Simple conversion with array gives me problems

Simple conversion with array gives me problems

Postby Marc Venken » Fri Jul 28, 2017 2:58 pm

I was looking to make the following menu (popup) more dynamic.
For a test I made a 2 dim array (menuitem, and the return value). Later will get this from database into a array.

Always when I touch arrays in combination with this kind of program rules, i spend hours looking for the correct syntax :oops:

If I leave out the -1 in the for next loop, i even get a bound error.

All this is basic, but It won't pop it..... (bad day)

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static function TrainingMenu( ocol )
   local oPop, cTemp
   local aTrainingen:=  { ;
   { "&Aanwezig"     , "A" }, ; // 1
   { "&Ziek"         , "Z" }, ; // 1
   { "&Kwetsuur"     , "K" }, ; // 1
   { "&Schorsing"    , "S" }, ; // 1
   { "&Verlof"       , "V" }, ; // 1
   { "&Traint alleen", "T" }, ; // 1
   { "E&xamen"       , "X" }, ; // 1
   { "Niet &fit"     , "F" }, ; // 1
   { "&Clear"        , "C " }}   // 1

   MENU oPop POPUP 2007

     for i = 1 to len(aTrainingen)-1

      cTemp = aTrainingen[i,2]

//      MENUITEM aTrainingen[i,1] BLOCK { || oCol:varput("A"),oCol:oBrw:SetFocus() }  // is working, but not dynamic... always A with is logic.
//      MENUITEM aTrainingen[i,1] BLOCK ( oCol:varput(cTemp),oCol:oBrw:SetFocus() )   // shows always last item
      MENUITEM aTrainingen[i,1] ACTION ( oCol:varput(aTrainingen[i,2]),oCol:oBrw:SetFocus() ) // shows menu, always last item


      MENUITEM "&Aanwezig" ;
         ACTION ( oCol:varput("A"),oCol:oBrw:SetFocus() )
      MENUITEM "&Ziek" ;
         ACTION ( oCol:varput("Z"),oCol:oBrw:SetFocus() )
      MENUITEM "&Kwetsuur" ;
         ACTION ( oCol:varput("K"),oCol:oBrw:SetFocus() )
      MENUITEM "&Schorsing" ;
         ACTION ( oCol:varput("S"),oCol:oBrw:SetFocus() )
      MENUITEM "&Verlof" ;
         ACTION ( oCol:varput("V"),oCol:oBrw:SetFocus() )
      MENUITEM "&Traint alleen maar" ;
         ACTION ( oCol:varput("T"),oCol:oBrw:SetFocus() )
      MENUITEM "E&xamen" ;
         ACTION ( oCol:varput("X"),oCol:oBrw:SetFocus() )
      MENUITEM "Niet &Fit" ;
         ACTION ( oCol:varput("F"),oCol:oBrw:SetFocus() )
      MENUITEM "&Clear" ;
         ACTION ( oCol:varput(" "),oCol:oBrw:SetFocus() )


return oPop

Marc Venken
Using: FWH 23.04 with Harbour
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Re: Simple conversion with array gives me problems

Postby Enrico Maria Giordano » Fri Jul 28, 2017 5:36 pm

Probably you have to use detached locals. Please provide a compilable sample showing the error and I will show you how to fix it.

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Re: Simple conversion with array gives me problems

Postby Marc Venken » Fri Jul 28, 2017 6:34 pm

Here is the sample.

So, the value in the second part of the array aTrainingen should be selected.

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#include ""

function Main()

   local oDlg, oBrw1


      TITLE "Forum Tests"

   aVelden :=  { ;
   { "First"  , "First"         ,nil, 125 }, ; // 1
   { "Last"   , "Last"          ,nil, 125 }, ; // 3
   { "State"  , "State"         ,nil,  50 }}

   @  20,20 XBROWSE oBrw1 SIZE -20,380 PIXEL OF oDlg ;
      COLUMNS aVelden;

   oBrw1:lColChangeNotify  := .t.

