Error with tsbutton

Error with tsbutton

Postby Silvio » Sat Jul 15, 2006 10:52 am

I create a windows ( seeing the sample of tsbutton child03) with many button ( tsbutton)

On each button I action a menu pop to create a reservation of a seat

Code: Select all  Expand view
bAction := {|oBtn| prenotamenu( oBtn ) ,oBtn:cCaption := "",oBtn:Disable( VK_RBUTTON ), oBtn:Refresh() }

this is the popmenu
Code: Select all  Expand view
Static Function prenotamenu( oBtn )
   Local oMenu, aRect
   aRect := GetClientRect( oBtn:hWnd )
      MENU oMenu POPUP
         MENUITEM "&Nuova prenotazione" ACTION prenota( oBtn,.t. )
         MENUITEM "&Modifica prenotazione"  ACTION prenota( oBtn,.f. )
         MENUITEM "&Mostra prenotazione"  ACTION prenota( oBtn )
      ACTIVATE POPUP oMenu AT aRect[ 3 ] + 1, aRect[ 2 ] OF oBtn

   Return Nil

when I run prenota function the procedure must modify the seat bitmap if I insert the reservation but the procedure modify the seat bitmap if I insert or I not Insert .

this is the code of prenota ()

Code: Select all  Expand view
Static Function prenota( oBtn,lnew )
   Local cNumero := oBtn:Cargo
   Local atipo  :={"Autorità","Riservato","Docente","Alunno","Genitore","Esterno"}
   Local Prenotato := .F.
   Local Pagato := .F.
   local lReg := .f.

   LOCAL aDat[10]
   LOCAL oget1,oget2
   LOCAL tipo

     IF lNew

            aDat[ 1]:=Space(40)
            aDat[ 2]:=Space(40)
            aDat[ 3]:=.f.
            aDat[ 4]:=0

            aDat[ 1]:= teatro->nominativo
            aDat[ 2]:= teatro->tipo
            aDat[ 3]:= teatro->pagato
            aDat[ 4]:= teatro->biglietto


    DEFINE DIALOG oDlg RESOURCE "prenota";
    TITLE "ESEMPIO DI Prenotazione poltrona numero : "+cNumero

    REDEFINE GET aDat[ 1] ID 101 OF oDlg PICTURE "@!"

    REDEFINE COMBOBOX  aDat[2] ITEMS aTipo ID 102 OF  oDlg

    REDEFINE CHECKBOX aDat[3] ID 301 OF oDlg

    REDEFINE GET aDat[4] ID 103 OF oDlg PICTURE "999999999.99"

     REDEFINE BUTTON ID 104 OF oDlg ACTION (lReg:=.T.,oDlg:End())

    IF lReg
       nMSGBOX("Salvataggio Prenotazione","Informazioni")

     oBtn:cCaption := oBtn:Cargo




return nil

How I must make to show the seat modified only when I insert the reservation ?
Best Regards, Saludos

Falconi Silvio
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