James Bott
Antonio wrote:
5. You get connected to the remote desktop and launch your EXE from a web page!

This reminds me of the old days with terminals and a mainframe. It seems we have gone a full circle.

I do wonder about performance.

What are the advantages of doing this vs just having the data on the web and the app on a PC?

Re: Your EXE into a Web app

PostPosted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 12:18 am
by nageswaragunupudi
What are the advantages of doing this vs just having the data on the web and the app on a PC?

Instead of having to install the application on your PC, you can sit anywhere in the world, pick up any pc or laptop or tablet and just go to the website and start working on a full-fledged windows program with all its UI elements, which will be far better than working with a php or asp page.

Performance? These are the first steps to prove a concept. If the data and application reside on the server, the performance should be great, subject only to the speed of internet connection.

Re: Your EXE into a Web app

PostPosted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 3:37 pm
by Carlos Mora
nageswaragunupudi wrote:...which will be far better than working with a php or asp page.

better? I'm not sure. I've seen amazing apps written using web technologies.
Did you know Electron? let's you pack your web app into an EXE, the right opposite of this thread subject :)
Well known samples of that are Skype, Whatsapp for Desktop, Slack for Desktop , Postman (app for developing REST APIs) and one of the best: Visual Code Editor. I'm 95% sure Avast UI and MalwareBytes UI are also Electron apps.
If using web technologies you can write IMO one of the best code editors in the history, or Skype (Both Microsoft products) and target Windows, OSX and Linux with the same code, I think they shouldn't be that bad.


Re: Your EXE into a Web app

PostPosted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 4:45 pm
by Silvio.Falconi
De todos modos, queridos señores es deseable un producto que proviene del equipo de Fivetech del cual hay garantías, tal vez incluso productos de terceros como Terraco o Fiveweb también funcionen, pero sin una demostración que podamos probar no podemos comprar una caja cerrada y con muy pocas garantías de soporte. , especialmente si estos productos llegan al otro lado del globo. Espero y quiero un producto de Fivetech que sea compatible con los archivos dbf que usamos en nuestras aplicaciones sin hacer conversiones y reconversiones, creo que este es el deseo de todos o más bien de la mayoría de los usuarios de fivewin y Harbour

anyway, dear lords is desirable a product that comes from the Fivetech team of which there are guarantees, maybe even third-party products like Terraco or Fiveweb also work but without a demo to try we can not buy a closed box and with very few guarantees of support , especially if these products arrive on the other side of the globe. I hope and I want a product of Fivetech that is compatible with the dbf files the same we use in our applications without making conversions and reconversions in and output, I think this is the desire of all or rather the majority of users of fivewin and Harbor

Re: Your EXE into a Web app

PostPosted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 6:16 pm
by Carles
Hi friends !

I think that in general you have 2 options: Or write code in a web environment or write code in a windows environment. Everything else is deceived.

I'm seeing that people are waiting for something magical. Friends ... many of us have been learning a style life. Now we have to learn another style, that's all. For me the question is ... which way is the easiest?

Maybe I forgot one more option. The joker of Mr. Linares ;-)


Re: Your EXE into a Web app

PostPosted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 7:31 pm
by Otto
we use RDP as Antonio suggest since many years with success.

Best regards,

Re: Your EXE into a Web app

PostPosted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 8:04 pm
by Otto
with the new RemoteDesktop from Windows Store you can setup size again like in RDP.
I use Version 10.1.1046.0.
Best regards,

Re: Your EXE into a Web app

PostPosted: Sun Oct 14, 2018 5:24 am
by nageswaragunupudi
Carles wrote:Maybe I forgot one more option. The joker of Mr. Linares ;-)

Openly insulting Mr. Antonio Linares, calling him a joker and heckling at him in an open forum like this is very indecent and highly objectionable. I strongly protest against Mr. Carles' inappropriate behavior in making these arrogant remarks.

I always limited my role in these forums to provide support to users and never got involoved in personal comments. But this time it has gone beyond limits of tolerance.

Re: Your EXE into a Web app

PostPosted: Sun Oct 14, 2018 5:54 am
Dear Friends,

Carles wrote:
Maybe I forgot one more option. The joker of Mr. Linares ;-)

Most of us are here in this forum past 13 years.

We have been very friendly with good respect to
each other. And I have a great respect particularly
for Mr.Antonio and other team members like
Mr.Nageswara Rao.

Mr.Antonio's FiveWin technologies have given life to many of
our Clipper Applications, which are all successfully running
with great appreciation from our clients.

I never saw such a rude and disrespectful comment made by
Mr. Carles, so far about our beloved guru Mr.Antonio, in our

It is very hurting and painful. I strongly condemn Mr. Carles
attitude towards our seniors.

-Ramesh Babu

Re: Your EXE into a Web app

PostPosted: Sun Oct 14, 2018 7:01 am
by Enrico Maria Giordano
For me Carles meant to say that Antonio is our ace in the hole, a wild card that can change its value accordingly to our needs. I'm sure no offence intended.


Re: Your EXE into a Web app

PostPosted: Sun Oct 14, 2018 7:39 am
by Jack
When we talk about web, we d'n talk about RDP .

If we want to start from 0, we have PHP or C# …

What we are looking is coding just like in the past and that the Tools convert it .

I think that Antonio start fiveweb a few year ago , is't it a goog way . Could we have samples of code just like we have with Harbour or fivewin ?
Why not having a special index in the forum about this ?