         :nEditType     := EDIT_GET
         :bPopUp        := { |o| TrainingMenu( o ) }



return nil

static function TrainingMenu( ocol )
   local oPop, cTemp, i
   local aTrainingen:=  { ;
   { "&Aanwezig"     , "A" }, ; // 1
   { "&Ziek"         , "Z" }, ; // 1
   { "&Kwetsuur"     , "K" }, ; // 1
   { "&Schorsing"    , "S" }, ; // 1
   { "&Verlof"       , "V" }, ; // 1
   { "&Traint alleen", "T" }, ; // 1
   { "E&xamen"       , "X" }, ; // 1
   { "Niet &fit"     , "F" }, ; // 1
   { "&Clear"        , "C " }}   // 1


   MENU oPop POPUP 2007

     for i = 1 to len(aTrainingen) -1

      cTemp = aTrainingen[i,2]

//      MENUITEM aTrainingen[i,1] BLOCK { || oCol:varput("A"),oCol:oBrw:SetFocus() }  // is working, but not dynamic... always A
//      MENUITEM aTrainingen[i,1] BLOCK ( oCol:varput(cTemp),oCol:oBrw:SetFocus() )   // shows always last item
      MENUITEM aTrainingen[i,1] ACTION ( oCol:varput(aTrainingen[i,2]),oCol:oBrw:SetFocus() ) // shows menu, always last item


      MENUITEM "&Aanwezig" ;
         ACTION ( oCol:varput("A"),oCol:oBrw:SetFocus() )
      MENUITEM "&Ziek" ;
         ACTION ( oCol:varput("Z"),oCol:oBrw:SetFocus() )
      MENUITEM "&Kwetsuur" ;
         ACTION ( oCol:varput("K"),oCol:oBrw:SetFocus() )
      MENUITEM "&Schorsing" ;
         ACTION ( oCol:varput("S"),oCol:oBrw:SetFocus() )
      MENUITEM "&Verlof" ;
         ACTION ( oCol:varput("V"),oCol:oBrw:SetFocus() )
      MENUITEM "&Traint alleen maar" ;
         ACTION ( oCol:varput("T"),oCol:oBrw:SetFocus() )
      MENUITEM "E&xamen" ;
         ACTION ( oCol:varput("X"),oCol:oBrw:SetFocus() )
      MENUITEM "Niet &Fit" ;
         ACTION ( oCol:varput("F"),oCol:oBrw:SetFocus() )
      MENUITEM "&Clear" ;
         ACTION ( oCol:varput(" "),oCol:oBrw:SetFocus() )


return oPop

Marc Venken
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Re: Simple conversion with array gives me problems

Postby nageswaragunupudi » Fri Jul 28, 2017 6:35 pm

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  MENU oPop POPUP 2007

      for i = 1 to len( aTrainingen )

         //MENUITEM oItem ACTION oCol:VarPut( oMenuItem:Cargo )  // wrong
         MENUITEM oItem PROMPT aTrainingen[ i, 1 ] ACTION oCol:VarPut( oMenuItem:Cargo )
          oItem:Cargo := aTrainingen[ i, 2 ]


G. N. Rao.
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Re: Simple conversion with array gives me problems

Postby gkuhnert » Fri Jul 28, 2017 7:25 pm

Mr. Rao, Marc

with that code I get an error message:
Error description: Error BASE/1005 Class: 'NIL' has no property: CARGO

in the line
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oItem:Cargo := aTrainingen[ i, 2 ]

but this seems to be working:

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  MENU oPop POPUP 2007

        for i = 1 to len(aTrainingen)
            MENUITEM aTrainingen[i,1] BLOCK Blockify(i, oCol, aTrainingen)



Code: Select all  Expand view
STATIC FUNCTION Blockify(i, oCol, aTrainingen)
return { || oCol:varput(aTrainingen[i,2]),oCol:oBrw:SetFocus() }
Best Regards,

Gilbert Kuhnert
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Re: Simple conversion with array gives me problems

Postby nageswaragunupudi » Fri Jul 28, 2017 7:39 pm

with that code I get an error message:
Error description: Error BASE/1005 Class: 'NIL' has no property: CARGO

Sorry. Please use my corrected code.

Well, your code anyway has to work, because it uses detached locals. I wanted to provide a much simpler solution.

G. N. Rao.
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Re: Simple conversion with array gives me problems

Postby Marc Venken » Sat Jul 29, 2017 9:36 am

Thanks for all the solutions.

I go for the easy of Mr. Rao :wink:

But thanks for you all, because now, and afther looking for the "detached locals technicque" in the forum, I know where the problem came from, and knowing the problem is half of the work done !!!
Marc Venken
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