in a database "mydb.MDB", I have a table MYTBL, in this table there are:
field MYDATA
field MYTIME
I read MYTBL in my source.prg
oDbf := CREATEOBJECT( "ADODB.Recordset" )
oDbf:CursorLocation := 3 //
cQuery := "Select * from MYTBL"
oDbf:Open( cQuery , "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=c:\mydb.mdb, 1, 3 )
... then...
oPrn:Say(nRow,nColStep*80,dtoc(odbf:Fields("MYDATA"):value),oFont,,,,1) // value is 25/04/2016
oPrn:Say(nRow,nColStep*110,odbf:Fields("MYTIME"):value,oFont) // value is 18:45
and print the right value for MYDATA: 25/04/2016 (OK)
but for MYTIME value print blank value
I hope that you can help me
thank you