Would you mind to modify my example with your solution and post it here ?
many thanks!
FUNCTION toonsvg(curl,vtagname)
local oWnd, oActiveX
local veinde := .f.
local vLoaded := .f.
local vURL
DEFINE WINDOW oWnd TITLE "Graplical loop of "+vtagname
@ 0, 0 ACTIVEX oActiveX PROGID "Shell.Explorer" OF oWnd
oActiveX = TActiveX():New( oWnd, "Shell.Explorer" )
oWnd:oClient = oActiveX // To fill the entire window surface
oActiveX:Do( "Navigate", cURL )
oActiveX:bOnEvent = { | event, aParams, pParams | If( event == "StatusTextChange" .and. Left( aParams[ 1 ], 5 ) == "file:", vURL := aParams[ 1 ] ,), ;
If( event == "DocumentComplete" , vLoaded := .t.,),;
If( event == "NavigateComplete2" .and. vLoaded, (veinde := .t. ,oWnd:end()),) }
ACTIVATE WINDOW oWnd MAXIMIZED valid (iif(!veinde,(vURL:='TagName_Leeg',veinde := .t.),),.t.)
StopUntil( { || veinde = .t. } )
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