Example how to put de email from classe tpop3 in a database

Example how to put de email from classe tpop3 in a database

Postby JoseCarlos » Tue Mar 07, 2006 2:14 am


I test de class TPop3 and it works fine but i am with difficulty to separate the information for places them in dbf . The data of the email arrive all meetings and are with difficulty of separate them.

Somebody can help me with an example ?
José Carlos
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Postby JoseCarlos » Thu Mar 09, 2006 5:00 pm

Anybody knows ?
José Carlos
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Postby StefanHaupt » Fri Mar 10, 2006 9:13 am


you can save the email into a ascii-file and then parse this file into an array. This array you can easily save in a dbf.

This is a sample to do it, depending on the fileformat you have change it, to fit your needs.

oFile := TTxtFile():New (aFile[i])
IF oFile != nil

DO WHILE !oFile:lEof() // lesen bis Dateiende
cTmp := oFile:ReadLn() // Zeile lesen

IF !EMPTY (cTmp) // Leer ??

IF AT (":",cTmp) > 0 // Neuer Abschnitt ?
cSection := ParseStr (1,":",cTmp)
cData := ALLTRIM (ParseStr (2,":",cTmp))
cData := IIF (EMPTY (cData), "", cData) // nil-Werte abfangen

CASE "RETURN" $ UPPER (cSection)
aMsg[RETURN_PATH] := cData
CASE "DATE" $ UPPER (cSection)
cData+=ParseStr(3,":",cTmp) // Uhrzeit ber
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Postby JoseCarlos » Fri Mar 10, 2006 2:55 pm


Thank's for answering

Funtion "ParseStr" was not found. It could describes it?
José Carlos
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Postby StefanHaupt » Mon Mar 13, 2006 8:54 am


You replace ParseString with StrToken that comes from fivewin

FUNCTION PARSESTR ( <nOccurrence>, <cSepChar>, <cText> )
RETURN (StrToken( <cText>, <nOccurrence> ,<cSepChar> ) )

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Postby JoseCarlos » Mon Mar 13, 2006 11:44 pm

Thank's Stefan
José Carlos
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