(New) Problem with Vertical Scrollbar Thumb Position

(New) Problem with Vertical Scrollbar Thumb Position

Postby dpaterso » Thu Mar 23, 2006 11:21 am


I have just discovered a problem with the Vertical Scrollbar Thumb Position and TListBox Browse.

I am not sure if this is a new problem i.e. since FWH March 2006 and XHB March 2006.

Problem is this:

I have a test database file with about 50 000 records and it is displayed in my favourite TListBox Browse format.

I never noticed this before but if you are at the beginning of the file the Vertical Scrollbar Thumb Position moves slowly down while pressing and holding down the Page Down key i.e. it is keeping in synch with the data


if you go to the end of the file i.e. by pressing Ctrl Page Down and then press Page Up twice (or hold down the Page Up key) the Vertical Scrollbar Thumb Position jumps to the top of the Vertical Scrollbar i.e. it does not move slowly up while pressing and holding down the Page Up key keeping in synch with the data (like it does move slowly down while pressing and holding down the Page Down key).

That was quite a mouthful - hope it makes sense.


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Postby dpaterso » Thu Mar 23, 2006 11:29 am

Sorry, sorry, sorry!!!

No problem.

I just checked - my problem - due to a corrupt database record / compound index problem - not TListBox Browse!!!


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Location: South Africa

Postby James Bott » Thu Mar 23, 2006 4:14 pm


I think your office is possesed with a scrollbar demon...


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James Bott
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