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Graphics ComboBox with xbrowse ?

PostPosted: Fri May 11, 2018 6:47 am
by Silvio.Falconi
I need to show a combobox with numbers but I have problem because I have many numbers to show

and if I use traditional combobox I have a big list of numbers

Can I have a combobox with the list type 5X5 ?


as this

or some one Know How I can show it ?

I need it for show wich table is free and and see which tables are free left and right under and over

on picture for a sample the original number table selected is the 35

the box with white color can not be selected
the box with green color are free
the box with orange color are occupated
the box with gray color are occupated

How I can show it ?
Perhaps it can be made with xbrowse ?

Re: Graphics ComboBox with xbrowse ?

PostPosted: Fri May 11, 2018 6:43 pm
by joseluisysturiz
Hay una clausula que se usa con GET que hace lo que quieres pero despliega un xbrowse, si le das la vuelta podrias usarla, no recuerdo el nombre de la opcion, la sugirio Antonio Linares para cuando se quiere mostrar mas de una columna...espero no ofender tus conocimientos con mi respuesta, solo intento dar una idea, gracias... :shock: