A celledit in xbrowse works like EDIT -> RETURN -> NEXT CELL
Is it possible to auto-move to the next cell WITHOUT using the returnkey after edit ?
The fieldtype is < oCol:cEditPicture := "9" >
A day celledit looks like :
oCol := oBrw2:oCol( "T1" )
oCol:cHeader := "1" + CRLF + aDays[1]
oCol:nWidth := 22
oCol:nDataStrAlign := AL_CENTER
oCol:cEditPicture := "9"
oCol:nEditType := EDIT_GET
oCol:bOnPostEdit := { | oCol, xVal, nKey | ( NEU_TAGE(xVal, 1, "T1", cMonat, nPage ), ;
oBrw2:RefreshCurrent(), ;
oBrw2:SelectCol(6), lSpeichern := .F. ) }
The function < NEU_TAGE(xVal, 1, "T1", cMonat, nPage ) >
saves the value and does some calculations
best regards