&& Supprimer un usager
Procedure DeleteUser(tcUser)
lcUserId ='CN='+tcUserID
objRootLDAP = Getobject("LDAP://RootDSE")
strDNSDomain = objRootLDAP.Get("DefaultNamingContext") && Get the context
strOU = "OU=Test,OU=OEB,OU=SAAS-users," && Your correct specifications
*' Prepare the OU and the Group
lcPath="LDAP://"+ strOU + strDNSDomain
* Specify the User.
strUser = "CN="+tcUser
* Bind to the object.
objADAM = Getobject(lcPath)
*Delete the User.
objADAM.Delete("user", strUser)
&& Vérifier l'existence d'un usager.
PROCEDURE verifyIfUserExists(tcUserID)
LOCAL lcUserId
lcUserId ='CN='+tcUserID
objRootLDAP = Getobject("LDAP://RootDSE")
strDNSDomain = objRootLDAP.Get("DefaultNamingContext") && Get the context
strGroup = "CN=oeb-test,"
strOU = "OU=Test,OU=OEB,OU=SAAS-users," && You correct specifications
*' Prepare the OU and the Group
objGroup = Getobject("LDAP://"+ strGroup + strOU + strDNSDomain)
objOU =Getobject("LDAP://" +strOU + strDNSDomain)
For Each objUser In objOU
If objUser.Class = Lower("User")
IF objUser.name = lcUserId
&& Bloquer le compte d'usager
PROCEDURE DisableAUser(tcUserId)
objRootLDAP = Getobject("LDAP://RootDSE")
strDNSDomain = objRootLDAP.Get("DefaultNamingContext") && Get the context
strOU = "OU=Test,OU=OEB,OU=SAAS-users," && You correct specifications
objUser = Getobject("LDAP://CN=" + tcUserId +","+;
objUser.Put( "userAccountControl", ADS_UF_ACCOUNTDISABLE)
&& Changer de mot de passe
Procedure changePassword(tcUserId,tcPassword)
objRootLDAP = Getobject("LDAP://RootDSE")
strDNSDomain = objRootLDAP.Get("DefaultNamingContext") && Get the context
strOU = "OU=Test,OU=OEB,OU=SAAS-users," && Your correct specifications
objUser = Getobject("LDAP://CN=" + tcUserId +","+;
strOU+strDNSDomain) && Get back the object to add a few more properties
objUser.setPassword(tcPassword) && Set the password that gets encrypted -- In order to enable the account you need to set the password first
&& and it has to follow the password policies (eg: minimum number of characters, complexity etc)
objUser.Put( "userAccountControl",ADS_UF_NORMAL_ACCOUNT) && Enable the user - by default it is disable
objUser.SetInfo && Update the user's file
&& Ajouter un usager
Procedure addUser(tcName,tcUserId,tcFirstName,tcLastName,tcComputerName,;
#Define wbemAuthenticationLevelDefault 0x0
#Define wbemChangeFlagCreateOrUpdate 0x0
cWMInamespace = "root/directory/LDAP"
cWMIclass = "ds_user"
strOU = "OU=Test,OU=OEB,OU=SAAS-users,"
strGroup = "CN=oeb-test,"
*' Bind to Active Directory and get LDAP name
objRootLDAP = Getobject("LDAP://RootDSE")
strDNSDomain = objRootLDAP.Get("DefaultNamingContext") && Get the context
objWMILocator = Createobject("WbemScripting.SWbemLocator")
objWMILocator.Security_.AuthenticationLevel = wbemAuthenticationLevelDefault && We need the proper security to do this
objWMIServices = objWMILocator.ConnectServer(tcComputerName, cWMInamespace, "", "") && Connect to the server that has the Active directory
objWMIClass = objWMIServices.Get(cWMIclass) && Determine what we want to do -- Add a user.
objWMIInstance = objWMIClass.SpawnInstance_
objWMIInstance.DS_sAMAccountName = tcName && Name of the user
objWMIInstance.DS_userPrincipalName=tcUserId && Login name
objWMIInstance.DS_givenName=tcFirstName && First name
objWMIInstance.DS_sn=tcLastName && Last name
objWMIInstance.DS_displayName = tcUserId && Display Name
objWMIInstance.DS_distinguishedname=tcName && Complete name
objWMIInstance.ADSIPath = "LDAP://CN=" + tcUserId +","+;
strOU+strDNSDomain && Create an object with the properties
objWMIInstance.Put_(wbemChangeFlagCreateOrUpdate) && Save the user object in Active Directory
objUser = Getobject("LDAP://CN=" + tcUserId +","+;
strOU+strDNSDomain) && Get back the object to add a few more properties
objUser.setPassword(tcPassword) && Set the password that gets encrypted -- In order to enable the account you need to set the password first
&& and it has to follow the password policies (eg: minimum number of characters, complexity etc)
objUser.Put( "userAccountControl",ADS_UF_NORMAL_ACCOUNT) && Enable the user - by default it is disable
objUser.SetInfo && Update the user's file
*' Prepare the OU and the Group
objGroup = Getobject("LDAP://"+ strGroup + strOU + strDNSDomain)
objOU =Getobject("LDAP://" +strOU + strDNSDomain)
For Each objUser In objOU && Add the user to the correct group
If objUser.Class = Lower("User") And tcUserId $ objUser.ADsPath