I noticed a problem on SEEK with a field-combination numeric + character
I need the field < klasse0 > defined, because it is a GROUP-number.
DOESN't work !
wrong results
typing < 1 > shows 100 and next 150
The seek works with < SPACE + 1 + 5 >
ORDCREATE( ,"LEISTG1","STR(Klasse0) + Leistung", ; // N 3.0 + C 15
{|| STR(Klasse0) + Leistung } , .F. )
ONLY the numeric field
WORKS searching group 15 !
shows 1 and next 15
ORDCREATE( ,"LEISTG1","Klasse0",;
{|| Klasse0 }, .F. )
any idea ?