Seems that Windows 8 has different logic:
- Code: Select all Expand view
FUNCTION GetReadyDrives()
LOCAL aDrives := {}
LOCAL nDrive := 1
LOCAL nMode := SetErrorMode(1)
FOR nDrive := 1 TO 26
IF IsDisk( Chr( 64 + nDrive ) )
AAdd( aDrives, Chr( 64 + nDrive ) )
SetErrorMode( nMode )
RETURN aDrives
It works fine with any OS before Windows 8
On windows 8 it doesn't recognize the mapped drive on network
If the drive is mapped as H: on \\Toshiba-pc\c\
the function will show all drives (C and D for example) but not H
Is there any fix for this for Windows 8 (and I am affraid to even think about Windows 10) ?