Thanks for reporting the issue.
First we need to fix XBrowse. If we first press <space> ( one or more ) and then press <backspace>, the <backspace> is not working and clearing the spaces.
This is the fix:
METHOD KeyChar( nKey, nFlags ) CLASS TXBrowse
Please locate this line of code:
- Code: Select all Expand view RUN
If nKey == VK_BACK .and. !Empty( ::cSeek )
Replace this line with the following line of code:
- Code: Select all Expand view RUN
If nKey == VK_BACK .and. ::cSeek != nil .and. Len( ::cSeek ) > 0
Now the user can enter backspace to clear the space key already entered and press any key wants to seek.
This should solve the problem for now.
The behavior of going to top when space key is pressed is also not correct. Pressing space key should result in seeking to a blank value or a value with starts with space. If such a value is not found, the space key should be rejected.
This is fixed in the current version now.