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Mouseover - Listbox item

PostPosted: Tue Jan 15, 2013 1:07 am
by Jeff Barnes
Is it possible to highlight an item in a listbox (entire row) in red when the mouse is over that item.
I would still like to keep the standard blue for a selected item.

Re: Mouseover - Listbox item

PostPosted: Fri Jan 25, 2013 6:18 pm
by James Bott

I am sure it is possible but I think it would require a fair amount of work possibly requiring modification of the listbox control source too.

This is not standard behavior so I would advise it.

Also, there are some issues that would concern me. Moving the mouse all the way down or up a table would require redrawing each record as the cursor passes over it, so there might be a significant lag time and a rather disconcerting flashing of colors.

As there is the dilemma of what color to use when the cursor is over the currently selected record.

If you are attempting to provide a more visually distinct row when a user wants to look at that row then just clicking on the row will do that already (without any modifications). Do you have a different reason for wanting this?


Re: Mouseover - Listbox item

PostPosted: Fri Jan 25, 2013 7:37 pm
by Jeff Barnes
One of my customers had asked for this ... at the time, their reasoning seemed to make sense but now I don't fully remember what their reasoning was :oops:
They haven't mentioned it again so i think I'm just going to leave it alone. As you said ... it's not standard so I will just leave it as it :)