I Prefer DBF and use Xbrowser("dbffile") to edit. No dbu needed.
With dbf you can organise, filter etc... the settings like you want.
Just my way of setting things up.
Code: Select all | Expand
SETUP ( oBrw:bRecSelData := { || FIELD->CODE }, ;
oBrw:bRecSelHeader := "CODE", ;
oBrw:nRecSelWidth := "CODE" )
Code: Select all | Expand
select TempXB
set filter to brwnaam = cData
hBrw:= FW_RecToHash() // Start using Hash for all system variables // or start using a tDatabase opject so that you can use this.
cDbf = alltrim(hBrw["database"]) // all var's are in this single Hash and can be used easy with names ? hBrw["Path"] etc...
You know how to use them. I do it like above.