- Code: Select all Expand view RUN
- OVERRIDE METHOD BuildButtonBar IN CLASS TPreview WITH PreviewButtonBarNew
Function PreviewButtonBarNew()
return nil
at init it seem run ok then when I wish use zoom or two pages it make error
Cristobal sad me to insert a function to set the lRebar variable
- Code: Select all Expand view RUN
Function SetGetlRebar( lVal )
if !Empty( lVal ) .and Valtype( lVal ) = "L"
lRebar := lVal
Return lRebar
and use it on my function
- Code: Select all Expand view RUN
- Function PreviewButtonBarNew()
local oImageList, oReBar, oBar, oHand, uRet, oBtn
local Self := HB_QSelf()
local lRebar := .t.
SetGetlRebar( .T. )
if lRebar
but it have the same error
someone can help me please